blob: 411b1bd3b0e5dc2e8d3f19c4cfdbd6876d1e4b1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db.h"
#include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_active_blob_registry.h"
#include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_blob_info.h"
#include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_leveldb_coding.h"
#include "content/browser/indexed_db/leveldb/leveldb_iterator.h"
#include "content/browser/indexed_db/leveldb/leveldb_transaction.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "storage/browser/blob/blob_data_handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/indexeddb/indexeddb_key.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/indexeddb/indexeddb.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/status.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace blink {
class IndexedDBKeyRange;
struct IndexedDBDatabaseMetadata;
} // namespace blink
namespace storage {
class FileWriterDelegate;
namespace content {
class IndexedDBFactory;
class LevelDBComparator;
class LevelDBDatabase;
struct IndexedDBValue;
namespace indexed_db_backing_store_unittest {
class IndexedDBBackingStoreTest;
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(IndexedDBBackingStoreTest, ReadCorruptionInfo);
} // namespace indexed_db_backing_store_unittest
enum class V2SchemaCorruptionStatus {
kUnknown = 0, // Due to other unknown/critical errors.
kNo = 1,
kYes = 2,
// All interaction with this class should be done on the task runner given to
// Open.
class CONTENT_EXPORT IndexedDBBackingStore {
class CONTENT_EXPORT Comparator : public LevelDBComparator {
int Compare(const base::StringPiece& a,
const base::StringPiece& b) const override;
const char* Name() const override;
class CONTENT_EXPORT RecordIdentifier {
RecordIdentifier(const std::string& primary_key, int64_t version);
const std::string& primary_key() const { return primary_key_; }
int64_t version() const { return version_; }
void Reset(const std::string& primary_key, int64_t version) {
primary_key_ = primary_key;
version_ = version;
// TODO(jsbell): Make it more clear that this is the *encoded* version of
// the key.
std::string primary_key_;
int64_t version_;
using BlobWriteCallback = base::OnceCallback<leveldb::Status(
IndexedDBBackingStore::BlobWriteResult result)>;
class BlobChangeRecord {
BlobChangeRecord(const std::string& key, int64_t object_store_id);
const std::string& key() const { return key_; }
int64_t object_store_id() const { return object_store_id_; }
void SetBlobInfo(std::vector<IndexedDBBlobInfo>* blob_info);
std::vector<IndexedDBBlobInfo>& mutable_blob_info() { return blob_info_; }
const std::vector<IndexedDBBlobInfo>& blob_info() const {
return blob_info_;
std::unique_ptr<BlobChangeRecord> Clone() const;
std::string key_;
int64_t object_store_id_;
std::vector<IndexedDBBlobInfo> blob_info_;
class CONTENT_EXPORT Transaction {
explicit Transaction(IndexedDBBackingStore* backing_store);
virtual ~Transaction();
virtual void Begin();
// CommitPhaseOne determines what blobs (if any) need to be written to disk
// and updates the primary blob journal, and kicks off the async writing
// of the blob files. In case of crash/rollback, the journal indicates what
// files should be cleaned up.
// The callback will be called eventually on success or failure, or
// immediately if phase one is complete due to lack of any blobs to write.
virtual leveldb::Status CommitPhaseOne(BlobWriteCallback callback);
// CommitPhaseTwo is called once the blob files (if any) have been written
// to disk, and commits the actual transaction to the backing store,
// including blob journal updates, then deletes any blob files deleted
// by the transaction and not referenced by running scripts.
virtual leveldb::Status CommitPhaseTwo();
virtual void Rollback();
void Reset() {
backing_store_ = NULL;
transaction_ = NULL;
leveldb::Status PutBlobInfoIfNeeded(
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const std::string& object_store_data_key,
void PutBlobInfo(int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const std::string& object_store_data_key,
LevelDBTransaction* transaction() { return transaction_.get(); }
virtual uint64_t GetTransactionSize();
leveldb::Status GetBlobInfoForRecord(
int64_t database_id,
const std::string& object_store_data_key,
IndexedDBValue* value);
// This holds a BlobEntryKey and the encoded IndexedDBBlobInfo vector stored
// under that key.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<BlobEntryKey, std::string> >
class CONTENT_EXPORT WriteDescriptor {
WriteDescriptor(const storage::BlobDataHandle* blob,
int64_t key,
int64_t size,
base::Time last_modified);
WriteDescriptor(const base::FilePath& path,
int64_t key,
int64_t size,
base::Time last_modified);
WriteDescriptor(const WriteDescriptor& other);
WriteDescriptor& operator=(const WriteDescriptor& other);
bool is_file() const { return is_file_; }
const storage::BlobDataHandle* blob() const {
return &blob_.value();
const base::FilePath& file_path() const {
return file_path_;
int64_t key() const { return key_; }
int64_t size() const { return size_; }
base::Time last_modified() const { return last_modified_; }
bool is_file_;
base::Optional<storage::BlobDataHandle> blob_;
base::FilePath file_path_;
int64_t key_;
int64_t size_;
base::Time last_modified_;
class ChainedBlobWriter
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ChainedBlobWriter> {
virtual void set_delegate(
std::unique_ptr<storage::FileWriterDelegate> delegate) = 0;
// TODO(ericu): Add a reason in the event of failure.
virtual void ReportWriteCompletion(bool succeeded,
int64_t bytes_written) = 0;
virtual void Abort() = 0;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ChainedBlobWriter>;
virtual ~ChainedBlobWriter() {}
class ChainedBlobWriterImpl;
typedef std::vector<WriteDescriptor> WriteDescriptorVec;
// Called by CommitPhaseOne: Identifies the blob entries to write and adds
// them to the primary blob journal directly (i.e. not as part of the
// transaction). Populates blobs_to_write_.
leveldb::Status HandleBlobPreTransaction(
BlobEntryKeyValuePairVec* new_blob_entries,
WriteDescriptorVec* new_files_to_write);
// Called by CommitPhaseOne: Populates blob_files_to_remove_ by
// determining which blobs are deleted as part of the transaction, and
// adds blob entry cleanup operations to the transaction. Returns true on
// success, false on failure.
bool CollectBlobFilesToRemove();
// Called by CommitPhaseOne: Kicks off the asynchronous writes of blobs
// identified in HandleBlobPreTransaction. The callback will be called
// eventually on success or failure.
void WriteNewBlobs(BlobEntryKeyValuePairVec* new_blob_entries,
WriteDescriptorVec* new_files_to_write,
BlobWriteCallback callback);
// Called by CommitPhaseTwo: Partition blob references in blobs_to_remove_
// into live (active references) and dead (no references).
void PartitionBlobsToRemove(BlobJournalType* dead_blobs,
BlobJournalType* live_blobs) const;
// The raw pointer is not inherently safe, but IndexedDB destroys
// transactions & connections before destroying the backing store.
// TODO(dmurph): Convert to WeakPtr.
IndexedDBBackingStore* backing_store_;
scoped_refptr<LevelDBTransaction> transaction_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<BlobChangeRecord>> blob_change_map_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<BlobChangeRecord>>
int64_t database_id_;
// List of blob files being newly written as part of this transaction.
// These will be added to the primary blob journal prior to commit, then
// removed after a successful commit.
BlobJournalType blobs_to_write_;
// List of blob files being deleted as part of this transaction. These will
// be added to either the primary or live blob journal as appropriate
// following a successful commit.
BlobJournalType blobs_to_remove_;
scoped_refptr<ChainedBlobWriter> chained_blob_writer_;
// Set to true between CommitPhaseOne and CommitPhaseTwo/Rollback, to
// indicate that the committing_transaction_count_ on the backing store
// has been bumped, and journal cleaning should be deferred.
bool committing_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Transaction> ptr_factory_;
class Cursor {
enum IteratorState { READY = 0, SEEK };
virtual ~Cursor();
struct CursorOptions {
CursorOptions(const CursorOptions& other);
int64_t database_id;
int64_t object_store_id;
int64_t index_id;
std::string low_key;
bool low_open;
std::string high_key;
bool high_open;
bool forward;
bool unique;
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key() const { return *current_key_; }
bool Continue(leveldb::Status* s) { return Continue(NULL, NULL, SEEK, s); }
bool Continue(const blink::IndexedDBKey* key,
IteratorState state,
leveldb::Status* s) {
return Continue(key, NULL, state, s);
bool Continue(const blink::IndexedDBKey* key,
const blink::IndexedDBKey* primary_key,
IteratorState state,
bool Advance(uint32_t count, leveldb::Status*);
bool FirstSeek(leveldb::Status*);
virtual std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Clone() const = 0;
virtual const blink::IndexedDBKey& primary_key() const;
virtual IndexedDBValue* value() = 0;
virtual const RecordIdentifier& record_identifier() const;
virtual bool LoadCurrentRow(leveldb::Status* s) = 0;
Cursor(IndexedDBBackingStore* backing_store,
Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
const CursorOptions& cursor_options);
explicit Cursor(const IndexedDBBackingStore::Cursor* other);
virtual std::string EncodeKey(const blink::IndexedDBKey& key) = 0;
virtual std::string EncodeKey(const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& primary_key) = 0;
bool IsPastBounds() const;
bool HaveEnteredRange() const;
// The raw pointer is not inherently safe, but IndexedDB destroys
// transactions & connections before destroying the backing store.
// TODO(dmurph): Convert to WeakPtr.
IndexedDBBackingStore* backing_store_;
// The raw pointer is not inherently safe, but IndexedDB destroys
// transactions before cursors.
// TODO(dmurph): Convert to WeakPtr.
Transaction* transaction_;
int64_t database_id_;
const CursorOptions cursor_options_;
std::unique_ptr<LevelDBIterator> iterator_;
std::unique_ptr<blink::IndexedDBKey> current_key_;
IndexedDBBackingStore::RecordIdentifier record_identifier_;
enum class ContinueResult { LEVELDB_ERROR, DONE, OUT_OF_BOUNDS };
// For cursors with direction Next or NextNoDuplicate.
ContinueResult ContinueNext(const blink::IndexedDBKey* key,
const blink::IndexedDBKey* primary_key,
IteratorState state,
// For cursors with direction Prev or PrevNoDuplicate. The PrevNoDuplicate
// case has additional complexity of not being symmetric with
// NextNoDuplicate.
ContinueResult ContinuePrevious(const blink::IndexedDBKey* key,
const blink::IndexedDBKey* primary_key,
IteratorState state,
enum class Mode { kInMemory, kOnDisk };
// Schedule an immediate blob journal cleanup if we reach this number of
// requests.
static constexpr const int kMaxJournalCleanRequests = 50;
// Wait for a maximum of 5 seconds from the first call to the timer since the
// last journal cleaning.
static constexpr const base::TimeDelta kMaxJournalCleaningWindowTime =
// Default to a 2 second timer delay before we clean up blobs.
static constexpr const base::TimeDelta kInitialJournalCleaningWindowTime =
IndexedDBBackingStore(Mode backing_store_mode,
IndexedDBFactory* indexed_db_factory,
const url::Origin& origin,
const base::FilePath& blob_path,
std::unique_ptr<LevelDBDatabase> db,
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner);
virtual ~IndexedDBBackingStore();
// Initializes the backing store. This must be called before doing any
// operations or method calls on this object.
leveldb::Status Initialize(bool clean_live_blob_journal);
const url::Origin& origin() const { return origin_; }
IndexedDBFactory* factory() const { return indexed_db_factory_; }
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner() const { return task_runner_.get(); }
IndexedDBActiveBlobRegistry* active_blob_registry() {
return &active_blob_registry_;
void GrantChildProcessPermissions(int child_process_id);
// Compact is public for testing.
virtual void Compact();
virtual leveldb::Status DeleteDatabase(const base::string16& name);
static bool RecordCorruptionInfo(const base::FilePath& path_base,
const url::Origin& origin,
const std::string& message);
virtual leveldb::Status GetRecord(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
IndexedDBValue* record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status PutRecord(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
IndexedDBValue* value,
RecordIdentifier* record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status ClearObjectStore(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status DeleteRecord(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const RecordIdentifier& record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status DeleteRange(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKeyRange&) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status GetKeyGeneratorCurrentNumber(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t* current_number) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status MaybeUpdateKeyGeneratorCurrentNumber(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t new_state,
bool check_current) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status KeyExistsInObjectStore(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
RecordIdentifier* found_record_identifier,
bool* found) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status ClearIndex(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t index_id) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status PutIndexDataForRecord(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t index_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
const RecordIdentifier& record) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status GetPrimaryKeyViaIndex(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t index_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
std::unique_ptr<blink::IndexedDBKey>* primary_key) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual leveldb::Status KeyExistsInIndex(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t index_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
std::unique_ptr<blink::IndexedDBKey>* found_primary_key,
bool* exists) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Public for IndexedDBActiveBlobRegistry::ReleaseBlobRef.
virtual void ReportBlobUnused(int64_t database_id, int64_t blob_key);
base::FilePath GetBlobFileName(int64_t database_id, int64_t key) const;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Cursor> OpenObjectStoreKeyCursor(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range,
virtual std::unique_ptr<Cursor> OpenObjectStoreCursor(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range,
virtual std::unique_ptr<Cursor> OpenIndexKeyCursor(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t index_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range,
virtual std::unique_ptr<Cursor> OpenIndexCursor(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t index_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKeyRange& key_range,
LevelDBDatabase* db() { return db_.get(); }
const std::string& origin_identifier() { return origin_identifier_; }
// Returns true if a blob cleanup job is pending on journal_cleaning_timer_.
bool IsBlobCleanupPending();
int64_t GetInMemoryBlobSize() const;
int NumBlobFilesDeletedForTesting() { return num_blob_files_deleted_; }
int NumAggregatedJournalCleaningRequestsForTesting() const {
return num_aggregated_journal_cleaning_requests_;
// Stops the journal_cleaning_timer_ and runs its pending task.
void ForceRunBlobCleanup();
// HasV2SchemaCorruption() returns whether the backing store is v2 and
// has blob references.
V2SchemaCorruptionStatus HasV2SchemaCorruption();
// RevertSchemaToV2() updates a backing store state on disk to override its
// metadata version to 2. This allows triggering on
// an otherwise healthy backing store.
leveldb::Status RevertSchemaToV2();
bool is_incognito() const { return backing_store_mode_ == Mode::kInMemory; }
base::WeakPtr<IndexedDBBackingStore> AsWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
friend class IndexedDBOriginState;
leveldb::Status AnyDatabaseContainsBlobs(LevelDBTransaction* transaction,
bool* blobs_exist);
// TODO(dmurph): Move this completely to IndexedDBMetadataFactory.
leveldb::Status GetCompleteMetadata(
std::vector<blink::IndexedDBDatabaseMetadata>* output);
virtual bool WriteBlobFile(
int64_t database_id,
const Transaction::WriteDescriptor& descriptor,
Transaction::ChainedBlobWriter* chained_blob_writer);
// Remove the referenced file on disk.
virtual bool RemoveBlobFile(int64_t database_id, int64_t key) const;
// Schedule a call to CleanPrimaryJournalIgnoreReturn() via
// an owned timer. If this object is destroyed, the timer
// will automatically be cancelled.
virtual void StartJournalCleaningTimer();
// Attempt to clean the primary journal. This will remove
// any referenced files and delete the journal entry. If any
// transaction is currently committing this will be deferred
// via StartJournalCleaningTimer().
void CleanPrimaryJournalIgnoreReturn();
leveldb::Status FindKeyInIndex(
IndexedDBBackingStore::Transaction* transaction,
int64_t database_id,
int64_t object_store_id,
int64_t index_id,
const blink::IndexedDBKey& key,
std::string* found_encoded_primary_key,
bool* found);
// Remove the blob directory for the specified database and all contained
// blob files.
bool RemoveBlobDirectory(int64_t database_id) const;
// Synchronously read the key-specified blob journal entry from the backing
// store, delete all referenced blob files, and erase the journal entry.
// This must not be used while temporary entries are present e.g. during
// a two-stage transaction commit with blobs.
leveldb::Status CleanUpBlobJournal(const std::string& level_db_key) const;
// Synchronously delete the files and/or directories on disk referenced by
// the blob journal.
leveldb::Status CleanUpBlobJournalEntries(
const BlobJournalType& journal) const;
void WillCommitTransaction();
// Can run a journal cleaning job if one is pending.
void DidCommitTransaction();
Mode backing_store_mode_;
IndexedDBFactory* indexed_db_factory_;
const url::Origin origin_;
base::FilePath blob_path_;
// The origin identifier is a key prefix unique to the origin used in the
// leveldb backing store to partition data by origin. It is a normalized
// version of the origin URL with a versioning suffix appended, e.g.
// "http_localhost_81@1" Since only one origin is stored per backing store
// this is redundant but necessary for backwards compatibility; the suffix
// provides for future flexibility.
const std::string origin_identifier_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
std::set<int> child_process_ids_granted_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<BlobChangeRecord>> incognito_blob_map_;
bool execute_journal_cleaning_on_no_txns_ = false;
int num_aggregated_journal_cleaning_requests_ = 0;
base::OneShotTimer journal_cleaning_timer_;
base::TimeTicks journal_cleaning_timer_window_start_;
mutable int num_blob_files_deleted_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<LevelDBDatabase> db_;
// Whenever blobs are registered in active_blob_registry_,
// indexed_db_factory_ will hold a reference to this backing store.
IndexedDBActiveBlobRegistry active_blob_registry_;
// Incremented whenever a transaction starts committing, decremented when
// complete. While > 0, temporary journal entries may exist so out-of-band
// journal cleaning must be deferred.
size_t committing_transaction_count_ = 0;
bool initialized_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<IndexedDBBackingStore> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content