blob: 9d8c98500d2da2e29e85cf74a2f9974c8f2bbdf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/previews/core/previews_experiments.h"
#include "components/previews/core/previews_opt_out_store.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class Clock;
namespace previews {
class PreviewsBlackListItem;
enum class PreviewsEligibilityReason {
// The preview navigation was allowed.
// The black list was not initialized.
// The black list has not loaded from disk yet.
// The user has opted out of a preview recently.
// The user has opted out of previews often, and is no longer shown previews
// on any host.
// The user has opted out of previews on a specific host often, and was not
// not shown a previews on that host.
// The network quality estimate is not available.
// The network was fast enough to not warrant previews.
// If the page was reloaded, the user should not be shown a stale preview.
// The host is explicitly blacklisted by the server, so the user was not shown
// a preview.
LAST = 9,
// Manages the state of black listed domains for the previews experiment. Loads
// the stored black list from |opt_out_store| and manages an in memory black
// list on the IO thread. Updates to the black list are stored in memory and
// pushed to the store. Asynchronous modifications are stored in a queue and
// executed in order. Reading from the black list is always synchronous, and if
// the black list is not currently loaded (e.g., at startup, after clearing
// browsing history), domains are reported as black listed. The list stores no
// more than previews::params::MaxInMemoryHostsInBlackList hosts in-memory,
// which defaults to 100.
class PreviewsBlackList {
// |opt_out_store| is the backing store to retrieve and store black list
// information, and can be null. When |opt_out_store| is null, the in-memory
// map will be immediately loaded to empty. If |opt_out_store| is non-null,
// it will be used to load the in-memory map asynchronously.
PreviewsBlackList(std::unique_ptr<PreviewsOptOutStore> opt_out_store,
std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock);
// Asynchronously adds a new navigation to to the in-memory black list and
// backing store. |opt_out| is whether the user opted out of the preview or
// navigated away from the page without opting out. |type| is only passed to
// the backing store. If the in memory map has reached the max number of hosts
// allowed, and |url| is a new host, a host will be evicted based on recency
// of the hosts most recent opt out.
void AddPreviewNavigation(const GURL& url, bool opt_out, PreviewsType type);
// Synchronously determines if |host_name| should be allowed to show previews.
// Returns the reason the blacklist disallowed the preview, or
// PreviewsEligibilityReason::ALLOWED if the preview is allowed.
PreviewsEligibilityReason IsLoadedAndAllowed(const GURL& url,
PreviewsType type) const;
// Asynchronously deletes all entries in the in-memory black list. Informs
// the backing store to delete entries between |begin_time| and |end_time|,
// and reloads entries into memory from the backing store. If the embedder
// passed in a null store, resets all history in the in-memory black list.
void ClearBlackList(base::Time begin_time, base::Time end_time);
// Returns a new PreviewsBlackListItem representing |host_name|. Adds the new
// item to |black_list_item_map|.
static PreviewsBlackListItem* GetOrCreateBlackListItemForMap(
BlackListItemMap* black_list_item_map,
const std::string& host_name);
// Returns a new PreviewsBlackListItem for the host indifferent black list
// that does not consider host name when determining eligibility.
static std::unique_ptr<PreviewsBlackListItem>
// Synchronous version of AddPreviewNavigation method.
void AddPreviewNavigationSync(const GURL& host_name,
bool opt_out,
PreviewsType type);
// Synchronous version of ClearBlackList method.
void ClearBlackListSync(base::Time begin_time, base::Time end_time);
// Callback passed to the backing store when loading black list information.
// Moves the |black_list_item_map| and |host_indifferent_black_list_item| into
// the in-memory black list and runs any outstanding tasks.
void LoadBlackListDone(
std::unique_ptr<BlackListItemMap> black_list_item_map,
std::unique_ptr<PreviewsBlackListItem> host_indifferent_black_list_item);
// Called while waiting for the black list to be loaded from the backing
// store.
// Enqueues a task to run when when loading black list information has
// completed. Maintains the order that tasks were called in.
void QueuePendingTask(base::Closure callback);
// Map maintaining the in-memory black list.
std::unique_ptr<BlackListItemMap> black_list_item_map_;
// Host indifferent opt out history.
std::unique_ptr<PreviewsBlackListItem> host_indifferent_black_list_item_;
// Whether the black list is done being loaded from the backing store.
bool loaded_;
// The time of the last opt out for this session.
base::Optional<base::Time> last_opt_out_time_;
// The backing store of the black list information.
std::unique_ptr<PreviewsOptOutStore> opt_out_store_;
// Callbacks to be run after loading information from the backing store has
// completed.
std::queue<base::Closure> pending_callbacks_;
std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PreviewsBlackList> weak_factory_;
} // namespace previews