blob: 72ab43606bb34d8609e59acd9f9503e6a206e323 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/iterators/text_iterator_behavior.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class InlineTextBox;
class LayoutText;
class LayoutTextFragment;
class TextIteratorTextState;
// TextIteratorTextNodeHandler extracts plain text from a text node by calling
// HandleTextNode() function. It should be used only by TextIterator.
class TextIteratorTextNodeHandler {
TextIteratorTextNodeHandler(const TextIteratorBehavior&,
const Text* GetNode() const { return text_node_; }
// Returns true if more text is emitted without traversing to the next node.
bool HandleRemainingTextRuns();
// Returns true if a leading white space is emitted before a replaced element.
bool FixLeadingWhiteSpaceForReplacedElement();
void ResetCollapsedWhiteSpaceFixup();
// Emit plain text from the given text node.
void HandleTextNodeWhole(const Text*);
// Variants that emit plain text within the given DOM offset range.
void HandleTextNodeStartFrom(const Text*, unsigned start_offset);
void HandleTextNodeEndAt(const Text*, unsigned end_offset);
void HandleTextNodeInRange(const Text*,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset);
void HandlePreFormattedTextNode();
void HandleTextBox();
void HandleTextNodeFirstLetter(LayoutTextFragment*);
bool ShouldHandleFirstLetter(const LayoutText&) const;
bool ShouldProceedToRemainingText() const;
void ProceedToRemainingText();
wtf_size_t RestoreCollapsedTrailingSpace(InlineTextBox* next_text_box,
wtf_size_t subrun_end);
void HandleTextNodeWithLayoutNG();
// Used when the visibility of the style should not affect text gathering.
bool IgnoresStyleVisibility() const {
return behavior_.IgnoresStyleVisibility();
bool ShouldFixLeadingWhiteSpaceForReplacedElement() const;
// Emits |code_unit| before |offset| of characters in |text_node_|.
void EmitChar16Before(UChar code_unit, unsigned offset);
// Emits |code_unit| as replacement of a code unit after |offset| in
// |text_node_|.
void EmitReplacmentCodeUnit(UChar code_unit, unsigned offset);
void EmitText(const LayoutText* layout_object,
unsigned text_start_offset,
unsigned text_end_offset);
// The current text node and offset range, from which text should be emitted.
Member<const Text> text_node_;
unsigned offset_ = 0;
unsigned end_offset_ = 0;
// Indicates if the text node is laid out with LayoutNG.
bool uses_layout_ng_ = false;
InlineTextBox* text_box_ = nullptr;
// Remember if we are in the middle of handling a pre-formatted text node.
bool needs_handle_pre_formatted_text_node_ = false;
// Used when deciding text fragment created by :first-letter should be looked
// into.
bool handled_first_letter_ = false;
// Used when iteration over :first-letter text to save pointer to
// remaining text box.
InlineTextBox* remaining_text_box_ = nullptr;
// Used to point to LayoutText object for :first-letter.
LayoutText* first_letter_text_ = nullptr;
// Used to do the whitespace collapsing logic.
bool last_text_node_ended_with_collapsed_space_ = false;
// Used when text boxes are out of order (Hebrew/Arabic w/ embeded LTR text)
Vector<InlineTextBox*> sorted_text_boxes_;
wtf_size_t sorted_text_boxes_position_ = 0;
const TextIteratorBehavior behavior_;
// Contains state of emitted text.
TextIteratorTextState& text_state_;
} // namespace blink