blob: 90958b5eeceac7acf78318486c1a6c91d2453bf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/metrics_util.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/compositor/throughput_tracker.h"
namespace views {
class Widget;
// Records metrics around the number and duration of hover cards and hover card
// images that the user sees.
class TabHoverCardMetrics {
// Proxy for the hover card controller that can be stubbed out during tests.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate();
// Returns the number of tabs. Provided by the delegate so we don't need a
// live browser to get the tab count in tests.
virtual size_t GetTabCount() const = 0;
// Returns true if preview images are enabled.
virtual bool ArePreviewsEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns the hover card widget, or nullptr if none. Can be stubbed to
// return nullptr for tests (low-level performance metrics may not be
// recorded).
virtual views::Widget* GetHoverCardWidget() = 0;
// Use an immutable, opaque pointer to tabs because these pointers could
// become stale so we should not attempt to dereference them.
using TabHandle = const void*;
// Histogram names:
static const char kHistogramPrefixHoverCardsSeenBeforeSelection[];
static const char kHistogramPrefixPreviewsSeenBeforeSelection[];
static const char kHistogramPrefixTabHoverCardTime[];
static const char kHistogramPrefixTabPreviewTime[];
static const char kHistogramPrefixLastTabHoverCardTime[];
static const char kHistogramPrefixLastTabPreviewTime[];
static const char kHistogramTimeSinceLastVisible[];
explicit TabHoverCardMetrics(Delegate* delegate);
TabHoverCardMetrics(const TabHoverCardMetrics& other) = delete;
void operator=(const TabHoverCardMetrics& other) = delete;
void TabSelectionChanged();
void InitialCardBeingShown();
void CardFadingIn();
void CardWillBeHidden();
void CardFadingOut();
void CardFadeComplete();
void CardFadeCanceled();
// Notes that a card becomes fully visible or lands on `tab`. Set
// `has_preview` to true if there is already a preview image loaded for the
// tab.
void CardFullyVisibleOnTab(TabHandle tab, bool has_preview);
// Note that an image was shown for |tab|.
void ImageLoadedForTab(TabHandle tab);
// Records the number of cards seen before a mouse selection. Should be called
// when the mouse is clicked on a tab, but before the selection is committed.
void TabSelectedViaMouse(TabHandle tab);
int cards_seen_count() const { return cards_seen_count_; }
int images_seen_count() const { return images_seen_count_; }
// Replacement for tab_count_metrics::BucketForTabCount() which reduces the
// number of buckets, especially at the low end.
static size_t GetBucketForTabCount(size_t tab_count);
// Replacement for tab_count_metrics::HistogramName() which reduces the
// number of buckets, especially at the low end.
static std::string GetBucketHistogramName(const std::string& prefix,
size_t bucket);
// Clears all data for a fresh set of metrics.
void Reset();
void RecordTabTimeMetrics();
int cards_seen_count_ = 0;
int images_seen_count_ = 0;
base::TimeTicks last_tab_time_;
base::TimeTicks last_image_time_;
// Timestamp of the last time a hover card was visible, recorded before it is
// hidden. This is used for metrics.
base::TimeTicks last_visible_timestamp_;
// Keep this as an opaque pointer to avoid the temptation to dereference it;
// there's a chance it could be dead.
TabHandle last_tab_ = TabHandle();
// The last tab we have times for. This helps us know after a fade-out caused
// by a tab selection which tab |last_tab_time| and |last_image_time| are for.
TabHandle times_for_last_tab_ = TabHandle();
absl::optional<ui::ThroughputTracker> throughput_tracker_;
// TOOD(dfried): in future, change this to a delegate object in order to be
// able to test it in isolation.
Delegate* const delegate_;