blob: 986ee2977975e85a192743dade50d1c7ba8bdc1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/offline_items_collection/core/offline_content_provider.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace offline_items_collection {
struct OfflineItem;
// An implementation of OfflineContentProvider that aggregates multiple other
// providers into a single set of data. See the OfflineContentProvider header
// for comments on expected behavior of the interface.
// Routing to the correct provider:
// - Providers must be registered with a unique namespace. The OfflineItems
// created by the provider must also be tagged with the same namespace so that
// actions taken on the OfflineItem can be routed to the correct internal
// provider. The namespace must also be consistent across startups.
// Methods on OfflineContentAggregator should be called from the UI thread.
class OfflineContentAggregator : public OfflineContentProvider,
public OfflineContentProvider::Observer,
public base::SupportsUserData,
public KeyedService {
~OfflineContentAggregator() override;
// Creates a unique namespace with the given prefix. Should be called to get
// the namespace for registration in order to avoid namespace collision.
// For normal profile, the prefix itself is returned. For incognito profiles,
// an auto-incrementing number is added to the prefix and returned.
// Auto-incrementing should be used only for incognito, since for incognito,
// data should not be persisted after browser restarts and hence change of
// ContentId(s) across restarts will not be an issue.
static std::string CreateUniqueNameSpace(const std::string& prefix,
bool is_off_the_record);
// Registers a provider and associates it with all OfflineItems with
// |name_space|. UI actions taken on OfflineItems with |name_space| will be
// routed to |provider|. |provider| is expected to only expose OfflineItems
// with |name_space| set.
// It is okay to register the same provider with multiple unique namespaces.
// A provider needs to handle calls to GetAllItems properly (not return
// any items for a namespace that it didn't register).
void RegisterProvider(const std::string& name_space,
OfflineContentProvider* provider);
// Removes the OfflineContentProvider associated with |name_space| from this
// aggregator.
void UnregisterProvider(const std::string& name_space);
// OfflineContentProvider implementation.
void OpenItem(LaunchLocation location, const ContentId& id) override;
void RemoveItem(const ContentId& id) override;
void CancelDownload(const ContentId& id) override;
void PauseDownload(const ContentId& id) override;
void ResumeDownload(const ContentId& id, bool has_user_gesture) override;
void GetItemById(const ContentId& id, SingleItemCallback callback) override;
void GetAllItems(MultipleItemCallback callback) override;
void GetVisualsForItem(const ContentId& id,
VisualsCallback callback) override;
void GetShareInfoForItem(const ContentId& id,
ShareCallback callback) override;
void AddObserver(OfflineContentProvider::Observer* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(OfflineContentProvider::Observer* observer) override;
// OfflineContentProvider::Observer implementation.
void OnItemsAdded(const OfflineItemList& items) override;
void OnItemRemoved(const ContentId& id) override;
void OnItemUpdated(const OfflineItem& item) override;
void OnGetAllItemsDone(OfflineContentProvider* provider,
const OfflineItemList& items);
void OnGetItemByIdDone(SingleItemCallback callback,
const base::Optional<OfflineItem>& item);
void NotifyItemsAdded(const OfflineItemList& items);
// Stores a map of name_space -> OfflineContentProvider. These
// OfflineContentProviders are all aggregated by this class and exposed to the
// consumer as a single list.
using OfflineProviderMap = std::map<std::string, OfflineContentProvider*>;
OfflineProviderMap providers_;
// Used by GetAllItems and the corresponding callback.
std::vector<MultipleItemCallback> multiple_item_get_callbacks_;
OfflineItemList aggregated_items_;
std::set<OfflineContentProvider*> pending_providers_;
// A list of all currently registered observers.
base::ObserverList<OfflineContentProvider::Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<OfflineContentAggregator> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace offline_items_collection