blob: c8d98e3f6726078b671d59e0a22adbf2c3da1c0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/network/shill_property_util.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/i18n/encoding_detection.h"
#include "base/i18n/icu_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_event_log.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_ui_data.h"
#include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_utils.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace shill_property_util {
namespace {
// Replace non UTF8 characters in |str| with a replacement character.
std::string ValidateUTF8(const std::string& str) {
std::string result;
for (int32_t index = 0; index < static_cast<int32_t>(str.size()); ++index) {
uint32_t code_point_out;
bool is_unicode_char = base::ReadUnicodeCharacter(
str.c_str(), str.size(), &index, &code_point_out);
const uint32_t kFirstNonControlChar = 0x20;
if (is_unicode_char && (code_point_out >= kFirstNonControlChar)) {
base::WriteUnicodeCharacter(code_point_out, &result);
} else {
const uint32_t kReplacementChar = 0xFFFD;
// Puts kReplacementChar if character is a control character [0,0x20)
// or is not readable UTF8.
base::WriteUnicodeCharacter(kReplacementChar, &result);
return result;
// If existent and non-empty, copies the string at |key| from |source| to
// |dest|. Returns true if the string was copied.
bool CopyStringFromDictionary(const base::DictionaryValue& source,
const std::string& key,
base::DictionaryValue* dest) {
std::string string_value;
if (!source.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(key, &string_value) ||
string_value.empty()) {
return false;
dest->SetKey(key, base::Value(string_value));
return true;
std::string GetStringFromDictionary(const base::Value* dict, const char* key) {
const base::Value* v = dict ? dict->FindKey(key) : nullptr;
return v ? v->GetString() : std::string();
} // namespace
void SetSSID(const std::string& ssid, base::Value* properties) {
std::string hex_ssid = base::HexEncode(ssid.c_str(), ssid.size());
properties->SetKey(shill::kWifiHexSsid, base::Value(hex_ssid));
std::string GetSSIDFromProperties(const base::Value& properties,
bool verbose_logging,
bool* unknown_encoding) {
if (unknown_encoding)
*unknown_encoding = false;
// Get name for debugging.
std::string name = GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kNameProperty);
std::string hex_ssid =
GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kWifiHexSsid);
if (hex_ssid.empty()) {
if (verbose_logging)
NET_LOG(DEBUG) << "GetSSIDFromProperties: No HexSSID set: " << name;
return std::string();
std::string ssid;
std::string ssid_bytes;
if (base::HexStringToString(hex_ssid, &ssid_bytes)) {
ssid = ssid_bytes;
VLOG(2) << "GetSSIDFromProperties: " << name << " HexSsid=" << hex_ssid
<< " SSID=" << ssid;
} else {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "GetSSIDFromProperties: " << name
<< " Error processing HexSsid: " << hex_ssid;
return std::string();
if (base::IsStringUTF8(ssid))
return ssid;
// Detect encoding and convert to UTF-8.
std::string encoding;
if (!base::DetectEncoding(ssid, &encoding)) {
// TODO(stevenjb): This is currently experimental. If we find a case where
// base::DetectEncoding() fails, we need to figure out whether we can use
// country_code with ConvertToUtf8().
encoding = GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kCountryProperty);
std::string utf8_ssid;
if (!encoding.empty() &&
base::ConvertToUtf8AndNormalize(ssid, encoding, &utf8_ssid)) {
if (utf8_ssid != ssid) {
if (verbose_logging) {
NET_LOG(DEBUG) << "GetSSIDFromProperties: " << name
<< " Encoding=" << encoding << " SSID=" << ssid
<< " UTF8 SSID=" << utf8_ssid;
return utf8_ssid;
if (unknown_encoding)
*unknown_encoding = true;
if (verbose_logging) {
NET_LOG(DEBUG) << "GetSSIDFromProperties: " << name
<< " Unrecognized Encoding=" << encoding;
return ssid;
std::string GetNetworkIdFromProperties(const base::Value& properties) {
if (properties.DictEmpty())
return "EmptyProperties";
std::string guid = GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kGuidProperty);
if (!guid.empty())
return NetworkGuidId(guid);
std::string type = GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kTypeProperty);
if (!type.empty()) {
std::string security =
GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kSecurityClassProperty);
if (!security.empty())
return type + "_" + security + "_unconfigured";
return "<Unconfigured Network>";
std::string GetNameFromProperties(const std::string& service_path,
const base::Value& properties) {
std::string name = GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kNameProperty);
std::string validated_name = ValidateUTF8(name);
if (validated_name != name) {
NET_LOG(DEBUG) << "GetNameFromProperties: " << service_path
<< " Validated name=" << validated_name << " name=" << name;
std::string type = GetStringFromDictionary(&properties, shill::kTypeProperty);
if (type.empty()) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "GetNameFromProperties: " << service_path << " No type.";
return validated_name;
if (!NetworkTypePattern::WiFi().MatchesType(type))
return validated_name;
bool unknown_ssid_encoding = false;
std::string ssid = GetSSIDFromProperties(
properties, true /* verbose_logging */, &unknown_ssid_encoding);
if (ssid.empty()) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "GetNameFromProperties: " << service_path
<< " No SSID set";
// Use |validated_name| if |ssid| is empty.
// And if the encoding of the SSID is unknown, use |ssid|, which contains raw
// bytes in that case, only if |validated_name| is empty.
if (ssid.empty() || (unknown_ssid_encoding && !validated_name.empty()))
return validated_name;
if (ssid != validated_name) {
NET_LOG(DEBUG) << "GetNameFromProperties: " << service_path
<< " SSID=" << ssid << " Validated name=" << validated_name;
return ssid;
std::unique_ptr<NetworkUIData> GetUIDataFromValue(
const base::Value& ui_data_value) {
std::string ui_data_str;
if (!ui_data_value.GetAsString(&ui_data_str))
return std::unique_ptr<NetworkUIData>();
if (ui_data_str.empty())
return std::make_unique<NetworkUIData>();
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ui_data_dict(
if (!ui_data_dict)
return std::unique_ptr<NetworkUIData>();
return std::make_unique<NetworkUIData>(*ui_data_dict);
std::unique_ptr<NetworkUIData> GetUIDataFromProperties(
const base::DictionaryValue& shill_dictionary) {
const base::Value* ui_data_value = NULL;
if (!ui_data_value) {
VLOG(2) << "Dictionary has no UIData entry.";
return std::unique_ptr<NetworkUIData>();
std::unique_ptr<NetworkUIData> ui_data = GetUIDataFromValue(*ui_data_value);
if (!ui_data)
LOG(ERROR) << "UIData is not a valid JSON dictionary.";
return ui_data;
void SetUIData(const NetworkUIData& ui_data,
base::DictionaryValue* shill_dictionary) {
bool CopyIdentifyingProperties(const base::DictionaryValue& service_properties,
const bool properties_read_from_shill,
base::DictionaryValue* dest) {
bool success = true;
// GUID is optional.
CopyStringFromDictionary(service_properties, shill::kGuidProperty, dest);
std::string type;
service_properties.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(shill::kTypeProperty, &type);
success &= !type.empty();
dest->SetKey(shill::kTypeProperty, base::Value(type));
if (type == shill::kTypeWifi) {
success &=
service_properties, shill::kSecurityClassProperty, dest);
success &=
CopyStringFromDictionary(service_properties, shill::kWifiHexSsid, dest);
success &= CopyStringFromDictionary(
service_properties, shill::kModeProperty, dest);
} else if (type == shill::kTypeCellular) {
success &= CopyStringFromDictionary(
service_properties, shill::kNetworkTechnologyProperty, dest);
} else if (type == shill::kTypeVPN) {
success &= CopyStringFromDictionary(
service_properties, shill::kNameProperty, dest);
// VPN Provider values are read from the "Provider" dictionary, but written
// with the keys "Provider.Type" and "Provider.Host".
// TODO(pneubeck): Simplify this once is fixed.
std::string vpn_provider_type;
std::string vpn_provider_host;
if (properties_read_from_shill) {
const base::DictionaryValue* provider_properties = NULL;
if (!service_properties.GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(
shill::kProviderProperty, &provider_properties)) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Missing VPN provider dict: "
<< GetNetworkIdFromProperties(service_properties);
} else {
shill::kProviderTypeProperty, &vpn_provider_type);
shill::kProviderHostProperty, &vpn_provider_host);
success &= !vpn_provider_type.empty();
dest->SetKey(shill::kProviderTypeProperty, base::Value(vpn_provider_type));
success &= !vpn_provider_host.empty();
dest->SetKey(shill::kProviderHostProperty, base::Value(vpn_provider_host));
} else if (type == shill::kTypeEthernet || type == shill::kTypeEthernetEap) {
// Ethernet and EthernetEAP don't have any additional identifying
// properties.
} else {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported network type " << type;
success = false;
if (!success) {
NET_LOG(ERROR) << "Missing required properties: "
<< GetNetworkIdFromProperties(service_properties);
return success;
bool DoIdentifyingPropertiesMatch(const base::DictionaryValue& new_properties,
const base::DictionaryValue& old_properties) {
base::DictionaryValue new_identifying;
if (!CopyIdentifyingProperties(
false /* properties were not read from Shill */,
&new_identifying)) {
return false;
base::DictionaryValue old_identifying;
if (!CopyIdentifyingProperties(old_properties,
true /* properties were read from Shill */,
&old_identifying)) {
return false;
return new_identifying.Equals(&old_identifying);
bool IsLoggableShillProperty(const std::string& key) {
static std::set<std::string>* s_skip_properties = nullptr;
if (!s_skip_properties) {
s_skip_properties = new std::set<std::string>;
return s_skip_properties->count(key) == 0;
} // namespace shill_property_util
} // namespace chromeos