blob: 39b7ae5a045ffaed0ebb6b218f4a40fd5cfc4fad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/command_buffer_id.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/scheduling_priority.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/sync_token.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/sequence_id.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace trace_event {
class ConvertableToTraceFormat;
namespace gpu {
class SyncPointManager;
class GPU_EXPORT Scheduler {
struct GPU_EXPORT Task {
Task(SequenceId sequence_id,
base::OnceClosure closure,
std::vector<SyncToken> sync_token_fences);
Task(Task&& other);
Task& operator=(Task&& other);
SequenceId sequence_id;
base::OnceClosure closure;
std::vector<SyncToken> sync_token_fences;
Scheduler(scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner,
SyncPointManager* sync_point_manager);
virtual ~Scheduler();
// Create a sequence with given priority. Returns an identifier for the
// sequence that can be used with SyncPonintManager for creating sync point
// release clients. Sequences start off as enabled (see |EnableSequence|).
SequenceId CreateSequence(SchedulingPriority priority);
// Destroy the sequence and run any scheduled tasks immediately.
void DestroySequence(SequenceId sequence_id);
// Enables the sequence so that its tasks may be scheduled.
void EnableSequence(SequenceId sequence_id);
// Disables the sequence.
void DisableSequence(SequenceId sequence_id);
// Raise priority of sequence for client wait (WaitForGetOffset/TokenInRange)
// on given command buffer.
void RaisePriorityForClientWait(SequenceId sequence_id,
CommandBufferId command_buffer_id);
// Reset priority of sequence if it was increased for a client wait.
void ResetPriorityForClientWait(SequenceId sequence_id,
CommandBufferId command_buffer_id);
// Schedules task (closure) to run on the sequence. The task is blocked until
// the sync token fences are released or determined to be invalid. Tasks are
// run in the order in which they are submitted.
void ScheduleTask(Task task);
void ScheduleTasks(std::vector<Task> tasks);
// Continue running task on the sequence with the closure. This must be called
// while running a previously scheduled task.
void ContinueTask(SequenceId sequence_id, base::OnceClosure closure);
// If the sequence should yield so that a higher priority sequence may run.
bool ShouldYield(SequenceId sequence_id);
struct SchedulingState {
static bool Comparator(const SchedulingState& lhs,
const SchedulingState& rhs) {
return rhs.RunsBefore(lhs);
SchedulingState(const SchedulingState& other);
bool RunsBefore(const SchedulingState& other) const {
return std::tie(priority, order_num) <
std::tie(other.priority, other.order_num);
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::ConvertableToTraceFormat> AsValue()
SequenceId sequence_id;
SchedulingPriority priority = SchedulingPriority::kLow;
uint32_t order_num = 0;
class GPU_EXPORT Sequence {
Sequence(Scheduler* scheduler,
SequenceId sequence_id,
SchedulingPriority priority,
scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> order_data);
SequenceId sequence_id() const { return sequence_id_; }
const scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData>& order_data() const {
return order_data_;
bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
bool scheduled() const { return running_state_ == SCHEDULED; }
bool running() const { return running_state_ == RUNNING; }
// The sequence is runnable if its enabled and has tasks which are not
// blocked by wait fences.
bool IsRunnable() const;
// Returns true if this sequence's scheduling state changed and it needs to
// be reinserted into the scheduling queue.
bool NeedsRescheduling() const;
// Returns true if this sequence should yield to another sequence. Uses the
// cached scheduling state for comparison.
bool ShouldYieldTo(const Sequence* other) const;
// Enables or disables the sequence.
void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
// Sets running state to SCHEDULED. Returns scheduling state for this
// sequence used for inserting in the scheduling queue.
SchedulingState SetScheduled();
// Update cached scheduling priority while running.
void UpdateRunningPriority();
// Returns the next order number and closure. Sets running state to RUNNING.
uint32_t BeginTask(base::OnceClosure* closure);
// Called after running the closure returned by BeginTask. Sets running
// state to IDLE.
void FinishTask();
// Enqueues a task in the sequence and returns the generated order number.
uint32_t ScheduleTask(base::OnceClosure closure);
// Continue running the current task with the given closure. Must be called
// in between |BeginTask| and |FinishTask|.
void ContinueTask(base::OnceClosure closure);
// Add a sync token fence that this sequence should wait on.
void AddWaitFence(const SyncToken& sync_token,
uint32_t order_num,
SequenceId release_sequence_id,
Sequence* release_sequence);
// Remove a waiting sync token fence.
void RemoveWaitFence(const SyncToken& sync_token,
uint32_t order_num,
SequenceId release_sequence_id);
void AddClientWait(CommandBufferId command_buffer_id);
void RemoveClientWait(CommandBufferId command_buffer_id);
SchedulingPriority current_priority() const { return current_priority_; }
enum RunningState { IDLE, SCHEDULED, RUNNING };
struct WaitFence {
WaitFence(WaitFence&& other);
WaitFence(const SyncToken& sync_token,
uint32_t order_num,
SequenceId release_sequence_id);
WaitFence& operator=(WaitFence&& other);
SyncToken sync_token;
uint32_t order_num;
SequenceId release_sequence_id;
bool operator==(const WaitFence& other) const {
return std::tie(order_num, release_sequence_id, sync_token) ==
std::tie(other.order_num, release_sequence_id, other.sync_token);
bool operator<(const WaitFence& other) const {
return std::tie(order_num, release_sequence_id, sync_token) <
std::tie(other.order_num, release_sequence_id, other.sync_token);
struct Task {
Task(Task&& other);
Task(base::OnceClosure closure, uint32_t order_num);
Task& operator=(Task&& other);
base::OnceClosure closure;
uint32_t order_num;
// Description of Stream priority propagation: Each Stream has an initial
// priority ('default_priority_'). When a Stream has other Streams waiting
// on it via a 'WaitFence', it computes it's own priority based on those
// fences, by keeping count of the priority of each incoming WaitFence's
// priority in 'waiting_priority_counts_'.
// 'wait_fences_' maps each 'WaitFence' to it's current priority. Initially
// WaitFences take the priority of the waiting Stream, and propagate their
// priority to the releasing Stream via AddWaitingPriority().
// A higher priority waiting stream or ClientWait, can recursively pass on
// it's priority to existing 'ClientWaits' via PropagatePriority(), which
// updates the releasing stream via ChangeWaitingPriority().
// When a 'WaitFence' is removed either by the SyncToken being released,
// or when the waiting Stream is Destroyed, it removes it's priority from
// the releasing stream via RemoveWaitingPriority().
// Propagate a priority to all wait fences.
void PropagatePriority(SchedulingPriority priority);
// Add a waiting priority.
void AddWaitingPriority(SchedulingPriority priority);
// Remove a waiting priority.
void RemoveWaitingPriority(SchedulingPriority priority);
// Change a waiting priority.
void ChangeWaitingPriority(SchedulingPriority old_priority,
SchedulingPriority new_priority);
// Re-compute current priority.
void UpdateSchedulingPriority();
// If the sequence is enabled. Sequences are disabled/enabled based on when
// the command buffer is descheduled/scheduled.
bool enabled_ = true;
RunningState running_state_ = IDLE;
// Cached scheduling state used for comparison with other sequences while
// running. Updated in |SetScheduled| and |UpdateRunningPriority|.
SchedulingState scheduling_state_;
Scheduler* const scheduler_;
const SequenceId sequence_id_;
const SchedulingPriority default_priority_;
SchedulingPriority current_priority_;
scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> order_data_;
// Deque of tasks. Tasks are inserted at the back with increasing order
// number generated from SyncPointOrderData. If a running task needs to be
// continued, it is inserted at the front with the same order number.
base::circular_deque<Task> tasks_;
// Map of fences that this sequence is waiting on. Fences are ordered in
// increasing order number but may be removed out of order. Tasks are
// blocked if there's a wait fence with order number less than or equal to
// the task's order number.
base::flat_map<WaitFence, SchedulingPriority> wait_fences_;
// Counts of pending releases bucketed by scheduling priority.
int waiting_priority_counts_[static_cast<int>(SchedulingPriority::kLast) +
1] = {};
base::flat_set<CommandBufferId> client_waits_;
void SyncTokenFenceReleased(const SyncToken& sync_token,
uint32_t order_num,
SequenceId release_sequence_id,
SequenceId waiting_sequence_id);
void ScheduleTaskHelper(Task task);
void TryScheduleSequence(Sequence* sequence);
void RebuildSchedulingQueue();
Sequence* GetSequence(SequenceId sequence_id);
void RunNextTask();
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
SyncPointManager* const sync_point_manager_;
mutable base::Lock lock_;
// The following are protected by |lock_|.
bool running_ = false;
base::flat_map<SequenceId, std::unique_ptr<Sequence>> sequences_;
// Used as a priority queue for scheduling sequences. Min heap of
// SchedulingState with highest priority (lowest order) in front.
std::vector<SchedulingState> scheduling_queue_;
// If the scheduling queue needs to be rebuild because a sequence changed
// priority.
bool rebuild_scheduling_queue_ = false;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Scheduler> weak_factory_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SchedulerTest, StreamPriorities);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SchedulerTest, StreamDestroyRemovesPriorities);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SchedulerTest, StreamPriorityChangeWhileReleasing);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SchedulerTest, CircularPriorities);
} // namespace gpu