blob: 819ef1ec588035ed36e3f1bc3adea6102d3e6142 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/binder_registry.h"
#include "ui/gfx/buffer_types.h"
#include "ui/ozone/ozone_export.h"
namespace display {
class NativeDisplayDelegate;
namespace IPC {
class MessageFilter;
namespace service_manager {
class Connector;
namespace ui {
class CursorFactoryOzone;
class InputController;
class GpuPlatformSupportHost;
class OverlayManagerOzone;
class PlatformScreen;
class PlatformWindow;
class PlatformWindowDelegate;
class SurfaceFactoryOzone;
class SystemInputInjector;
class PlatformClipboard;
struct PlatformWindowInitProperties;
// Base class for Ozone platform implementations.
// Ozone platforms must override this class and implement the virtual
// GetFooFactoryOzone() methods to provide implementations of the
// various ozone interfaces.
// The OzonePlatform subclass can own any state needed by the
// implementation that is shared between the various ozone interfaces,
// such as a connection to the windowing system.
// A platform is free to use different implementations of each
// interface depending on the context. You can, for example, create
// different objects depending on the underlying hardware, command
// line flags, or whatever is appropriate for the platform.
class OZONE_EXPORT OzonePlatform {
virtual ~OzonePlatform();
// Additional initialization params for the platform. Platforms must not
// retain a reference to this structure.
struct InitParams {
// Ozone may retain this pointer for later use. An Ozone platform embedder
// may set this value if operating in the idiomatic mojo fashion with a
// service manager. Mojo transport does not require a service manager but in
// that case ozone will not be able to connect to the DRM and cursor
// services. Instead the host must invoke |OnGpuServiceLaunched| as
// described in ui/ozone/public/gpu_platform_support_host.h to inform the
// ozone host that a process containing these services is running.
service_manager::Connector* connector = nullptr;
// Setting this to true indicates that the platform implementation should
// operate as a single process for platforms (i.e. drm) that are usually
// split between a host and viz specific portion.
bool single_process = false;
// Setting this to true indicates that the platform implementation should
// use mojo. Setting this to true requires calling |AddInterfaces|
// afterwards in the Viz process and providing a connector as part.
bool using_mojo = false;
// Setting this to true indicates the display compositor will run in the GPU
// process (as part of the viz service). Note this param is currently only
// checked in Ozone DRM for overlay support. Other Ozone platforms either
// don't need to change anything or assume that VizDisplayCompositor is
// always enabled.
// TODO( Remove after VizDisplayCompositor feature
// launches.
bool viz_display_compositor = false;
// Struct used to indicate platform properties.
struct PlatformProperties {
// Fuchsia only: set to true when the platforms requires |view_token| field
// in PlatformWindowInitProperties when creating a window.
bool needs_view_token = false;
// Determine whether we should default to native decorations or the custom
// frame based on the currently-running window manager.
bool custom_frame_pref_default = false;
// Determine whether switching between system and custom frames is
// supported.
bool use_system_title_bar = false;
// Determines if the platform requires mojo communication for the IPC.
// Currently used only by the Ozone/Wayland platform.
bool requires_mojo = false;
// Properties available in the host process after initialization.
struct InitializedHostProperties {
// Whether the underlying platform supports deferring compositing of buffers
// via overlays. If overlays are not supported the promotion and validation
// logic can be skipped.
bool supports_overlays = false;
// Ensures the OzonePlatform instance without doing any initialization.
// No-op in case the instance is already created.
// This is useful in order call virtual methods that depend on the ozone
// platform selected at runtime, e.g. ::GetMessageLoopTypeForGpu.
static OzonePlatform* EnsureInstance();
// Initializes the subsystems/resources necessary for the UI process (e.g.
// events) with additional properties to customize the ozone platform
// implementation. Ozone will not retain InitParams after returning from
// InitalizeForUI.
static void InitializeForUI(const InitParams& args);
// Initializes the subsystems for rendering but with additional properties
// provided by |args| as with InitalizeForUI.
static void InitializeForGPU(const InitParams& args);
static OzonePlatform* GetInstance();
// Factory getters to override in subclasses. The returned objects will be
// injected into the appropriate layer at startup. Subclasses should not
// inject these objects themselves. Ownership is retained by OzonePlatform.
virtual ui::SurfaceFactoryOzone* GetSurfaceFactoryOzone() = 0;
virtual ui::OverlayManagerOzone* GetOverlayManager() = 0;
virtual ui::CursorFactoryOzone* GetCursorFactoryOzone() = 0;
virtual ui::InputController* GetInputController() = 0;
virtual IPC::MessageFilter* GetGpuMessageFilter();
virtual ui::GpuPlatformSupportHost* GetGpuPlatformSupportHost() = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<SystemInputInjector> CreateSystemInputInjector() = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<PlatformWindow> CreatePlatformWindow(
PlatformWindowDelegate* delegate,
PlatformWindowInitProperties properties) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<display::NativeDisplayDelegate>
CreateNativeDisplayDelegate() = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<PlatformScreen> CreateScreen();
virtual PlatformClipboard* GetPlatformClipboard();
// Returns true if the specified buffer format is supported.
virtual bool IsNativePixmapConfigSupported(gfx::BufferFormat format,
gfx::BufferUsage usage) const;
// Returns a struct that contains configuration and requirements for the
// current platform implementation. This can be called from either host or GPU
// process at any time.
virtual const PlatformProperties& GetPlatformProperties();
// Returns a struct that contains properties available in the host process
// after InitializeForUI() runs.
virtual const InitializedHostProperties& GetInitializedHostProperties();
// Returns the message loop type required for OzonePlatform instance that
// will be initialized for the GPU process.
virtual base::MessageLoop::Type GetMessageLoopTypeForGpu();
// Ozone platform implementations may also choose to expose mojo interfaces to
// internal functionality. Embedders wishing to take advantage of ozone mojo
// implementations must invoke AddInterfaces with a valid
// service_manager::BinderRegistry* pointer to export all Mojo interfaces
// defined within Ozone.
// Requests arriving before they can be immediately handled will be queued and
// executed later.
// A default do-nothing implementation is provided to permit platform
// implementations to opt out of implementing any Mojo interfaces.
virtual void AddInterfaces(service_manager::BinderRegistry* registry);
// The GPU-specific portion of Ozone would typically run in a sandboxed
// process for additional security. Some startup might need to wait until
// after the sandbox has been configured. The embedder should use this method
// to specify that the sandbox is configured and that GPU-side setup should
// complete. A default do-nothing implementation is provided to permit
// platform implementations to ignore sandboxing and any associated launch
// ordering issues.
virtual void AfterSandboxEntry();
static bool has_initialized_ui();
virtual void InitializeUI(const InitParams& params) = 0;
virtual void InitializeGPU(const InitParams& params) = 0;
} // namespace ui