blob: 8de0d081555a8c2cad12de54abaf6f8aae1180cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/net/proxy_config_monitor.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
#include "content/public/common/network_service.mojom.h"
class Profile;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
// KeyedService that initializes and provides access to the NetworkContexts for
// a Profile. This will eventually replace ProfileIOData.
class ProfileNetworkContextService : public KeyedService {
explicit ProfileNetworkContextService(Profile* profile);
~ProfileNetworkContextService() override;
// Creates the main NetworkContext for the BrowserContext. Uses the network
// service if enabled. Otherwise creates one that will use the IOThread's
// NetworkService. This may be called either before or after
// SetUpProfileIODataMainContext.
content::mojom::NetworkContextPtr CreateMainNetworkContext();
// Initializes |*network_context_params| to set up the ProfileIOData's
// main URLRequestContext and |*network_context_request| to be one end of a
// Mojo pipe to be bound to the NetworkContext for that URLRequestContext.
// The caller will need to send these parameters to the IOThread's in-process
// NetworkService.
// If the network service is disabled, CreateMainNetworkContext(), which is
// called first, will return the other end of the pipe. In this case, all
// requests associated with this Profile will use the associated
// URLRequestContext (either accessed through the StoragePartition's
// GetURLRequestContext() or directly).
// If the network service is enabled, CreateMainNetworkContext() will instead
// return a NetworkContext vended by the network service's NetworkService
// (Instead of the IOThread's in-process one). In this case, the
// ProfileIOData's URLRequest context will be configured not to use on-disk
// storage (so as not to conflict with the network service vended context),
// and will only be used for legacy requests that use it directly.
void SetUpProfileIODataMainContext(
content::mojom::NetworkContextRequest* network_context_request,
content::mojom::NetworkContextParamsPtr* network_context_params);
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Flushes all pending proxy configuration changes.
void FlushProxyConfigMonitorForTesting();
// Checks |quic_allowed_|, and disables QUIC if needed.
void DisableQuicIfNotAllowed();
// Creates parameters for the NetworkContext. May only be called once, since
// it initializes some class members.
content::mojom::NetworkContextParamsPtr CreateMainNetworkContextParams();
Profile* const profile_;
ProxyConfigMonitor proxy_config_monitor_;
// This is a NetworkContext interface that uses ProfileIOData's
// NetworkContext. If the network service is disabled, ownership is passed to
// StoragePartition when CreateMainNetworkContext is called. Otherwise,
// retains ownership, though nothing uses it after construction.
content::mojom::NetworkContextPtr profile_io_data_main_network_context_;
// Request corresponding to |profile_io_data_main_network_context_|. Ownership
// is passed to ProfileIOData when SetUpProfileIODataMainContext() is called.
content::mojom::NetworkContextRequest profile_io_data_context_request_;
BooleanPrefMember quic_allowed_;