blob: 22d8c442e8ac8aab767a29e7138ca3ebdbfae093 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace previews {
// Stores the recent black list history for a single host. Stores
// |stored_history_length| of the most recent previews navigations. To determine
// previews eligiblity fewer than |opt_out_black_list_threshold| out of the past
// |stored_history_length| navigations must be opt outs. |black_list_duration|
// is the amount of time that elapses until the host is no longer on the black
// list.
class PreviewsBlackListItem {
PreviewsBlackListItem(size_t stored_history_length,
int opt_out_black_list_threshold,
base::TimeDelta black_list_duration);
// Adds a new navigation at the specified |entry_time|.
void AddPreviewNavigation(bool opt_out, base::Time entry_time);
// Whether the host name corresponding to |this| should be disallowed from
// showing previews.
bool IsBlackListed(base::Time now) const;
base::Optional<base::Time> most_recent_opt_out_time() const {
return most_recent_opt_out_time_;
size_t OptOutRecordsSizeForTesting() const;
// A previews navigation to this host is represented by time and whether the
// navigation was an opt out.
class OptOutRecord {
OptOutRecord(base::Time entry_time, bool opt_out);
OptOutRecord& operator=(OptOutRecord&&);
// Used to determine eviction priority.
bool operator<(const OptOutRecord& other) const;
// The time that the opt out state was determined.
base::Time entry_time() const { return entry_time_; }
// Whether the user opted out of the preview.
bool opt_out() const { return opt_out_; }
// The time that the opt out state was determined.
base::Time entry_time_;
// Whether the user opted out of the preview.
bool opt_out_;
// The number of entries to store to determine preview eligibility.
const size_t max_stored_history_length_;
// The number opt outs in recent history that will trigger blacklisting.
const int opt_out_black_list_threshold_;
// The amount of time to black list a domain after the most recent opt out.
const base::TimeDelta max_black_list_duration_;
// The |max_stored_history_length_| most recent previews navigation. Is
// maintained as a priority queue that has high priority for items that should
// be evicted (i.e., they are old).
std::priority_queue<OptOutRecord> opt_out_records_;
// Time of the most recent opt out.
base::Optional<base::Time> most_recent_opt_out_time_;
// The total number of opt outs currently in |opt_out_records_|.
int total_opt_out_;
} // namespace previews