blob: 9c124d958a86193d251bb354a8c1780e22d73da3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/configure_reason.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_encryption_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_engine.h"
namespace syncer {
class CryptoSyncPrefs;
// This class functions as mostly independent component of SyncService that
// handles things related to encryption, including holding lots of state and
// encryption communications with the sync thread.
class SyncServiceCrypto : public SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer {
const base::RepeatingClosure& notify_observers,
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(ConfigureReason)>& reconfigure,
CryptoSyncPrefs* sync_prefs);
~SyncServiceCrypto() override;
void Reset();
// See the SyncService header.
base::Time GetExplicitPassphraseTime() const;
bool IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase() const;
void EnableEncryptEverything();
bool IsEncryptEverythingEnabled() const;
void SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase);
bool SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase);
// Returns the actual passphrase type being used for encryption.
PassphraseType GetPassphraseType() const;
// Returns true if encrypting all the sync data is allowed. If this method
// returns false, EnableEncryptEverything() should not be called.
bool IsEncryptEverythingAllowed() const;
// Sets whether encrypting all the sync data is allowed or not.
void SetEncryptEverythingAllowed(bool allowed);
// Returns the current set of encrypted data types.
ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedDataTypes() const;
// SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer implementation.
void OnPassphraseRequired(
PassphraseRequiredReason reason,
const KeyDerivationParams& key_derivation_params,
const sync_pb::EncryptedData& pending_keys) override;
void OnPassphraseAccepted() override;
void OnBootstrapTokenUpdated(const std::string& bootstrap_token,
BootstrapTokenType type) override;
void OnEncryptedTypesChanged(ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
bool encrypt_everything) override;
void OnEncryptionComplete() override;
void OnCryptographerStateChanged(Cryptographer* cryptographer) override;
void OnPassphraseTypeChanged(PassphraseType type,
base::Time passphrase_time) override;
// Used to provide the engine when it is initialized.
void SetSyncEngine(SyncEngine* engine) { state_.engine = engine; }
// Creates a proxy observer object that will post calls to this thread.
std::unique_ptr<SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer> GetEncryptionObserverProxy();
// Takes the previously saved nigori state; null if there isn't any.
std::unique_ptr<SyncEncryptionHandler::NigoriState> TakeSavedNigoriState();
PassphraseRequiredReason passphrase_required_reason() const {
return state_.passphrase_required_reason;
bool encryption_pending() const { return state_.encryption_pending; }
// Calls SyncServiceBase::NotifyObservers(). Never null.
const base::RepeatingClosure notify_observers_;
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(ConfigureReason)> reconfigure_;
// A pointer to the crypto-relevant sync prefs. Never null and guaranteed to
// outlive us.
CryptoSyncPrefs* const sync_prefs_;
// All the mutable state is wrapped in a struct so that it can be easily
// reset to its default values.
struct State {
State& operator=(State&& other) = default;
// Not-null when the engine is initialized.
SyncEngine* engine = nullptr;
// Was the last SYNC_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED notification sent because it
// was required for encryption, decryption with a cached passphrase, or
// because a new passphrase is required?
PassphraseRequiredReason passphrase_required_reason =
// The current set of encrypted types. Always a superset of
// Cryptographer::SensitiveTypes().
ModelTypeSet encrypted_types = SyncEncryptionHandler::SensitiveTypes();
// Whether encrypting everything is allowed.
bool encrypt_everything_allowed = true;
// Whether we want to encrypt everything.
bool encrypt_everything = false;
// Whether we're waiting for an attempt to encryption all sync data to
// complete. We track this at this layer in order to allow the user to
// cancel if they e.g. don't remember their explicit passphrase.
bool encryption_pending = false;
// Nigori state after user switching to custom passphrase, saved until
// transition steps complete. It will be injected into new engine after sync
// restart.
std::unique_ptr<SyncEncryptionHandler::NigoriState> saved_nigori_state;
// We cache the cryptographer's pending keys whenever
// NotifyPassphraseRequired is called. This way, before the UI calls
// SetDecryptionPassphrase on the syncer, it can avoid the overhead of an
// asynchronous decryption call and give the user immediate feedback about
// the passphrase entered by first trying to decrypt the cached pending keys
// on the UI thread. Note that SetDecryptionPassphrase can still fail after
// the cached pending keys are successfully decrypted if the pending keys
// have changed since the time they were cached.
sync_pb::EncryptedData cached_pending_keys;
// The state of the passphrase required to decrypt the bag of encryption
// keys in the nigori node. Updated whenever a new nigori node arrives or
// the user manually changes their passphrase state. Cached so we can
// synchronously check it from the UI thread.
PassphraseType cached_passphrase_type = PassphraseType::IMPLICIT_PASSPHRASE;
// The key derivation params for the passphrase. We save them when we
// receive a passphrase required event, as they are a necessary piece of
// information to be able to properly perform a decryption attempt, and we
// want to be able to synchronously do that from the UI thread. For
// passphrase types other than CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE, their key derivation
// method will always be PBKDF2.
KeyDerivationParams passphrase_key_derivation_params;
// If an explicit passphrase is in use, the time at which the passphrase was
// first set (if available).
base::Time cached_explicit_passphrase_time;
} state_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncServiceCrypto> weak_factory_;
} // namespace syncer