blob: b7ec0c11076d46b9b18bbbfbcf6b02ae6b0c07b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/views/view_model.h"
class Tab;
// StackedTabStripLayout is used by TabStrip in touch
// mode. StackedTabStripLayout is responsible for managing the bounds of the
// tabs. StackedTabStripLayout differs from the normal layout in that it stacks
// tabs. Stacked tabs are tabs placed nearly on top of each other, and if enough
// consecutive stacked tabs exist they are placed on top of each other. Normally
// stacked tabs are placed after pinned tabs, or at the end of the tabstrip, but
// during dragging tabs may be stacked before or after the active tab.
class StackedTabStripLayout {
static const int kAddTypePinned = 1 << 0;
static const int kAddTypeActive = 1 << 1;
// |size| is the size for tabs, |overlap| the overlap between consecutive
// tabs, |stacked_padding| the padding between stacked tabs,
// |max_stacked_count| the maximum number of consecutive tabs that can be
// stacked before they are placed on top of each other, |view_model| is the
// ViewModel the bounds of the tabs are placed in.
StackedTabStripLayout(const gfx::Size& size,
int overlap,
int stacked_padding,
int max_stacked_count,
views::ViewModelBase* view_model);
StackedTabStripLayout(const StackedTabStripLayout&) = delete;
StackedTabStripLayout& operator=(const StackedTabStripLayout&) = delete;
// Sets the x-coordinate the normal tabs start at as well as the pinned tab
// count. This is only useful if the pinned tab count or x-coordinate change.
void SetXAndPinnedCount(int x, int pinned_tab_count);
// Sets the width available for sizing the tabs to.
void SetWidth(int width);
// Sets the index of the active tab.
void SetActiveIndex(int index);
// Drags the active tab.
void DragActiveTab(int delta);
// Makes sure the tabs fill the available width. Used after a drag operation
// completes.
void SizeToFit();
// Adds a new tab at the specified index. |add_types| is a bitmask of
// kAddType*. |start_x| is the new x-coordinate non-pinned tabs start at.
void AddTab(int index, int add_types, int start_x);
// Removes the tab at the specified index. |start_x| is the new x-coordinate
// normal tabs start at, and |old_x| the old x-coordinate of the tab.
// ViewModel should already have been updated before calling this.
void RemoveTab(int index, int start_x, int old_x);
// Moves the tab from |from| to |to|. |new_active_index| is the index of the
// currently active tab.
void MoveTab(int from,
int to,
int new_active_index,
int start_x,
int pinned_tab_count);
// Returns the active index as used by this class. The active index dictates
// stacking and what tabs are visible. As pinned tabs are never stacked,
// StackedTabStripLayout forces the active index to be in the normal tabs.
int active_index() const {
return active_index_ < pinned_tab_count_ ? pinned_tab_count_
: active_index_;
int pinned_tab_count() const { return pinned_tab_count_; }
// Returns true if the tab at index is stacked.
bool IsStacked(int index) const;
// Sets the X coordinate of the active tab as close to |x| as possible.
void SetActiveTabLocation(int x);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
std::string BoundsString() const;
friend class StackedTabStripLayoutTest;
// Sets the x-coordinate normal tabs start at, width, pinned tab count, and
// active index.
void Reset(int x, int width, int pinned_tab_count, int active_index);
// Resets to an ideal layout state.
void ResetToIdealState();
// Makes all tabs between the active tab and |index| (inclusive) visible. If
// this is not possible, then |index| is made visible and a stack forms
// immediately to the right of the active tab. This is used when a new tab is
// added that isn't active.
void MakeVisible(int index);
// Returns the x-coordinate for the active tab constrained by the current tab
// count.
int ConstrainActiveX(int x) const;
// Reset the bounds of the active tab (based on ConstrainActiveX()) and resets
// the bounds of the remaining tabs by way of LayoutUsingCurrent*.
void SetActiveBoundsAndLayoutFromActiveTab();
// Sets the bounds of the tabs after |index| relative to the position of the
// tab at |index|. Each tab is placed tab_offset() pixels after the previous
// tab, stacking as necessary.
void LayoutByTabOffsetAfter(int index);
// Same as LayoutByTabOffsetAfter(), but iterates toward
// |pinned_tab_count_|.
void LayoutByTabOffsetBefore(int index);
// Similar to LayoutByTabOffsetAfter(), but uses the current x-coordinate
// if possible.
void LayoutUsingCurrentAfter(int index);
void LayoutUsingCurrentBefore(int index);
void PushTabsAfter(int index, int delta);
void PushTabsBefore(int index, int delta);
// Does a layout for drag. Similar to LayoutUsingCurrentXXX() but does not
// contrain. Used when dragging the active tab.
void LayoutForDragAfter(int index);
void LayoutForDragBefore(int index);
// Used when the tabs are stacked at one side. The remaining tabs are stacked
// against the |active_index()|. |delta| is the amount of space to resize the
// the tabs by.
void ExpandTabsBefore(int index, int delta);
void ExpandTabsAfter(int index, int delta);
// Adjusts the stacked tabs so that if there are more than
// |max_stacked_count_| tabs, the set > max_stacked_count_ have an
// x-coordinate of |x_|. Similarly those at the end have the same x-coordinate
// and are pushed all the way to the right.
void AdjustStackedTabs();
void AdjustLeadingStackedTabs();
void AdjustTrailingStackedTabs();
// Sets the bounds of the tab at |index|.
void SetIdealBoundsAt(int index, int x);
// Returns the min x-coordinate for the sepcified index. This is calculated
// assuming all the tabs before |index| are stacked.
int GetMinX(int index) const;
// Returns the max x-coordinate for the speficifed index. This is calculated
// assuming all the tabs after |index| are stacked.
int GetMaxX(int index) const;
// Used when dragging to get the min/max coodinate.
int GetMinDragX(int index) const;
int GetMaxDragX(int index) const;
// Returns the min x-coordinate for the tab at |index|. This is relative
// to the |active_index()| and is only useful when the active tab is pushed
// against the left side.
int GetMinXCompressed(int index) const;
// Width needed to display |count| tabs.
int width_for_count(int count) const {
return (count * size_.width()) - (std::max(count - 1, 0) * overlap_);
// Padding needed for |count| stacked tabs.
int stacked_padding_for_count(int count) const {
return std::min(count, max_stacked_count_) * stacked_padding_;
// Max stacked padding.
int max_stacked_width() const {
return stacked_padding_ * max_stacked_count_;
int ideal_x(int index) const { return view_model_->ideal_bounds(index).x(); }
// Returns true if some of the tabs need to be stacked.
bool requires_stacking() const {
return tab_count() != pinned_tab_count_ &&
x_ + width_for_count(tab_count() - pinned_tab_count_) > width_;
// Number of tabs.
int tab_count() const { return view_model_->view_size(); }
// Number of normal (non-pinned) tabs.
int normal_tab_count() const { return tab_count() - pinned_tab_count_; }
// Distance from the start of one tab to the next.
int tab_offset() const { return size_.width() - overlap_; }
// Size of tabs.
const gfx::Size size_;
// Overlap between tabs.
const int overlap_;
// Padding between stacked tabs.
const int stacked_padding_;
// Max number of stacked tabs.
const int max_stacked_count_;
// Where bounds are placed. This is owned by TabStrip.
// (Note: This is a ViewModelBase, not a ViewModelT<Tab>, because the tests do
// not populate the model with Tab views.)
views::ViewModelBase* view_model_;
// X coordinate of the first tab.
int first_tab_x_ = 0;
// X coordinate normal tabs start at. If there are no pinned tabs, this is
// equal to |first_tab_x_|.
int x_ = 0;
// Available width.
int width_ = 0;
// Number of pinned tabs.
int pinned_tab_count_ = 0;
// Distance from the last pinned tab to the first non-pinned tab.
int pinned_tab_to_non_pinned_tab_ = 0;
// Index of the active tab.
int active_index_ = -1;