blob: 39d50beac56ffffbe08d23abb07dc5ebb2351a5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "components/prefs/prefs_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/federated_learning/floc.mojom-forward.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace federated_learning {
// ID used to represent a cohort of people with similar browsing habits. For
// more context, see the explainer at
class FlocId {
enum class Status {
kValid = 0,
// The default invalid reason that a fresh profile comes with. An
// outstanding cohort can also have this state after a prefs update where
// the previous reason is unknown or ambiguous.
kInvalidNoStatusPrefs = 1,
// The cohort computation is ready to run, but is waiting for other signals
// to start (e.g. sorting-lsh file is ready).
kInvalidWaitingToStart = 2,
kInvalidDisallowedByUserSettings = 3,
kInvalidNotEnoughElgibleHistoryDomains = 4,
// Set if the sorting-lsh process returns an empty hash value. This often
// implies that the cohort is blocked, but in principle can also be due to
// file sanitization errors.
// TODO(yaoxia): consider distinguishing between the underlying reasons.
kInvalidBlocked = 5,
kInvalidHistoryDeleted = 6,
// This reason is set when the user deletes cookies or resets cohort through
// a dedicated FLoC settings page until it's time to calculate at the next
// epoch.
kInvalidReset = 7,
static uint64_t SimHashHistory(
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& domains);
// Create an invalid floc. The `finch_config_version_` and the `compute_time_`
// will be set to the current.
static FlocId CreateInvalid(Status status);
// Create a newly computed and valid floc. The `finch_config_version_` and
// the `compute_time_` will be set to the current.
static FlocId CreateValid(uint64_t id,
base::Time history_begin_time,
base::Time history_end_time,
uint32_t sorting_lsh_version);
FlocId(const FlocId& id);
FlocId& operator=(const FlocId& id);
FlocId& operator=(FlocId&& id);
bool operator==(const FlocId& other) const;
bool operator!=(const FlocId& other) const;
// True if the floc is successfully computed and hasn't been invalidated
// since the last computation. Note that an invalid FlocId still often has a
// legitimate compute time and finch config version, unless it's read from a
// fresh profile prefs.
bool IsValid() const;
// Get the blink::mojom::InterestCohort representation of this floc, with
// being "<id>" and interest_cohort.version being
// "chrome.<finch_config_version>.<sorting_lsh_version>". This is the format
// to be exposed to the JS API. Precondition: the floc must be valid.
blink::mojom::InterestCohortPtr ToInterestCohortForJsApi() const;
// Returns the internal uint64_t number. Precondition: the floc must be valid.
uint64_t ToUint64() const;
Status status() const { return status_; }
base::Time history_begin_time() const { return history_begin_time_; }
base::Time history_end_time() const { return history_end_time_; }
uint32_t finch_config_version() const { return finch_config_version_; }
uint32_t sorting_lsh_version() const { return sorting_lsh_version_; }
base::Time compute_time() const { return compute_time_; }
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
void SaveToPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
static FlocId ReadFromPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
// Update `status_` and the corresponding prefs entry. This can be used to
// invalidate the floc or to assign a new invalid reason.
void UpdateStatusAndSaveToPrefs(PrefService* prefs, Status status);
// Resets `compute_time_` to provided `compute_time` and saves it to prefs.
// This should at least be called if the floc compute timer is reset, to
// ensure that the compute cycle continues at the expected frequency.
void ResetComputeTimeAndSaveToPrefs(base::Time compute_time,
PrefService* prefs);
friend class FlocIdTester;
// Create a floc with stated params. This will only be used to create a floc
// read from prefs.
explicit FlocId(uint64_t id,
Status status,
base::Time history_begin_time,
base::Time history_end_time,
uint32_t finch_config_version,
uint32_t sorting_lsh_version,
base::Time compute_time);
uint64_t id_ = 0;
Status status_;
// The time range of the actual history used to compute the floc. This should
// always be within the time range of each history query.
base::Time history_begin_time_;
base::Time history_end_time_;
// The kFlocIdFinchConfigVersion feature param. When floc is loaded from
// prefs, this could be different from the current feature param state.
uint32_t finch_config_version_ = 0;
// The main version (i.e. 1st int) of the sorting lsh component version.
uint32_t sorting_lsh_version_ = 0;
// The time when the floc was computed. compute_time_.is_null() means the
// floc has never been computed before, and implies that the floc is also
// invalid.
base::Time compute_time_;
} // namespace federated_learning