blob: bf11593394bd60c3d9219cc95cbb9f79757b4b24 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Dialog titles, sentence-cased -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_TITLE" desc="Title of the dialog that presents a request for payment for some good or service. Sentence-cased.">
Review your payment
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ERROR_MESSAGE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that informs the user that there is error in verifying and charging the payment.">
Payment not completed
<!-- Section labels and buttons which are title-cased on certain platforms. Make sure to keep the title-cased and sentence-cased variants in sync. -->
<!-- General titles, sentence-cased -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_METHOD_OF_PAYMENT_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the method of payment. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Payment method
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CONTACT_DETAILS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how they can be contacted. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Contact info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CONTACT_DETAILS_LABEL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add new contact information, such as the user's full name, an email address or a phone number. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add contact info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_CONTACT_DETAILS_LABEL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to edit their contact information, such as the user's full name, an email address or a phone number. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Edit contact info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CARD_LABEL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add new payment card. Sentence-cased.">
Add card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_BILLING_ADDRESS" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add billing address to payment card. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add billing address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_NAME_ON_CARD" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add name on card to payment card. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add name on card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_VALID_CARD_NUMBER" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add valid payment card number. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add valid card number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_MORE_INFORMATION" desc="The title in the Android app title bar for user to add more information to payment card or shipping address or contact info. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add more information
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_CARD" desc="The title of the dialog for user to edit payment card. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Edit card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_PHONE_NUMBER" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add phone number to the shipping address or contact info. This phone number can be used, for example, if there's a problem with shipping a package to its destination. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add phone number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_RECIPIENT" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add the name in the shipping address. This name identifies the person that will receive the shipped package. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add name
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_VALID_ADDRESS" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add valid shipping address. For example, missing state or city name. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add valid address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_EMAIL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add email to the contact details. This email can be used to contact the payer. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add email
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_NAME" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add name to the contact details. This name could be a person or institute name of the payer. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add name
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ORDER_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title of the section that shows the summary of the order, including names and prices of individual line items, i.e. the bill. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Order summary
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_PAYMENT_METHOD_SECTION_NAME" desc="The name of the Payment Method section in the Payment Sheet of the Payment Request dialog. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_BALANCE" desc="The label for the amount of funds in user's digital wallet. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Account balance
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTACT_INFO_SECTION_NAME" desc="The name of the Contact Info section in the Payment Sheet of the Payment Request dialog. Sentence-cased.">
Contact info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SHIPPING_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title for the section of shipping information. Shipping is used for packages and things that are mailed. In American English, 'shipping' is differentiated from 'delivery'. 'Delivery' is used, for example, for food delivery. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the address where the product should be shipped. Shipping is typically used for packages. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Shipping address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SHIPPING_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how the product should be shipped. Shipping is typically used for packages. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Shipping method
</if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->
<!-- General Titles, Title-Cased -->
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_METHOD_OF_PAYMENT_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the method of payment. Title-Cased.">
Payment Method
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CONTACT_DETAILS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how they can be contacted. Title-Cased.">
Contact Info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CONTACT_DETAILS_LABEL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add new contact information, such as the user's full name, an email address or a phone number. Title-Cased.">
Add Contact Info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_CONTACT_DETAILS_LABEL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to edit their contact information, such as the user's full name, an email address or a phone number. Title-Cased.">
Edit Contact Info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CARD_LABEL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add new payment card. Title-Cased.">
Add Card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_BILLING_ADDRESS" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add billing address to payment card. Title-Cased.">
Add Billing Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_NAME_ON_CARD" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add name on card to payment card. Title-Cased.">
Add Name on Card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_VALID_CARD_NUMBER" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add valid payment card number. Title-Cased.">
Add Valid Card Number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_MORE_INFORMATION" desc="The title in the Android app title bar for user to add more information to payment card or shipping address or contact info. Title-Cased.">
Add More Information
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_CARD" desc="The title of the dialog for user to edit payment card. Title-Cased.">
Edit Card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_PHONE_NUMBER" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add phone number to the shipping address or contact info. This phone number can be used, for example, if there's a problem with shipping a package to its destination. Title-Cased.">
Add Phone Number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_RECIPIENT" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add the name in the shipping address. This name identifies the person that will receive the shipped package. Title-Cased.">
Add Name
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_VALID_ADDRESS" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add valid shipping address. For example, missing state or city name. Title-Cased.">
Add Valid Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_EMAIL" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add email to the contact details. This email can be used to contact the payer. Title-Cased.">
Add Email
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_NAME" desc="The title of the dialog for user to add name to the contact details. This name could be a person or institute name of the payer. Title-Cased.">
Add Name
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ORDER_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title of the section that shows the summary of the order, including names and prices of individual line items, i.e. the bill. Title-Cased.">
Order Summary
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_PAYMENT_METHOD_SECTION_NAME" desc="The name of the Payment Method section in the Payment Sheet of the Payment Request dialog. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_BALANCE" desc="The label for the amount of funds in user's digital wallet. Title-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Account Balance
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTACT_INFO_SECTION_NAME" desc="The name of the Contact Info section in the Payment Sheet of the Payment Request dialog. Title-Cased.">
Contact Info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SHIPPING_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title for the section of shipping information. Shipping is used for packages and things that are mailed. In American English, 'shipping' is differentiated from 'delivery'. 'Delivery' is used, for example, for food delivery. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the address where the product should be shipped. Shipping is typically used for packages. Title-Cased.">
Shipping Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SHIPPING_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how the product should be shipped. Shipping is typically used for packages. Title-Cased.">
Shipping Method
</if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
<!-- Delivery titles, sentence-cased -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_DELIVERY_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title for the section of delivery information. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the address where the product should be delivered. In English, 'delivery' is differentiated from 'shipping.' For example, 'delivery' might be used for meals or meal items or items that need to be immediately sent to a recipient. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Delivery address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_DELIVERY_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how the product should be delivered. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Delivery method
</if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->
<!-- Delivery Titles, Title-Cased -->
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_DELIVERY_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title for the section of delivery information. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the address where the product should be delivered. In English, 'delivery' is differentiated from 'shipping.' For example, 'delivery' might be used for meals or meal items or items that need to be immediately sent to a recipient. Title-Cased.">
Delivery Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_DELIVERY_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how the product should be delivered. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery. Title-Cased.">
Delivery Method
</if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
<!-- Pickup titles, sentence-cased -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PICKUP_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title for the section of information needed for a service to pick up items from a customer. For example, this could be the address for laundry pickup. 'Pickup' is a noun. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PICKUP_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the address where a service item should be picked up. For example, the pickup address is where a laundry service picks up a customer’s items to be laundered. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Pickup address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PICKUP_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how their service item should be picked up. This item can be laundry to be cleaned, for example. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Pickup method
</if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->
<!-- Pickup Titles, Title-Cased -->
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PICKUP_SUMMARY_LABEL" desc="The title for the section of information needed for a service to pick up items from a customer. For example, this could be the address for laundry pickup. 'Pickup' is a noun. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PICKUP_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select the address where a service item should be picked up. For example, the pickup address is where a laundry service picks up a customer’s items to be laundered. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective. Title-Cased.">
Pickup Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PICKUP_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that lets the user select how their service item should be picked up. This item can be laundry to be cleaned, for example. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective. Title-Cased.">
Pickup Method
</if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
<!-- Buttons, sentence-cased -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that lets the user edit their payment options. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PAY_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that finishes the payment process. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that continues to the payment handler window. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CONTACT" desc="Text on a button that lets a user add new contact details, like the user's full name, an email address or a phone number. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add contact info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CARD" desc="Text on a button that lets a user add new payment card. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_ADDRESS" desc="Text on a button that lets a user add new address. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Add address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_ADDRESS" desc="Text on a button that lets a user edit an existing address. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Edit address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CANCEL_PAYMENT" desc="Label of the secondary button in payment request editors. Clicking that button closes the dialog and aborts the payment request completely. Sentence-cased.">
Cancel payment
</if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->
<!-- Buttons, Title-Cased -->
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that lets the user edit their payment options. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PAY_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that finishes the payment process. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that continues to the payment handler window. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CONTACT" desc="Text on a button that lets a user add new contact details, like the user's full name, an email address or a phone number. Title-Cased.">
Add Contact Info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_CARD" desc="Text on a button that lets a user add new payment card. Title-Cased.">
Add Card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_ADDRESS" desc="Text on a button that lets a user add new address. Title-Cased.">
Add Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT_ADDRESS" desc="Text on a button that lets a user edit an existing address. Title-Cased.">
Edit Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CANCEL_PAYMENT" desc="Label of the secondary button in payment request editors. Clicking that button closes the dialog and aborts the payment request completely. Title-Cased.">
Cancel Payment
</if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
<!-- Fields & Editors, sentence-cased -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_NAME_FIELD_IN_CONTACT_DETAILS" desc="The label for text input field containing the full name of a person. Sentence-cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]" formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PHONE_FIELD_IN_CONTACT_DETAILS" desc="The label for text input field containing a phone number. Sentence-cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]">
Phone number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EMAIL_FIELD_IN_CONTACT_DETAILS" desc="The label for text input field containing an email address. Sentence-cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SAVE_CARD_TO_DEVICE_CHECKBOX" desc="The label for the checkbox that enables the user to save a credit card to their device, for example, on their phone. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Save this card to this device
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ACCEPTED_CARDS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that displays the card networks that the merchant accepts. Below the title, we show a row of icons indicating the accepted networks (Visa icon, Mastercard icon, etc.). Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Accepted cards
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE_ABBR" desc="Abbreviated label for credit card expiration date. Sentence-cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]" formatter_data="android_java">
Expires <ph name="EXPIRATION_MONTH">%1$s<ex>06</ex></ph>/<ph name="EXPIRATION_YEAR">%2$s<ex>17</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_LOADING_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that payment information is being loaded up. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PROCESSING_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that payment is being processed. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHECKING_OPTION" desc="Text explaining that the option the user selected is being checked and verified. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UPDATED_LABEL" desc="The text that informs the user that the total value of their cart has been updated. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_COMPLETE_MESSAGE" desc="A status message that the payment transaction has completed. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Payment complete
</if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->
<!-- Fields & Editors, Title-cased -->
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_NAME_FIELD_IN_CONTACT_DETAILS" desc="The label for text input field containing the full name of a person. Title-Cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]" formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PHONE_FIELD_IN_CONTACT_DETAILS" desc="The label for text input field containing a phone number. Title-Cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]">
Phone Number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EMAIL_FIELD_IN_CONTACT_DETAILS" desc="The label for text input field containing an email address. Title-Cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SAVE_CARD_TO_DEVICE_CHECKBOX" desc="The label for the checkbox that enables the user to save a credit card to their device, for example, on their phone. Title-Cased.">
Save This Card to This Device
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ACCEPTED_CARDS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that displays the card networks that the merchant accepts. Below the title, we show a row of icons indicating the accepted networks (Visa icon, Mastercard icon, etc.). Title-Cased.">
Accepted Cards
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ACCEPTED_CREDIT_CARDS_LABEL" desc="The title for the section that displays the credit card networks that the merchant accepts. Below the title, we show a row of icons indicating the accepted credit card networks (Visa icon, Mastercard icon, etc.). Title-Cased.">
Accepted Credit Cards
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE_ABBR" desc="Abbreviated label for credit card expiration date. Title-Cased. [CHAR_LIMIT=32]" formatter_data="android_java">
Expires <ph name="EXPIRATION_MONTH">%1$s<ex>06</ex></ph>/<ph name="EXPIRATION_YEAR">%2$s<ex>17</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_LOADING_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that payment information is being loaded up. Title-Cased.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PROCESSING_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that payment is being processed. Title-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHECKING_OPTION" desc="Text explaining that the option the user selected is being checked and verified. Title-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UPDATED_LABEL" desc="The text that informs the user that the total value of their cart has been updated. Title-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_COMPLETE_MESSAGE" desc="A status message that the payment transaction has completed. Title-Cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Payment Complete
</if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
<!-- Fields, descriptive sentences, and other strings which are never title-cased. -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that there is error in verifying and charging the payment." formatter_data="android_java">
There was an error processing your order. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_AND_ADDRESS_SETTINGS" desc="Label of the section containing the link to go to the settings page for card and address options." formatter_data="android_java">
You can manage cards and addresses in <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">BEGIN_LINK</ph>Settings<ph name="END_LINK">END_LINK</ph>.
<if expr="is_android">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_AND_ADDRESS_SETTINGS_SIGNED_IN" desc="Label of the section containing the origin description and the link to go to the settings page for card and address options. This label is used when the user is signed in." formatter_data="android_java">
Cards and addresses are from Chrome and your Google Account (<ph name="ACCOUNT_EMAIL">%1$s<ex></ex></ph>). You can manage them in <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">BEGIN_LINK</ph>Settings<ph name="END_LINK">END_LINK</ph>.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_TOUCH_SENSOR_TO_PAY" desc="A prompt for the user to place the finger on the fingerprint scanner, which will confirm payment transaction." formatter_data="android_java">
Touch sensor to pay
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_FINGERPRINT_NOT_RECOGNIZED" desc="A status message about user's fingerprint not being recognized after the user has touched the fingerprint scanner, so the payment transaction cannot complete. This is a brief version of the sentence 'Your fingerprint is not recognized.'" formatter_data="android_java">
Not recognized
<if expr="not is_android">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_AND_ADDRESS_SETTINGS_SIGNED_IN" desc="Label of the section containing the origin description and the link to go to the settings page for card and address options. This label is used when the user is signed in.">
Cards and addresses are from Chrome and your Google Account (<ph name="ACCOUNT_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>). You can manage them in <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">BEGIN_LINK</ph>Settings<ph name="END_LINK">END_LINK</ph>.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_AND_ADDRESS_SETTINGS_SIGNED_OUT" desc="Label of the section containing the origin description and the link to go to the settings page for card and address options. This label is used when the user is not signed in." formatter_data="android_java">
Cards and addresses are from Chrome. You can manage them in <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">BEGIN_LINK</ph>Settings<ph name="END_LINK">END_LINK</ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CAN_MAKE_PAYMENT_TOGGLE_LABEL" desc="Label of the toggle which disables canMakePayment and hasEnrolledInstrument" formatter_data="android_java">
Allow sites to check if you have payment methods saved
<!-- iOS Credit Card form -->
<if expr="is_ios">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_NUMBER" desc="Title of the field representing the number (PAN) on a credit card.">
Card Number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_NAME_ON_CARD" desc="Title of the field representing the full name of a credit card holder.">
Cardholder Name
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EXP_DATE" desc="Title of the field representing the expiration date of a credit card.">
Expiration Date
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_BILLING_ADDRESS" desc="Title of the field representing the billing address of a credit card.">
Billing Address
<!-- iOS call-to-action button labels -->
<if expr="is_ios">
<message name="IDS_CHOOSE_PAYMENT_METHOD" desc="The title for the button that lets the user select the method of payment. Title-Cased.">
Choose Payment Method
<message name="IDS_ADD_PAYMENT_METHOD" desc="The title for the button that lets the user add a payment card. Title-Cased.">
Add Card
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CHOOSE_CONTACT_INFO" desc="The name of the Choose Contact Info button in the Payment Sheet of the Payment Request dialog. Title-Cased.">
Choose Contact Info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_ADD_CONTACT_INFO" desc="The name of the Add Contact Info button in the Payment Sheet of the Payment Request dialog. Title-Cased.">
Add Contact Info
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_BILLING_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user add a billing address. Title-Cased.">
Add Billing Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHOOSE_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user select the address where the product should be shipped. Shipping is typically used for packages. Title-Cased.">
Choose Shipping Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user add the address where the product should be shipped. Shipping is typically used for packages. Title-Cased.">
Add Shipping Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHOOSE_SHIPPING_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user select how the product should be shipped. Shipping is typically used for packages. Title-Cased.">
Choose Shipping Method
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHOOSE_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user select the address where the product should be delivered. In English, 'delivery' is differentiated from 'shipping.' For example, 'delivery' might be used for meals or meal items or items that need to be immediately sent to a recipient. Title-Cased.">
Choose Delivery Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user add the address where the product should be delivered. In English, 'delivery' is differentiated from 'shipping.' For example, 'delivery' might be used for meals or meal items or items that need to be immediately sent to a recipient. Title-Cased.">
Add Delivery Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHOOSE_DELIVERY_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user select how the product should be delivered. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery. Title-Cased.">
Choose Delivery Method
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHOOSE_PICKUP_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user select the address where a service item should be picked up. For example, the pickup address is where a laundry service picks up a customer’s items to be laundered. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective. Title-Cased.">
Choose Pickup Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ADD_PICKUP_ADDRESS_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user add the address where a service item should be picked up. For example, the pickup address is where a laundry service picks up a customer’s items to be laundered. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective. Title-Cased.">
Add Pickup Address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CHOOSE_PICKUP_OPTION_LABEL" desc="The title for the button that lets the user select how their service item should be picked up. This item can be laundry to be cleaned, for example. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective. Title-Cased.">
Choose Pickup Method
<!-- Validation strings which are never title-cased. -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_REQUIRED_FIELD_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that '*' character indicates an input field that is required. The '*' character should not be changed." formatter_data="android_java">
* Field is required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_VALIDATION_INVALID_NAME" desc="Message displayed to user when name validation fails.">
Enter a name
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_VALIDATION_INVALID_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_YEAR" desc="Message displayed to user when the credit card expiration year is in an invalid format.">
Enter a valid expiration year
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_VALIDATION_INVALID_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_MONTH" desc="Message displayed to user when the credit card expiration month is in an invalid format.">
Enter a valid expiration month
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_VALIDATION_INVALID_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRED" desc="Message displayed to user when the credit card is expired.">
This card is expired
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_VALIDATION_UNSUPPORTED_CREDIT_CARD_TYPE" desc="Message displayed to user when the credit card type (e.g visa, mastercard) is not supported for this transaction.">
This type of card isn’t supported
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PHONE_INVALID_VALIDATION_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that the phone number they have entered is not valid." formatter_data="android_java">
Enter a valid phone number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EMAIL_INVALID_VALIDATION_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that the email address they have entered is not valid." formatter_data="android_java">
Enter a valid email address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_NUMBER_INVALID_VALIDATION_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that the credit card number they have entered is not valid." formatter_data="android_java">
Enter a valid card number
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_EXPIRATION_INVALID_VALIDATION_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that the credit card expiration date they have entered is not valid." formatter_data="android_java">
Enter a valid expiration date
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_INVALID_ADDRESS" desc="The label to indicate the shipping address is invalid. For example, missing state or city name." formatter_data="android_java">
Enter a valid address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_BILLING_ADDRESS_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate billing address is required for payment card." formatter_data="android_java">
Billing address required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_NAME_ON_CARD_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate the cardholder name (the name of the owner or 'holder' of the credit card) must be entered." formatter_data="android_java">
Cardholder name required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_CARD_BILLING_ADDRESS_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate the billing address of the credit card must be entered.">
Card billing address required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_MORE_INFORMATION_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate more information is required for payment card or shipping address or contact info." formatter_data="android_java">
More information required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PHONE_NUMBER_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate phone number is required in the shipping address or contact info. This phone number can be used, for example, if there's a problem with shipping a package to its destination." formatter_data="android_java">
Phone number required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_RECIPIENT_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate recipient name is required in the shipping address. This name identifies the person that will receive the shipped package." formatter_data="android_java">
Name required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EMAIL_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate email is required for the contact details. This email can be used to contact the payer." formatter_data="android_java">
Email required
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_NAME_REQUIRED" desc="The label to indicate name is required for the contact details. This name could be a person or institute name of the payer." formatter_data="android_java">
Name required
<!-- Validation, sentence-cased -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PREF_EDIT_DIALOG_FIELD_REQUIRED_VALIDATION_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that an input field is required. 'Required' is an adjective. Sentence-cased." formatter_data="android_java">
Required field
</if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->
<!-- Validation, Title-Cased -->
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_PREF_EDIT_DIALOG_FIELD_REQUIRED_VALIDATION_MESSAGE" desc="The text that informs the user that an input field is required. 'Required' is an adjective. Title-Cased.">
Required Field
</if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
<!-- Order Summary Data Formatting -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_ORDER_SUMMARY_SECTION_TOTAL_FORMAT" desc="The format specifier of the Total label in the Order Summary section of the Payment Sheet of the Payment Request dialog.">
<ph name="TOTAL_LABEL">$1<ex>Total</ex></ph> <ph name="CURRENCY_CODE">$2<ex>USD</ex></ph> <ph name="FORMATTED_TOTAL_AMOUNT">$3<ex>$ 12.34</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_ORDER_SUMMARY_SHEET_TOTAL_FORMAT" desc="The format specifier of the Total label in the Order Summary Sheet of the Payment Request dialog.">
<ph name="CURRENCY_CODE">$1<ex>USD</ex></ph> <ph name="FORMATTED_TOTAL_AMOUNT">$2<ex>$ 12.34</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_ORDER_SUMMARY_MORE_ITEMS" desc="The label in the Order Summary section of the Payment Sheet that indicates how many display items are hidden. [ICU Syntax]">
{MORE_ITEMS, plural,
=1 {<ph name="ITEM_COUNT">#<ex>1</ex></ph> more item}
other {<ph name="ITEM_COUNT">#<ex>2</ex></ph> more items}}
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_ORDER_SUMMARY_MULTIPLE_CURRENCY_INDICATOR" desc="The label that indicates that there are multiple currencies among the display items">
<!-- Shipping address descriptive strings -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SELECT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FOR_SHIPPING_METHODS" desc="Text implying that a user needs to pick a shipping address to see the shipping methods. Shipping is typically used for packages." formatter_data="android_java">
To see shipping methods and requirements, select an address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UNSUPPORTED_SHIPPING_ADDRESS" desc="Text implying that a user needs to pick a different shipping address, because the currently selected address is not supported. 'Ship' is typically used for packages and items that are sent through the mail. In American English, we differentiate 'ship' from 'deliver." formatter_data="android_java">
Can’t ship to this address. Select a different address.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UNSUPPORTED_SHIPPING_OPTION" desc="Text implying that a user needs to pick a different shipping option, because the currently selected option is not supported. 'Ship' is typically used for packages and items that are sent through the mail. In American English, we differentiate 'ship' from deliver.">
This shipping method isn’t available. Try a different method.
<!-- Delivery address descriptive strings -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SELECT_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_FOR_DELIVERY_METHODS" desc="Text implying that a user needs to pick a delivery address to see the delivery methods. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery." formatter_data="android_java">
To see delivery methods and requirements, select an address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UNSUPPORTED_DELIVERY_ADDRESS" desc="Text implying that a user needs to pick a different delivery address, because the currently selected address is not supported. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery." formatter_data="android_java">
Can’t deliver to this address. Select a different address.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UNSUPPORTED_DELIVERY_OPTION" desc="Text implying that a user needs to pick a different delivery option, because the currently selected option is not supported. Delivery is commonly faster than shipping. For example, it might be used for food delivery.">
This delivery method isn’t available. Try a different method.
<!-- Pickup address descriptive strings-->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_SELECT_PICKUP_ADDRESS_FOR_PICKUP_METHODS" desc="Text implying that a user needs to choose a pickup address to see the pickup methods. For example, this could be the address for laundry pickup. 'Pickup' functions as an adjective." formatter_data="android_java">
To see pickup methods and requirements, select an address
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UNSUPPORTED_PICKUP_ADDRESS" desc="Text implying that a user needs to choose a different pickup address, because the service can’t pick up items from that address. This address can be used, for example, for laundry pickup. Note that here, 'pick up' is a verb." formatter_data="android_java">
Can’t pick up from this address. Select a different address.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_UNSUPPORTED_PICKUP_OPTION" desc="Text implying that a user needs to choose a different pickup option, because the currently selected option is not supported. This option can be used, for example, for laundry pickup.">
This pickup method isn’t available. Try a different method.
<!-- Payment Apps -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ANDROID_APP_ERROR" desc="Error message that is shown when an Android payment application fails to start." formatter_data="android_java">
Can’t open payment app
<message name="IDS_UTILITY_PROCESS_PAYMENT_MANIFEST_PARSER_NAME" desc="The name of the utility process used for parsing payment manifest files.">
Payment Manifest Parser
<if expr="is_android">
<message name="IDS_EXTERNAL_PAYMENT_APP_LEAVE_INCOGNITO_WARNING" desc="Alert dialog text warning the user that Incognito mode does not continue into external payment apps." formatter_data="android_java">
Leaving Incognito mode to pay via an external application. Continue?
<!-- Payment Request section preview strings. They are slightly different on desktop and android because the pluralization and formatting code behaves differently. -->
<if expr="not is_android">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_PAYMENT_METHODS_PREVIEW" desc="This is a snippet of a payment method a user has saved to Chrome, plus an indication of the number of additional payment methods the user has saved. Its function is to show the user has payment methods that can be used to complete a payment, and thus doesn't have to type the entire payment method. [ICU Syntax]">
=0 {<ph name="PAYMENT_METHOD_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>VISA ....1234</ex></ph>}
=1 {<ph name="PAYMENT_METHOD_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>VISA ....1234</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_PAYMENT_METHODS">{2}<ex>1</ex></ph> more}
other {<ph name="PAYMENT_METHOD_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>VISA ....1234</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_PAYMENT_METHODS">{2}<ex>2</ex></ph> more}}
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_SHIPPING_ADDRESSES_PREVIEW" desc="This is a snippet of a shipping address a user has saved to Chrome, plus an indication of the number of additional shipping addresses the user has saved. Its function is to show the user has shipping addresses that can be used to complete a purchase, and thus doesn't have to type the entire address. [ICU Syntax]">
=0 {<ph name="SHIPPING_ADDRESS_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>Jerry, 1253 Mcgill college</ex></ph>}
=1 {<ph name="SHIPPING_ADDRESS_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>Jerry, 1253 Mcgill college</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_ADDRESSES">{2}<ex>1</ex></ph> more}
other {<ph name="SHIPPING_ADDRESS_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>Jerry, 1253 Mcgill college</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_ADDRESSES">{2}<ex>2</ex></ph> more}}
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_SHIPPING_OPTIONS_PREVIEW" desc="This is a snippet of a shipping option a merchant supports, plus an indication of the number of additional shipping options the merchant supports. Its function is to show the user can choose different shipping options to complete a purchase. [ICU Syntax]">
=0 {<ph name="SHIPPING_OPTION_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>standard shipping</ex></ph>}
=1 {<ph name="SHIPPING_OPTION_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>standard shipping</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_SHIPPING_OPTIONS">{2}<ex>1</ex></ph> more}
other {<ph name="SHIPPING_OPTION_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>standard shipping</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_SHIPPING_OPTIONS">{2}<ex>2</ex></ph> more}}
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTACTS_PREVIEW" desc="This is a snippet of a contact a user has saved to Chrome, plus an indication of the number of additional contacts the user has saved. Its function is to show the user has contacts that can be used to complete a purchase, and thus doesn't have to type the entire contact info. [ICU Syntax]">
{CONTACT, plural,
=0 {<ph name="CONTACT_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>Jerry, 438-123-1922</ex></ph>}
=1 {<ph name="CONTACT_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>Jerry, 438-123-1922</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_CONTACTS">{2}<ex>1</ex></ph> more}
other {<ph name="CONTACT_PREVIEW">{1}<ex>Jerry, 438-123-1922</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_CONTACTS">{2}<ex>2</ex></ph> more}}
<!-- a11y strings -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_BACK" desc="The screen reader string for the back arrow button in the Desktop Payments dialog">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_EDIT" desc="The screen reader string for the pencil edit button in the Desktop Payments dialog">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ROW_ACCESSIBLE_NAME_FORMAT" desc="The format to build the screen reader string for Payment Sheet rows">
<ph name="ROW_NAME">$1<ex>Payment Method</ex></ph> <ph name="ROW_CONTENT">$2<ex>VISA ****1234</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ROW_ACCESSIBLE_NAME_SELECTED_FORMAT" desc="The format to build the screen reader string for Payment Sheet rows, with an added indication that this row has been selected">
<ph name="ROW_NAME">$1<ex>Payment Method</ex></ph>, currently selected. <ph name="ROW_CONTENT">$2<ex>VISA ****1234</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_PROFILE_LABELS_ACCESSIBLE_FORMAT" desc="The format to build the screen reader string for profile labels">
<ph name="FIRST_LABEL">$1<ex>VISA ****1234</ex></ph> <ph name="SECOND_LABEL">$2<ex>Homer Simpson</ex></ph> <ph name="THIRD_LABEL">$3<ex>123 Fake Street</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ACCESSIBLE_LABEL_WITH_ERROR" desc="The format to append an error message to a screen reader string describing a profile or payment method">
<ph name="LABEL">$1<ex>Homer Simpson 123 Fake Street</ex></ph> <ph name="ERROR">$2<ex>Phone number required</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PAYMENTS_ORDER_SUMMARY_ACCESSIBLE_LABEL" desc="The string used to format what the screenreader reads out for the order summary section of the Payment Sheet.">
Order Summary, <ph name="TOTAL_LABEL">$1<ex>Total, USD $10.00</ex></ph>, More Details
<!-- Payment Handler strings -->
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_HANDLER_SHEET_DESCRIPTION" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment-handler bottom sheet is opened. It describes the payment-handler where users can fill in the payment info." formatter_data="android_java">
Payment handler sheet
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_HANDLER_SHEET_OPENED_HALF" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment-handler bottom sheet is opened at half height. The sheet will occupy up to the half screen." formatter_data="android_java">
Payment handler sheet is half-opened
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_HANDLER_SHEET_OPENED_FULL" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment-handler bottom sheet is opened at full height. The sheet will occupy up to the full screen." formatter_data="android_java">
Payment handler sheet is opened
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_HANDLER_SHEET_CLOSED" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment-handler bottom sheet is closed." formatter_data="android_java">
Payment handler sheet is closed
<!-- Secure Payment Confirmation strings -->
<if expr="not is_win and not is_macosx">
<!-- Strings that don't refer to specific platform authenticator names -->
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_VERIFY_PURCHASE" desc="The title string on a payment confirmation dialog that confirms the details of the payment that the user is about to verify. The user has the option to click 'Cancel' or 'Continue', and clicking 'Continue' will open the system interface to verify their identity, for example with their fingerprint." formatter_data="android_java">
Verify your purchase
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description on a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up device authentication on a website to verify card payments." formatter_data="android_java">
You can use your device to quickly verify it's you the next time you make a purchase with this payment method.
</if> <!-- not is_win and not is_macosx -->
<if expr="is_macosx">
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_VERIFY_PURCHASE" desc="The title string on a payment confirmation dialog that confirms the details of the payment that the user is about to verify. The user has the option to click 'Cancel' or 'Verify', and clicking 'Verify' will open the system interface to verify their identity with the Touch ID fingerprint sensor.">
Use Touch ID to verify and complete your purchase?
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description on a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up Touch ID on a website to verify card payments.">
You can use Touch ID to quickly verify it's you the next time you use this device to make a purchase with this payment method.
</if> <!-- is_macosx -->
<if expr="not is_win">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_ACCEPT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Accept button label on a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up Touch ID on a website to verify card payments.">
Use Touch ID
</if> <!-- not is_win -->
<if expr="is_win">
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_VERIFY_PURCHASE" desc="The title string on a payment confirmation dialog that confirms the details of the payment that the user is about to verify. The user has the option to click 'Cancel' or 'Verify', and clicking 'Verify' will open the system interface to verify their identity with the Windows Hello biometric sensor, such as fingerprint or face recognition.">
Use Windows Hello to verify and complete your purchase?
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description on a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up Windows Hello on a website to verify card payments.">
You can use Windows Hello to quickly verify it's you the next time you use this device to make a purchase with this payment method.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_ACCEPT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Accept button label on a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up Windows Hello on a website to verify card payments.">
Use Windows Hello
</if> <!-- is_win -->
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_STORE_LABEL" desc="In a secure payment confirmation dialog, this is the label for the row of data that shows the store name, e.g." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_TOTAL_LABEL" desc="In a secure payment confirmation dialog, this is the label for the row of data that shows the total price, e.g. $20.00 USD." formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_VERIFY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="As in 'Verify my identity', this is the label of the affirmitive button in a payment confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify their identity with a platform authenticator such as a fingerprint reader.">
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_TITLE" desc="Title of a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up device-based sign-in (i.e., using their computer's biometric sensor or screen unlock/PIN) on a website to verify card payments." formatter_data="android_java">
Check out faster next time
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_OFF_THE_RECORD_DESCRIPTION" desc="Extra description at the bottom of a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up device-based sign-in (i.e., using their computer's biometric sensor or screen unlock/PIN) to verify card payments. This is shown only in Incognito mode and explains that the sign-in data will be stored to the device." formatter_data="android_java">
Sign-in data will be stored on this device after you exit Incognito mode.
<message name="IDS_PAYMENT_CREDENTIAL_ENROLLMENT_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Cancel button label on a dialog that asks for the user's permission to set up device-based sign-in (i.e., using their computer's biometric sensor or screen unlock/PIN) to verify card payments.">
No thanks
<!-- Accessibility strings -->
<if expr="is_android">
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_ENROLLMENT_SHEET_DESCRIPTION" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment credential enrollment bottom sheet is opened. It describes where the users can set up device authentication to verify card payments." formatter_data="android_java">
Secure payment credential enrollment sheet
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_ENROLLMENT_SHEET_OPENED" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment credential enrollment bottom sheet is opened." formatter_data="android_java">
Secure payment credential enrollment sheet is opened
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_ENROLLMENT_SHEET_CLOSED" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment credential enrollment bottom sheet is closed." formatter_data="android_java">
Secure payment credential enrollment sheet is closed
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_AUTHENTICATION_SHEET_DESCRIPTION" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment credential authentication bottom sheet is opened. It describes where the users can verify their purchase." formatter_data="android_java">
Secure payment credential authentication sheet
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_AUTHENTICATION_SHEET_OPENED" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment credential authentication bottom sheet is opened." formatter_data="android_java">
Secure payment credential authentication sheet is opened
<message name="IDS_SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_AUTHENTICATION_SHEET_CLOSED" desc="Accessibility string read when the payment credential authentication bottom sheet is closed." formatter_data="android_java">
Secure payment credential authentication sheet is closed
</if> <!-- is_android -->