blob: ab43d9a3df6beec6d1396e4101b2578313995980 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service_utils.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "components/sync/base/sync_prefs.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_user_settings.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/cycle/sync_cycle_snapshot.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
namespace syncer {
UploadState GetUploadToGoogleState(const SyncService* sync_service,
ModelType type) {
// Note: Before configuration is done, GetPreferredDataTypes returns
// "everything" (i.e. the default setting). If a data type is missing there,
// it must be because the user explicitly disabled it.
if (!sync_service || sync_service->IsLocalSyncEnabled() ||
!sync_service->CanSyncFeatureStart() ||
!sync_service->GetPreferredDataTypes().Has(type)) {
return UploadState::NOT_ACTIVE;
// If the given ModelType is encrypted with a custom passphrase, we also
// consider uploading inactive, since Google can't read the data.
// Note that encryption is tricky: Some data types (e.g. PASSWORDS) are always
// encrypted, but not necessarily with a custom passphrase. On the other hand,
// some data types are never encrypted (e.g. DEVICE_INFO), even if the
// "encrypt everything" setting is enabled.
if (sync_service->GetUserSettings()->GetEncryptedDataTypes().Has(type) &&
sync_service->GetUserSettings()->IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()) {
return UploadState::NOT_ACTIVE;
// Persistent auth errors always map to NOT_ACTIVE. For transient errors, we
// give the benefit of the doubt and may still say we're INITIALIZING.
if (sync_service->GetAuthError().IsPersistentError()) {
return UploadState::NOT_ACTIVE;
switch (sync_service->GetTransportState()) {
case SyncService::TransportState::DISABLED:
return UploadState::NOT_ACTIVE;
case SyncService::TransportState::START_DEFERRED:
case SyncService::TransportState::INITIALIZING:
case SyncService::TransportState::PENDING_DESIRED_CONFIGURATION:
case SyncService::TransportState::CONFIGURING:
return UploadState::INITIALIZING;
case SyncService::TransportState::ACTIVE:
// If sync is active, but the data type in question still isn't, then
// something must have gone wrong with that data type.
if (!sync_service->GetActiveDataTypes().Has(type)) {
return UploadState::NOT_ACTIVE;
if (sync_service->GetAuthError().IsTransientError()) {
return UploadState::INITIALIZING;
// TODO( We currently need to wait for
// GetLastCycleSnapshot to return an initialized snapshot because we don't
// actually know if the token is valid until sync has tried it. This is
// bad because sync can take arbitrarily long to try the token (especially
// if the user doesn't have history sync enabled). Instead, if the
// identity code would persist persistent auth errors, we could read those
// from startup.
if (!sync_service->GetLastCycleSnapshot().is_initialized()) {
return UploadState::INITIALIZING;
return UploadState::ACTIVE;
return UploadState::NOT_ACTIVE;
void RecordSyncEvent(SyncEventCodes code) {
} // namespace syncer