blob: a3b8e643da04354c28d3554d83034d52a94f5097 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/common_decoder.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gl_utils.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/shader_manager.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
namespace gpu {
struct GpuPreferences;
namespace gles2 {
class FeatureInfo;
class GLES2DecoderClient;
class ProgramCache;
class ProgramManager;
class ProgressReporter;
class Shader;
class ShaderManager;
// This is used to track which attributes a particular program needs
// so we can verify at glDrawXXX time that every attribute is either disabled
// or if enabled that it points to a valid source.
class GPU_EXPORT Program : public base::RefCounted<Program> {
static const int kMaxAttachedShaders = 2;
enum VaryingsPackingOption {
enum UniformApiType {
kUniformNone = 0,
kUniform1i = 1 << 0,
kUniform2i = 1 << 1,
kUniform3i = 1 << 2,
kUniform4i = 1 << 3,
kUniform1f = 1 << 4,
kUniform2f = 1 << 5,
kUniform3f = 1 << 6,
kUniform4f = 1 << 7,
kUniformMatrix2f = 1 << 8,
kUniformMatrix3f = 1 << 9,
kUniformMatrix4f = 1 << 10,
kUniform1ui = 1 << 11,
kUniform2ui = 1 << 12,
kUniform3ui = 1 << 13,
kUniform4ui = 1 << 14,
kUniformMatrix2x3f = 1 << 15,
kUniformMatrix2x4f = 1 << 16,
kUniformMatrix3x2f = 1 << 17,
kUniformMatrix3x4f = 1 << 18,
kUniformMatrix4x2f = 1 << 19,
kUniformMatrix4x3f = 1 << 20,
struct FragmentInputInfo {
FragmentInputInfo(GLenum _type, GLuint _location)
: type(_type), location(_location) {}
FragmentInputInfo() : type(GL_NONE), location(0) {}
GLenum type;
GLuint location;
struct ProgramOutputInfo {
ProgramOutputInfo(GLuint _color_name,
GLuint _index,
const std::string& _name)
: color_name(_color_name), index(_index), name(_name) {}
ProgramOutputInfo() : color_name(0), index(0) {}
GLuint color_name;
GLuint index;
std::string name;
struct UniformInfo {
UniformInfo(const UniformInfo& other);
UniformInfo(const std::string& client_name,
GLint client_location_base,
GLenum _type,
bool _is_array,
const std::vector<GLint>& service_locations);
bool IsSampler() const {
switch (type) {
return true;
return false;
GLsizei size;
GLenum type;
uint32_t accepts_api_type;
GLint fake_location_base;
bool is_array;
std::string name;
std::vector<GLint> element_locations;
std::vector<GLuint> texture_units;
struct VertexAttrib {
VertexAttrib(GLsizei size,
GLenum type,
const std::string& name,
GLint location,
size_t location_count)
: size(size),
name(name) {}
GLsizei size;
GLenum type;
GLint location;
size_t location_count;
std::string name;
struct UniformBlockSizeInfo {
uint32_t binding;
uint32_t data_size;
template <typename T>
class ShaderVariableLocationEntry {
: shader_variable_(nullptr), inactive_(false) {}
bool IsUnused() const { return !shader_variable_ && !inactive_; }
bool IsInactive() const { return inactive_; }
bool IsActive() const { return shader_variable_ != nullptr; }
void SetInactive() {
shader_variable_ = nullptr;
inactive_ = true;
void SetActive(T* shader_variable) {
shader_variable_ = shader_variable;
inactive_ = false;
const T* shader_variable() const {
return shader_variable_;
T* shader_variable() {
return shader_variable_;
T* shader_variable_; // Pointer to *_info_ vector entry.
bool inactive_;
typedef std::vector<UniformInfo> UniformInfoVector;
typedef std::vector<ShaderVariableLocationEntry<UniformInfo>>
typedef std::vector<VertexAttrib> AttribInfoVector;
typedef std::vector<FragmentInputInfo> FragmentInputInfoVector;
typedef std::vector<ShaderVariableLocationEntry<FragmentInputInfo>>
typedef std::vector<ProgramOutputInfo> ProgramOutputInfoVector;
typedef std::vector<int> SamplerIndices;
typedef std::map<std::string, GLint> LocationMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<GLuint, GLuint>> LocationIndexMap;
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
Program(ProgramManager* manager, GLuint service_id);
GLuint service_id() const {
return service_id_;
const SamplerIndices& sampler_indices() {
return sampler_indices_;
const AttribInfoVector& GetAttribInfos() const {
return attrib_infos_;
const VertexAttrib* GetAttribInfo(GLint index) const {
return (static_cast<size_t>(index) < attrib_infos_.size()) ?
&attrib_infos_[index] : NULL;
GLint GetAttribLocation(const std::string& original_name) const;
const VertexAttrib* GetAttribInfoByLocation(GLuint location) const {
if (location < attrib_location_to_index_map_.size()) {
GLint index = attrib_location_to_index_map_[location];
if (index >= 0) {
return &attrib_infos_[index];
return NULL;
const UniformInfo* GetUniformInfo(GLint index) const;
// If the original name is not found, return NULL.
const std::string* GetAttribMappedName(
const std::string& original_name) const;
// If the original name is not found, return NULL.
const std::string* GetUniformMappedName(
const std::string& original_name) const;
// If the hashed name name is not found, return NULL.
// Use this only when one of the more specific Get*Info methods can't be used.
const std::string* GetOriginalNameFromHashedName(
const std::string& hashed_name) const;
// If the hashed name is not found, return NULL.
const sh::Varying* GetVaryingInfo(const std::string& hashed_name) const;
// If the hashed name is not found, return NULL.
const sh::InterfaceBlock* GetInterfaceBlockInfo(
const std::string& hashed_name) const;
const FragmentInputInfo* GetFragmentInputInfoByFakeLocation(
GLint fake_location) const;
bool IsInactiveFragmentInputLocationByFakeLocation(GLint fake_location) const;
// Gets the fake location of a uniform by name.
GLint GetUniformFakeLocation(const std::string& name) const;
// Gets the UniformInfo of a uniform by location.
const UniformInfo* GetUniformInfoByFakeLocation(
GLint fake_location, GLint* real_location, GLint* array_index) const;
// Returns true if |fake_location| is a location for an inactive uniform,
// -1 for bound, non-existing uniform.
bool IsInactiveUniformLocationByFakeLocation(GLint fake_location) const;
// Gets the ProgramOutputInfo of a fragment output by name.
const ProgramOutputInfo* GetProgramOutputInfo(
const std::string& original_name) const;
// Gets all the program info.
void GetProgramInfo(
ProgramManager* manager, CommonDecoder::Bucket* bucket) const;
// Gets all the UniformBlock info.
// Return false on overflow.
bool GetUniformBlocks(CommonDecoder::Bucket* bucket) const;
// Gets all the TransformFeedbackVarying info.
// Return false on overflow.
bool GetTransformFeedbackVaryings(CommonDecoder::Bucket* bucket) const;
// Gather all info through glGetActiveUniformsiv, except for size, type,
// name_length, which we gather through glGetActiveUniform in
// glGetProgramInfoCHROMIUM.
bool GetUniformsES3(CommonDecoder::Bucket* bucket) const;
// Returns the fragment shader output variable color name binding.
// Returns -1 if |original_name| is not an out variable or error.
GLint GetFragDataLocation(const std::string& original_name) const;
// Returns the fragment shader output variable color index binding.
// Returns -1 if |original_name| is not an out variable or error.
GLint GetFragDataIndex(const std::string& original_name) const;
// Sets the sampler values for a uniform.
// This should be called only for valid fake location pointing to
// an active uniform.
// If the location is not a sampler uniform nothing will happen.
// Returns false if fake_location is a sampler and any value is >=
// num_texture_units. Returns true otherwise.
bool SetSamplers(
GLint num_texture_units, GLint fake_location,
GLsizei count, const GLint* value);
bool IsDeleted() const {
return deleted_;
void GetProgramiv(GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool IsValid() const {
return valid_;
bool IsShaderAttached(Shader* shader);
bool AttachShader(ShaderManager* manager, Shader* shader);
void DetachShader(ShaderManager* manager, Shader* shader);
void CompileAttachedShaders();
bool AttachedShadersExist() const;
bool CanLink() const;
// Performs glLinkProgram and related activities.
bool Link(ShaderManager* manager,
VaryingsPackingOption varyings_packing_option,
GLES2DecoderClient* client);
// Performs glValidateProgram and related activities.
void Validate();
const std::string* log_info() const {
return log_info_.get();
bool InUse() const {
DCHECK_GE(use_count_, 0);
return use_count_ != 0;
// Sets attribute-location binding from a glBindAttribLocation() call.
void SetAttribLocationBinding(const std::string& attrib, GLint location) {
bind_attrib_location_map_[attrib] = location;
// Sets uniform-location binding from a glBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM call.
// returns false if error.
bool SetUniformLocationBinding(const std::string& name, GLint location);
// Detects if the shader version combination is not valid.
bool DetectShaderVersionMismatch() const;
// Sets fragment input-location binding from a
// glBindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM() call.
void SetFragmentInputLocationBinding(const std::string& name, GLint location);
// Sets program output variable location. Also sets color index to zero.
void SetProgramOutputLocationBinding(const std::string& name,
GLuint colorName);
// Sets program output variable location and color index.
void SetProgramOutputLocationIndexedBinding(const std::string& name,
GLuint colorName,
GLuint index);
// Detects if there are attribute location conflicts from
// glBindAttribLocation() calls.
// We only consider the declared attributes in the program.
bool DetectAttribLocationBindingConflicts() const;
// Detects if there are uniform location conflicts from
// glBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM() calls.
// We only consider the statically used uniforms in the program.
bool DetectUniformLocationBindingConflicts() const;
// Detects if there are uniforms of the same name but different type
// or precision in vertex/fragment shaders.
// Return true and set the first found conflicting hashed name to
// conflicting_name if such cases are detected.
bool DetectUniformsMismatch(std::string* conflicting_name) const;
// Detects if there are interface blocks of the same name but different
// layouts.
bool DetectInterfaceBlocksMismatch(std::string* conflicting_name) const;
// Return true if a varying is statically used in fragment shader, but it
// is not declared in vertex shader.
bool DetectVaryingsMismatch(std::string* conflicting_name) const;
// Detects if there are fragment input location conflicts from
// glBindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM() calls.
// We only consider the statically used fragment inputs in the program.
bool DetectFragmentInputLocationBindingConflicts() const;
// Detects if there are program output location conflicts from
// glBindFragDataLocation and ..LocationIndexedEXT calls.
// We only consider the statically used program outputs in the program.
bool DetectProgramOutputLocationBindingConflicts() const;
// Return true if any built-in invariant matching rules are broken as in
// GLSL ES spec 1.00.17, section 4.6.4, Invariance and Linkage.
bool DetectBuiltInInvariantConflicts() const;
// Return true if an uniform and an attribute share the same name.
bool DetectGlobalNameConflicts(std::string* conflicting_name) const;
// Return false if varyings can't be packed into the max available
// varying registers.
bool CheckVaryingsPacking(VaryingsPackingOption option) const;
void TransformFeedbackVaryings(GLsizei count, const char* const* varyings,
GLenum buffer_mode);
// Visible for testing
const LocationMap& bind_attrib_location_map() const {
return bind_attrib_location_map_;
const std::vector<std::string>& effective_transform_feedback_varyings()
const {
return effective_transform_feedback_varyings_;
GLenum effective_transform_feedback_buffer_mode() const {
return effective_transform_feedback_buffer_mode_;
// See member declaration for details.
// The data are only valid after a successful link.
uint32_t fragment_output_type_mask() const {
return fragment_output_type_mask_;
uint32_t fragment_output_written_mask() const {
return fragment_output_written_mask_;
// The data are only valid after a successful link.
const std::vector<uint32_t>& vertex_input_base_type_mask() const {
return vertex_input_base_type_mask_;
const std::vector<uint32_t>& vertex_input_active_mask() const {
return vertex_input_active_mask_;
// Update uniform block binding after a successful glUniformBlockBinding().
void SetUniformBlockBinding(GLuint index, GLuint binding);
const std::vector<UniformBlockSizeInfo>& uniform_block_size_info() const {
return uniform_block_size_info_;
// Return the transform feedback varying sizes (per vertex).
// Note that if the bufferMode is GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS, then there is only
// one entry and it is the sum of all varying sizes.
const std::vector<GLsizeiptr>& GetTransformFeedbackVaryingSizes() const {
return transform_feedback_data_size_per_vertex_;
friend class base::RefCounted<Program>;
friend class ProgramManager;
void set_log_info(const char* str) {
log_info_.reset(str ? new std::string(str) : NULL);
void ClearLinkStatus() {
link_status_ = false;
void IncUseCount() {
void DecUseCount() {
DCHECK_GE(use_count_, 0);
void MarkAsDeleted() {
deleted_ = true;
// Resets the program.
void Reset();
// Updates the program info after a successful link.
void Update();
bool UpdateUniforms();
void UpdateFragmentInputs();
void UpdateProgramOutputs();
void UpdateFragmentOutputBaseTypes();
void UpdateVertexInputBaseTypes();
void UpdateUniformBlockSizeInfo();
void UpdateTransformFeedbackInfo();
// Process the program log, replacing the hashed names with original names.
std::string ProcessLogInfo(const std::string& log);
// Updates the program log info from GL
void UpdateLogInfo();
// Clears all the uniforms.
void ClearUniforms(std::vector<uint8_t>* zero_buffer);
// If long attribate names are mapped during shader translation, call
// glBindAttribLocation() again with the mapped names.
// This is called right before the glLink() call, but after shaders are
// translated.
void ExecuteBindAttribLocationCalls();
// The names of transform feedback varyings need to be hashed just
// like bound attributes' locations, just before the link call.
// Returns false upon failure.
bool ExecuteTransformFeedbackVaryingsCall();
void ExecuteProgramOutputBindCalls();
// Query VertexAttrib data returned by ANGLE translator by the mapped name.
void GetVertexAttribData(
const std::string& name, std::string* original_name, GLenum* type) const;
void DetachShaders(ShaderManager* manager);
static inline size_t GetUniformLocationIndexFromFakeLocation(
GLint fake_location) {
return static_cast<size_t>(fake_location & 0xFFFF);
static inline size_t GetArrayElementIndexFromFakeLocation(
GLint fake_location) {
return static_cast<size_t>((fake_location >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
const FeatureInfo& feature_info() const;
void ClearVertexInputMasks();
ProgramManager* manager_;
int use_count_;
GLsizei max_attrib_name_length_;
// Attrib by index.
AttribInfoVector attrib_infos_;
// Attrib by location to index.
std::vector<GLint> attrib_location_to_index_map_;
GLsizei max_uniform_name_length_;
// Uniform info by index.
UniformInfoVector uniform_infos_;
UniformLocationVector uniform_locations_;
// The indices of the uniforms that are samplers.
SamplerIndices sampler_indices_;
FragmentInputInfoVector fragment_input_infos_;
FragmentInputLocationVector fragment_input_locations_;
ProgramOutputInfoVector program_output_infos_;
// The program this Program is tracking.
GLuint service_id_;
// Shaders by type of shader.
scoped_refptr<Shader> attached_shaders_[kMaxAttachedShaders];
scoped_refptr<Shader> shaders_from_last_successful_link_[kMaxAttachedShaders];
// True if this program is marked as deleted.
bool deleted_;
// This is true if glLinkProgram was successful at least once.
bool valid_;
// This is true if glLinkProgram was successful last time it was called.
bool link_status_;
// True if the uniforms have been cleared.
bool uniforms_cleared_;
// Log info
std::unique_ptr<std::string> log_info_;
// attribute-location binding map from glBindAttribLocation() calls.
LocationMap bind_attrib_location_map_;
// uniform-location binding map from glBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM() calls.
LocationMap bind_uniform_location_map_;
// Set by glTransformFeedbackVaryings().
std::vector<std::string> transform_feedback_varyings_;
GLenum transform_feedback_buffer_mode_;
// After a successful link.
std::vector<std::string> effective_transform_feedback_varyings_;
GLenum effective_transform_feedback_buffer_mode_;
// If buffer mode is INTERLEVED, there is only one entry; otherwise there
// might be multiple entries, one per transform feedback varying.
// The size requirement is per vertex. Total minimum buffer size requirment
// is calculated at DrawArrays{Instanced} time by multiplying vertex count.
std::vector<GLsizeiptr> transform_feedback_data_size_per_vertex_;
// Fragment input-location binding map from
// glBindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM() calls.
LocationMap bind_fragment_input_location_map_;
// output variable - (location,index) binding map from
// glBindFragDataLocation() and ..IndexedEXT() calls.
LocationIndexMap bind_program_output_location_index_map_;
// It's stored in the order of uniform block indices, i.e., the first
// entry is the info about UniformBlock with index 0, etc.
std::vector<UniformBlockSizeInfo> uniform_block_size_info_;
// Fragment output variable base types: FLOAT, INT, or UINT.
// We have up to 16 outputs, each is encoded into 2 bits, total 32 bits:
// the lowest 2 bits for location 0, the highest 2 bits for location 15.
uint32_t fragment_output_type_mask_;
// Same layout as above, 2 bits per location, 0x03 if a location is occupied
// by an output variable, 0x00 if not.
uint32_t fragment_output_written_mask_;
// Vertex input attrib base types: FLOAT, INT, or UINT.
// Each base type is encoded into 2 bits, the lowest 2 bits for location 0,
// the highest 2 bits for location (max_vertex_attribs - 1).
std::vector<uint32_t> vertex_input_base_type_mask_;
// Same layout as above, 2 bits per location, 0x03 if a location is set
// by vertexAttrib API, 0x00 if not.
std::vector<uint32_t> vertex_input_active_mask_;
// Tracks the Programs.
// NOTE: To support shared resources an instance of this class will
// need to be shared by multiple GLES2Decoders.
class GPU_EXPORT ProgramManager {
ProgramManager(ProgramCache* program_cache,
uint32_t max_varying_vectors,
uint32_t max_draw_buffers,
uint32_t max_dual_source_draw_buffers,
uint32_t max_vertex_attribs,
const GpuPreferences& gpu_preferences,
FeatureInfo* feature_info,
ProgressReporter* progress_reporter);
// Must call before destruction.
void Destroy(bool have_context);
// Creates a new program.
Program* CreateProgram(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
// Gets a program.
Program* GetProgram(GLuint client_id);
// Gets a client id for a given service id.
bool GetClientId(GLuint service_id, GLuint* client_id) const;
// Gets the shader cache
ProgramCache* program_cache() const;
// Marks a program as deleted. If it is not used the program will be deleted.
void MarkAsDeleted(ShaderManager* shader_manager, Program* program);
// Marks a program as used.
void UseProgram(Program* program);
// Makes a program as unused. If deleted the program will be removed.
void UnuseProgram(ShaderManager* shader_manager, Program* program);
// Clears the uniforms for this program.
void ClearUniforms(Program* program);
// Returns true if |name| has a prefix that is intended for GL built-in shader
// variables.
static bool HasBuiltInPrefix(const std::string& name);
// Check if a Program is owned by this ProgramManager.
bool IsOwned(Program* program) const;
static int32_t MakeFakeLocation(int32_t index, int32_t element);
uint32_t max_varying_vectors() const { return max_varying_vectors_; }
uint32_t max_draw_buffers() const { return max_draw_buffers_; }
uint32_t max_dual_source_draw_buffers() const {
return max_dual_source_draw_buffers_;
uint32_t max_vertex_attribs() const { return max_vertex_attribs_; }
friend class Program;
void StartTracking(Program* program);
void StopTracking(Program* program);
void RemoveProgramInfoIfUnused(
ShaderManager* shader_manager, Program* program);
// Info for each "successfully linked" program by service side program Id.
// TODO(gman): Choose a faster container.
typedef std::map<GLuint, scoped_refptr<Program> > ProgramMap;
ProgramMap programs_;
// Counts the number of Program allocated with 'this' as its manager.
// Allows to check no Program will outlive this.
unsigned int program_count_;
bool have_context_;
// Used to clear uniforms.
std::vector<uint8_t> zero_;
ProgramCache* program_cache_;
uint32_t max_varying_vectors_;
uint32_t max_draw_buffers_;
uint32_t max_dual_source_draw_buffers_;
uint32_t max_vertex_attribs_;
const GpuPreferences& gpu_preferences_;
scoped_refptr<FeatureInfo> feature_info_;
// Used to notify the watchdog thread of progress during destruction,
// preventing time-outs when destruction takes a long time. May be null when
// using in-process command buffer.
ProgressReporter* progress_reporter_;
inline const FeatureInfo& Program::feature_info() const {
return *manager_->feature_info_.get();
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu