blob: af2f467c1cd48dde03fdf17cc68cd572d2488739 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gl_utils.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_gles2_export.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class Buffer;
// This is a base class for indexed buffer bindings tracking.
// TransformFeedback and Program should inherit from this base class,
// for tracking indexed TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER / UNIFORM_BUFFER bindings.
class GPU_GLES2_EXPORT IndexedBufferBindingHost
: public base::RefCounted<IndexedBufferBindingHost> {
// In theory |needs_emulation| needs to be true on Desktop GL 4.1 or lower.
// However, we set it to true everywhere, not to trust drivers to handle
// out-of-bounds buffer accesses.
IndexedBufferBindingHost(uint32_t max_bindings,
GLenum target,
bool needs_emulation);
// The following two functions do state update and call the underlying GL
// function. All validations have been done already and the GL function is
// guaranteed to succeed.
void DoBindBufferBase(GLuint index, Buffer* buffer);
void DoBindBufferRange(GLuint index,
Buffer* buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size);
// This is called on the active host when glBufferData is called and buffer
// size might change.
void OnBufferData(Buffer* buffer);
void RemoveBoundBuffer(GLenum target,
Buffer* buffer,
Buffer* target_generic_bound_buffer,
bool have_context);
void SetIsBound(bool bound);
Buffer* GetBufferBinding(GLuint index) const;
// Returns |size| set by glBindBufferRange; 0 if set by glBindBufferBase.
GLsizeiptr GetBufferSize(GLuint index) const;
// For glBindBufferBase, return the actual buffer size when this function is
// called, not when glBindBufferBase is called.
// For glBindBufferRange, return the |size| set by glBindBufferRange minus
// the range that's beyond the buffer.
GLsizeiptr GetEffectiveBufferSize(GLuint index) const;
GLintptr GetBufferStart(GLuint index) const;
// This is used only for UNIFORM_BUFFER bindings in context switching.
void RestoreBindings(IndexedBufferBindingHost* prev);
// Check if |buffer| is currently bound to one of the indexed binding point
// from 0 to |used_binding_count| - 1.
bool UsesBuffer(size_t used_binding_count, const Buffer* buffer) const;
friend class base::RefCounted<IndexedBufferBindingHost>;
virtual ~IndexedBufferBindingHost();
// Whether this object is currently bound into the context.
bool is_bound_;
// Whether or not to call Buffer::OnBind/OnUnbind whenever bindings change.
// This is only necessary for WebGL contexts to implement
bool do_buffer_refcounting_;
enum IndexedBufferBindingType {
struct IndexedBufferBinding {
IndexedBufferBindingType type;
scoped_refptr<Buffer> buffer;
// The following fields are only used if |type| is kBindBufferRange.
GLintptr offset;
GLsizeiptr size;
// The full buffer size at the last successful glBindBufferRange call.
GLsizeiptr effective_full_buffer_size;
IndexedBufferBinding(const IndexedBufferBinding& other);
bool operator==(const IndexedBufferBinding& other) const;
void SetBindBufferBase(Buffer* _buffer);
void SetBindBufferRange(
Buffer* _buffer, GLintptr _offset, GLsizeiptr _size);
void Reset();
// This is called when |needs_emulation_| is true, where the range
// (offset + size) can't go beyond the buffer's size.
static void DoAdjustedBindBufferRange(
GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint service_id, GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size, GLsizeiptr full_buffer_size);
void UpdateMaxNonNullBindingIndex(size_t changed_index);
std::vector<IndexedBufferBinding> buffer_bindings_;
bool needs_emulation_;
// This is used for optimization purpose in context switching.
size_t max_non_null_binding_index_plus_one_;
// The GL binding point that this host manages
GLenum target_;
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu