blob: 48f833f4fcc2a82bdedca801283d46386a6c47a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
// A macro to call InstanceHolder<T>::GetInstanceForVersionDoNotCallDirectly().
// In order to avoid exposing method names from within the Mojo bindings, we
// will rely on stringification and the fact that the method min versions have a
// consistent naming scheme.
#define ARC_GET_INSTANCE_FOR_METHOD(holder, method_name) \
(holder)->GetInstanceForVersionDoNotCallDirectly( \
std::remove_pointer<decltype( \
holder)>::type::Instance::k##method_name##MinVersion, \
namespace arc {
// Holds a Mojo instance+version pair. This also allows for listening for state
// changes for the particular instance. T should be a Mojo interface type
// (arc::mojom::XxxInstance).
template <typename T>
class InstanceHolder {
// Notifies about connection events for individual instances.
class Observer {
// Called once the instance is ready.
virtual void OnInstanceReady() {}
// Called when the connection to the instance is closed.
virtual void OnInstanceClosed() {}
virtual ~Observer() = default;
using Instance = T;
InstanceHolder() = default;
// Returns true if the Mojo interface is ready at least for its version 0
// interface. Use an Observer if you want to be notified when this is ready.
// This can only be called on the thread that this class was created on.
bool has_instance() const { return instance_; }
// Gets the Mojo interface that's intended to call for
// |method_name_for_logging|, but only if its reported version is at least
// |min_version|. Returns nullptr if the instance is either not ready or does
// not have the requested version, and logs appropriately.
// This function should not be called directly. Instead, use the
T* GetInstanceForVersionDoNotCallDirectly(
uint32_t min_version,
const char method_name_for_logging[]) {
if (!instance_) {
VLOG(1) << "Instance " << T::Name_ << " not available.";
return nullptr;
if (version_ < min_version) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Instance for " << T::Name_
<< "::" << method_name_for_logging
<< " version mismatch. Expected " << min_version << " got "
<< version_;
return nullptr;
return instance_;
// Adds or removes observers. This can only be called on the thread that this
// class was created on. RemoveObserver does nothing if |observer| is not in
// the list.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
if (instance_)
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
// Sets |instance| with |version|.
// This can be called in both case; on ready, and on closed.
// Passing nullptr to |instance| means closing.
void SetInstance(T* instance, uint32_t version = T::Version_) {
DCHECK(instance == nullptr || instance_ == nullptr);
// Note: This can be called with nullptr even if |instance_| is still
// nullptr for just in case clean up purpose. No-op in such a case.
if (instance == instance_)
instance_ = instance;
version_ = version;
if (instance_) {
for (auto& observer : observer_list_)
} else {
for (auto& observer : observer_list_)
// This class does not have ownership. The pointers should be managed by the
// callee.
T* instance_ = nullptr;
uint32_t version_ = 0;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
} // namespace arc