blob: 7fdad679c8e9e9519e83b619e1043791531ee056 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_timing_detector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/text_element_timing.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap_allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutBoxModelObject;
class LocalFrameView;
class PropertyTreeStateOrAlias;
class TextElementTiming;
class TracedValue;
class TextRecord : public GarbageCollected<TextRecord> {
TextRecord(Node& node,
uint64_t new_first_size,
const FloatRect& element_timing_rect,
const IntRect& frame_visual_rect,
const FloatRect& root_visual_rect)
: node_(&node),
element_timing_rect_(element_timing_rect) {
static unsigned next_insertion_index_ = 1;
insertion_index_ = next_insertion_index_++;
if (PaintTimingVisualizer::IsTracingEnabled()) {
lcp_rect_info_ = std::make_unique<LCPRectInfo>(
frame_visual_rect, RoundedIntRect(root_visual_rect));
TextRecord(const TextRecord&) = delete;
TextRecord& operator=(const TextRecord&) = delete;
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
WeakMember<Node> node_;
uint64_t first_size = 0;
// |insertion_index_| is ordered by insertion time, used as a secondary key
// for ranking.
unsigned insertion_index_ = 0;
FloatRect element_timing_rect_;
std::unique_ptr<LCPRectInfo> lcp_rect_info_;
// The time of the first paint after fully loaded.
base::TimeTicks paint_time = base::TimeTicks();
class CORE_EXPORT LargestTextPaintManager final
: public GarbageCollected<LargestTextPaintManager> {
using TextRecordSetComparator = bool (*)(const TextRecord*,
const TextRecord*);
using TextRecordSet =
std::set<Persistent<TextRecord>, TextRecordSetComparator>;
LargestTextPaintManager(LocalFrameView*, PaintTimingDetector*);
LargestTextPaintManager(const LargestTextPaintManager&) = delete;
LargestTextPaintManager& operator=(const LargestTextPaintManager&) = delete;
inline void RemoveVisibleRecord(TextRecord* record) {
if (cached_largest_paint_candidate_ == record)
cached_largest_paint_candidate_ = nullptr;
is_result_invalidated_ = true;
TextRecord* FindLargestPaintCandidate();
void ReportCandidateToTrace(const TextRecord&);
void ReportNoCandidateToTrace();
TextRecord* UpdateCandidate();
void PopulateTraceValue(TracedValue&, const TextRecord& first_text_paint);
inline void SetCachedResultInvalidated(bool value) {
is_result_invalidated_ = value;
inline void InsertRecord(TextRecord* record) {
void MaybeUpdateLargestIgnoredText(const LayoutObject&,
const uint64_t&,
const IntRect& frame_visual_rect,
const FloatRect& root_visual_rect);
Member<TextRecord> PopLargestIgnoredText() {
return std::move(largest_ignored_text_);
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
friend class LargestContentfulPaintCalculatorTest;
friend class TextPaintTimingDetectorTest;
TextRecordSet size_ordered_set_;
// This is used to cache the largest text paint result for better
// efficiency.
// The result will be invalidated whenever any change is done to the
// variables used in |FindLargestPaintCandidate|.
Member<TextRecord> cached_largest_paint_candidate_;
bool is_result_invalidated_ = false;
unsigned count_candidates_ = 0;
// Text paints are ignored when they (or an ancestor) have opacity 0. This can
// be a problem later on if the opacity changes to nonzero but this change is
// composited. We solve this for the special case of documentElement by
// storing a record for the largest ignored text without nested opacity. We
// consider this an LCP candidate when the documentElement's opacity changes
// from zero to nonzero.
Member<TextRecord> largest_ignored_text_;
Member<const LocalFrameView> frame_view_;
Member<PaintTimingDetector> paint_timing_detector_;
class CORE_EXPORT TextRecordsManager {
friend class TextPaintTimingDetectorTest;
TextRecordsManager(LocalFrameView*, PaintTimingDetector*);
TextRecordsManager(const TextRecordsManager&) = delete;
TextRecordsManager& operator=(const TextRecordsManager&) = delete;
void RemoveVisibleRecord(const LayoutObject&);
void RemoveInvisibleRecord(const LayoutObject&);
void RecordVisibleObject(const LayoutObject&,
const uint64_t& visual_size,
const FloatRect& element_timing_rect,
const IntRect& frame_visual_rect,
const FloatRect& root_visual_rect);
void RecordInvisibleObject(const LayoutObject& object);
bool NeedMeausuringPaintTime() const {
return !texts_queued_for_paint_time_.IsEmpty() ||
void AssignPaintTimeToQueuedRecords(const base::TimeTicks&);
inline bool HasRecorded(const LayoutObject& object) const {
return visible_objects_.Contains(&object) ||
inline bool IsKnownVisible(const LayoutObject& object) const {
return visible_objects_.Contains(&object);
inline bool IsKnownInvisible(const LayoutObject& object) const {
return invisible_objects_.Contains(&object);
void CleanUpLargestTextPaint();
bool HasTextElementTiming() const { return text_element_timing_; }
void SetTextElementTiming(TextElementTiming* text_element_timing) {
text_element_timing_ = text_element_timing;
inline TextRecord* UpdateCandidate() {
return ltp_manager_->UpdateCandidate();
// Receives a candidate text painted under opacity 0 but without nested
// opacity. May update |largest_ignored_text_| if the new candidate has a
// larger size.
void MaybeUpdateLargestIgnoredText(const LayoutObject& object,
const uint64_t& size,
const IntRect& aggregated_visual_rect,
const FloatRect& mapped_visual_rect) {
object, size, aggregated_visual_rect, mapped_visual_rect);
// Called when documentElement changes from zero to nonzero opacity. Makes the
// largest text that was hidden due to this a Largest Contentful Paint
// candidate.
void ReportLargestIgnoredText();
inline bool IsRecordingLargestTextPaint() const { return ltp_manager_; }
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
friend class LargestContentfulPaintCalculatorTest;
friend class TextPaintTimingDetectorTest;
inline void QueueToMeasurePaintTime(TextRecord* record) {
// Once LayoutObject* is destroyed, |visible_objects_| and
// |invisible_objects_| must immediately clear the corresponding record from
// themselves.
HeapHashMap<Member<const LayoutObject>, Member<TextRecord>> visible_objects_;
HeapHashSet<Member<const LayoutObject>> invisible_objects_;
HeapHashSet<Member<TextRecord>> texts_queued_for_paint_time_;
// These are text records created to notify Element Timing of texts which are
// first painted outside of the viewport. These have size 0 for the purpose of
// LCP computations, even if the size of the text itself is not 0. They are
// considered invisible objects by Largest Contentful Paint. We store a bit
// more information than in the visible counterpart because
// |invisible_objects_| does not require the TextRecord, so in order to
// efficiently remove we want to know which TextRecord corresponds to which
// LayoutObject.
HeapHashMap<Member<const LayoutObject>, Member<TextRecord>>
Member<LargestTextPaintManager> ltp_manager_;
Member<TextElementTiming> text_element_timing_;
// TextPaintTimingDetector contains Largest Text Paint and support for Text
// Element Timing.
// Largest Text Paint timing measures when the largest text element gets painted
// within viewport. Specifically, it:
// 1. Tracks all texts' first paints, recording their visual size, paint time.
// 2. Every 1 second after the first text pre-paint, the algorithm starts an
// analysis. In the analysis:
// 2.1 Largest Text Paint finds the text with the largest first visual size,
// reports its first paint time as a candidate result.
// For all these candidate results, Telemetry picks the lastly reported
// Largest Text Paint candidate as the final result.
// See also:
class CORE_EXPORT TextPaintTimingDetector final
: public GarbageCollected<TextPaintTimingDetector> {
friend class TextPaintTimingDetectorTest;
explicit TextPaintTimingDetector(LocalFrameView*,
TextPaintTimingDetector(const TextPaintTimingDetector&) = delete;
TextPaintTimingDetector& operator=(const TextPaintTimingDetector&) = delete;
bool ShouldWalkObject(const LayoutBoxModelObject&) const;
void RecordAggregatedText(const LayoutBoxModelObject& aggregator,
const IntRect& aggregated_visual_rect,
const PropertyTreeStateOrAlias&);
void OnPaintFinished();
void LayoutObjectWillBeDestroyed(const LayoutObject&);
void StopRecordingLargestTextPaint();
void ResetCallbackManager(PaintTimingCallbackManager* manager) {
callback_manager_ = manager;
inline bool IsRecordingLargestTextPaint() const {
return records_manager_.IsRecordingLargestTextPaint();
inline TextRecord* UpdateCandidate() {
return records_manager_.UpdateCandidate();
void ReportLargestIgnoredText();
void ReportPresentationTime(base::TimeTicks timestamp);
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
friend class LargestContentfulPaintCalculatorTest;
void RegisterNotifyPresentationTime(
PaintTimingCallbackManager::LocalThreadCallback callback);
TextRecordsManager records_manager_;
Member<PaintTimingCallbackManager> callback_manager_;
// Make sure that at most one presentation promise is ongoing.
bool awaiting_presentation_promise_ = false;
bool need_update_timing_at_frame_end_ = false;
Member<const LocalFrameView> frame_view_;
} // namespace blink