blob: 08e70836efd92f367d7077685d711ff5a964f808 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browsertest.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "net/test/spawned_test_server/spawned_test_server.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class GURL;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
// The general flow of these API tests should work like this:
// (1) Setup initial browser state (e.g. create some bookmarks for the
// bookmark test)
// (2) Call ASSERT_TRUE(RunExtensionTest(name));
// (3) In your extension code, run your test and call chrome.test.pass or
// (4) Verify expected browser state.
// TODO(erikkay): There should also be a way to drive events in these tests.
class ExtensionApiTest : public ExtensionBrowserTest {
struct RunOptions {
// Start the test by opening the specified page URL. This must be an
// absolute URL.
const char* page_url = nullptr;
// Start the test by opening the specified extension URL. This is treated
// as a relative path to an extension resource.
const char* extension_url = nullptr;
// The custom arg to be passed into the test.
const char* custom_arg = nullptr;
// Launch the test page in an incognito window.
bool open_in_incognito = false;
// Launch the extension as a platform app.
bool launch_as_platform_app = false;
// Use //extensions/test/data/ as the root path instead of the default
// path of //chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/.
bool use_extensions_root_dir = false;
~ExtensionApiTest() override;
// InProcessBrowserTest:
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
void TearDownOnMainThread() override;
// Loads the extension with |extension_name| and default RunOptions and
// LoadOptions.
bool RunExtensionTest(const char* extension_name) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
bool RunExtensionTest(const char* extension_name,
const RunOptions& run_options) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
bool RunExtensionTest(const char* extension_name,
const RunOptions& run_options,
const LoadOptions& load_options) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Opens the given |url| and waits for the next result from the
// chrome.test API. If |open_in_incognito| is true, the URL is opened
// in an off-the-record browser profile. This API is different from
// RunExtensionTest as it doesn't load an extension.
bool OpenTestURL(const GURL& url,
bool open_in_incognito = false) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Start the test server, and store details of its state. Those details
// will be available to JavaScript tests using chrome.test.getConfig().
bool StartEmbeddedTestServer();
// Initialize the test server and store details of its state. Those details
// will be available to JavaScript tests using chrome.test.getConfig().
// Starting the test server is done in two steps; first the server socket is
// created and starts listening, followed by the start of an IO thread on
// which the test server will accept connectons.
// In general you can start the test server using StartEmbeddedTestServer()
// which handles both steps. When you need to register request handlers that
// need the server's base URL (either directly or through GetURL()), you will
// have to initialize the test server via this method first, get the URL and
// register the handler, and finally start accepting connections on the test
// server via InitializeEmbeddedTestServer().
bool InitializeEmbeddedTestServer();
// Start accepting connections on the test server. Initialize the test server
// before calling this method via InitializeEmbeddedTestServer(), or use
// StartEmbeddedTestServer() instead.
void EmbeddedTestServerAcceptConnections();
// Start the test WebSocket server, and store details of its state. Those
// details will be available to javascript tests using
// chrome.test.getConfig(). Enable HTTP basic authentication if needed.
bool StartWebSocketServer(const base::FilePath& root_directory,
bool enable_basic_auth = false);
// Start the test FTP server, and store details of its state. Those
// details will be available to JavaScript tests using
// chrome.test.getConfig().
bool StartFTPServer(const base::FilePath& root_directory);
// Sets the additional string argument |customArg| to the test config object,
// which is available to javascript tests using chrome.test.getConfig().
void SetCustomArg(base::StringPiece custom_arg);
// Test that exactly one extension loaded. If so, return a pointer to
// the extension. If not, return NULL and set message_.
const Extension* GetSingleLoadedExtension();
// All extensions tested by ExtensionApiTest are in the "api_test" dir.
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
const base::FilePath& shared_test_data_dir() const {
return shared_test_data_dir_;
// If it failed, what was the error message?
std::string message_;
void OpenURL(const GURL& url, bool open_in_incognito);
// Hold details of the test, set in C++, which can be accessed by
// javascript using chrome.test.getConfig().
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> test_config_;
// Hold the test WebSocket server.
std::unique_ptr<net::SpawnedTestServer> websocket_server_;
// Hold the test FTP server.
std::unique_ptr<net::SpawnedTestServer> ftp_server_;
// Test data directory shared with //extensions.
base::FilePath shared_test_data_dir_;
} // namespace extensions