blob: b14beb9abdbaf384605765dcabd60f1b44f3f731 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
using StatusCodeType = int32_t;
// TODO(tmathmeyer, liberato, xhwang) These numbers are not yet finalized:
// DO NOT use them for reporting statistics, and DO NOT report them to any
// user-facing feature, including media log.
// Codes are grouped with a bitmask:
// └─┬┘├┘└┴ enumeration within the group
// │ └─ group code
// └─ reserved for now
// 256 groups is more than anyone will ever need on a computer.
enum class StatusCode : StatusCodeType {
kOk = 0,
// General errors: 0x00
kAborted = 0x00000001,
kInvalidArgument = 0x00000002,
kKeyFrameRequired = 0x00000003,
// Decoder Errors: 0x01
kDecoderInitializeNeverCompleted = 0x00000101,
kDecoderFailedDecode = 0x00000102,
kDecoderUnsupportedProfile = 0x00000103,
kDecoderUnsupportedCodec = 0x00000104,
kDecoderUnsupportedConfig = 0x00000105,
kEncryptedContentUnsupported = 0x00000106,
kClearContentUnsupported = 0x00000107,
kDecoderMissingCdmForEncryptedContent = 0x00000108,
kDecoderInitializationFailed = 0x00000109, // Prefer this one.
kDecoderFailedInitialization = kDecoderInitializationFailed, // Do not use.
kDecoderCantChangeCodec = 0x0000010A,
kDecoderCreationFailed = 0x0000010B, // Prefer this one.
kDecoderFailedCreation = kDecoderCreationFailed, // Do not use.
kInitializationUnspecifiedFailure = 0x0000010C,
kDecoderVideoFrameConstructionFailed = 0x0000010D,
kMakeContextCurrentFailed = 0x0000010E,
// This is a temporary error for use only by existing code during the
// DecodeStatus => Status conversion.
kDecodeErrorDoNotUse = 0x0000010F,
// Windows Errors: 0x02
kWindowsWrappedHresult = 0x00000201,
kWindowsApiNotAvailible = 0x00000202,
kWindowsD3D11Error = 0x00000203,
// D3D11VideoDecoder Errors: 0x03
kPostTextureFailed = 0x00000301,
kPostAcquireStreamFailed = 0x00000302,
kCreateEglStreamFailed = 0x00000303,
kCreateEglStreamConsumerFailed = 0x00000304,
kCreateEglStreamProducerFailed = 0x00000305,
kCreateTextureSelectorFailed = 0x00000306,
kQueryID3D11MultithreadFailed = 0x00000307,
kGetDecoderConfigCountFailed = 0x00000308,
kGetDecoderConfigFailed = 0x00000309,
kProcessTextureFailed = 0x0000030A,
kUnsupportedTextureFormatForBind = 0x0000030B,
kCreateDecoderOutputViewFailed = 0x0000030C,
kAllocateTextureForCopyingWrapperFailed = 0x0000030D,
kCreateDecoderOutputTextureFailed = 0x0000030E,
kCreateVideoProcessorInputViewFailed = 0x0000030F,
kVideoProcessorBltFailed = 0x00000310,
kCreateVideoProcessorOutputViewFailed = 0x00000311,
kCreateVideoProcessorEnumeratorFailed = 0x00000312,
kCreateVideoProcessorFailed = 0x00000313,
kQueryVideoContextFailed = 0x00000314,
kAcceleratorFlushFailed = 0x00000315,
kTryAgainNotSupported = 0x00000316,
kCryptoConfigFailed = 0x00000317,
kDecoderBeginFrameFailed = 0x00000318,
kReleaseDecoderBufferFailed = 0x00000319,
kGetPicParamBufferFailed = 0x00000320,
kReleasePicParamBufferFailed = 0x00000321,
kGetBitstreamBufferFailed = 0x00000322,
kReleaseBitstreamBufferFailed = 0x00000323,
kGetSliceControlBufferFailed = 0x00000324,
kReleaseSliceControlBufferFailed = 0x00000325,
kDecoderEndFrameFailed = 0x00000326,
kSubmitDecoderBuffersFailed = 0x00000327,
kGetQuantBufferFailed = 0x00000328,
kReleaseQuantBufferFailed = 0x00000329,
kBitstreamBufferSliceTooBig = 0x00000330,
kCreateSharedImageFailed = 0x00000331,
// MojoDecoder Errors: 0x04
kMojoDecoderNoWrappedDecoder = 0x00000401,
kMojoDecoderStoppedBeforeInitDone = 0x00000402,
kMojoDecoderUnsupported = 0x00000403,
kMojoDecoderNoConnection = 0x00000404,
kMojoDecoderDeletedWithoutInitialization = 0x00000405,
// Chromeos Errors: 0x05
kChromeOSVideoDecoderNoDecoders = 0x00000501,
kV4l2NoDevice = 0x00000502,
kV4l2FailedToStopStreamQueue = 0x00000503,
kV4l2NoDecoder = 0x00000504,
kV4l2FailedFileCapabilitiesCheck = 0x00000505,
kV4l2FailedResourceAllocation = 0x00000506,
kV4l2BadFormat = 0x00000507,
kV4L2FailedToStartStreamQueue = 0x00000508,
kVaapiReinitializedDuringDecode = 0x00000509,
kVaapiFailedAcceleratorCreation = 0x00000510,
// Encoder Error: 0x06
kEncoderInitializeNeverCompleted = 0x00000601,
kEncoderInitializeTwice = 0x00000602,
kEncoderFailedEncode = 0x00000603,
kEncoderUnsupportedProfile = 0x00000604,
kEncoderUnsupportedCodec = 0x00000605,
kEncoderUnsupportedConfig = 0x00000606,
kEncoderInitializationError = 0x00000607,
kEncoderFailedFlush = 0x00000608,
// VaapiVideoDecoder: 0x07
kVaapiBadContext = 0x00000701,
kVaapiNoBuffer = 0x00000702,
kVaapiNoBufferHandle = 0x00000703,
kVaapiNoPixmap = 0x00000704,
kVaapiNoImage = 0x00000705,
kVaapiNoSurface = 0x00000706,
kVaapiFailedToInitializeImage = 0x00000707,
kVaapiFailedToBindTexture = 0x00000708,
kVaapiFailedToBindImage = 0x00000709,
kVaapiUnsupportedFormat = 0x0000070A,
kVaapiFailedToExportImage = 0x0000070B,
kVaapiBadImageSize = 0x0000070C,
kVaapiNoTexture = 0x0000070D,
// Format Errors: 0x08
kH264ParsingError = 0x00000801,
kH264BufferTooSmall = 0x00000802,
// Pipeline Errors: 0x09
// Deprecated: kPipelineErrorUrlNotFound = 0x00000901,
kPipelineErrorNetwork = 0x00000902,
kPipelineErrorDecode = 0x00000903,
// Deprecated: kPipelineErrorDecrypt = 0x00000904,
kPipelineErrorAbort = 0x00000905,
kPipelineErrorInitializationFailed = 0x00000906,
// Unused: 0x00000907
kPipelineErrorCouldNotRender = 0x00000908,
kPipelineErrorRead = 0x00000909,
// Deprecated: kPipelineErrorOperationPending = 0x0000090a,
kPipelineErrorInvalidState = 0x0000090b,
// Demuxer related errors.
kPipelineErrorDemuxerErrorCouldNotOpen = 0x0000090c,
kPipelineErrorDemuxerErrorCouldNotParse = 0x0000090d,
kPipelineErrorDemuxerErrorNoSupportedStreams = 0x0000090e,
// Decoder related errors.
kPipelineErrorDecoderErrorNotSupported = 0x0000090f,
// ChunkDemuxer related errors.
kPipelineErrorChuckDemuxerErrorAppendFailed = 0x00000910,
kPipelineErrorChunkDemuxerErrorEosStatusDecodeError = 0x00000911,
kPipelineErrorChunkDemuxerErrorEosStatusNetworkError = 0x00000912,
// Audio rendering errors.
kPipelineErrorAudioRendererError = 0x00000913,
// Deprecated: kPipelineErrorAudioRendererErrorSpliceFailed = 0x00000914,
kPipelineErrorExternalRendererFailed = 0x00000915,
// Android only. Used as a signal to fallback MediaPlayerRenderer, and thus
// not exactly an 'error' per say.
kPipelineErrorDemuxerErrorDetectedHLS = 0x00000916,
// Used when hardware context is reset (e.g. OS sleep/resume), where we should
// recreate the Renderer instead of fail the playback. See
kPipelineErrorHardwareContextReset = 0x00000917,
// Frame operation errors: 0x0A
kUnsupportedFrameFormatError = 0x00000A01,
// DecoderStream errors: 0x0B
kDecoderStreamInErrorState = 0x00000B00,
kDecoderStreamReinitFailed = 0x00000B01,
// This is a temporary error for use while the demuxer doesn't return a
// proper status.
kDecoderStreamDemuxerError = 0x00000B02,
// DecodeStatus temporary codes. These names were chosen to match the
// DecodeStatus enum, so that un-converted code can DecodeStatus::OK/etc.
// Note that OK must result in Status::is_ok(), since converted code will
// check for it. These will be removed when the conversion is complete.
OK = kOk, // Everything went as planned.
// Read aborted due to Reset() during pending read.
ABORTED = kAborted, // Read aborted due to Reset() during pending read.
// Decoder returned decode error. Note: Prefixed by DECODE_
// since ERROR is a reserved name (special macro) on Windows.
DECODE_ERROR = kDecodeErrorDoNotUse,
// Special codes
kGenericErrorPleaseRemove = 0x79999999,
kCodeOnlyForTesting = std::numeric_limits<StatusCodeType>::max(),
kMaxValue = kCodeOnlyForTesting,
MEDIA_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StatusCode& code);
} // namespace media