blob: 6d9dba932b33e6a494a959c4aface674478cde07 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Bug 91756: Test if the widths of RTL elements are the same as the widths of the LTR elements when they include absolutely-positioned children.</title>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
div.outer { overflow: auto; width: 100px; position: relative; height: 100px; border: solid; }
div.inner { position: absolute; top: 250px; }
<div id="outerLTR" class="outer"><div id="innerLTR" class="inner" style="left: 200px;">foo</div></div>
<div id="outerRTL" class="outer" style="direction: rtl;"><div id="innerRTL" class="inner" style="right: 200px;">foo</div>
test(function() {
// Verify the widths of the outer RTL element are the same as the widths of the outer LTR element.
var outerLTR = document.getElementById("outerLTR");
var outerRTL = document.getElementById("outerRTL");
assert_equals(outerLTR.offsetWidth, outerRTL.offsetWidth);
assert_equals(outerLTR.clientWidth, outerRTL.clientWidth);
assert_equals(outerLTR.scrollWidth, outerRTL.scrollWidth);
// Verify the widths of the inner RTL element are the same as the widths of the inner LTR element.
var innerLTR = document.getElementById("innerLTR");
var innerRTL = document.getElementById("innerRTL");
assert_equals(innerLTR.offsetWidth, innerRTL.offsetWidth);
assert_equals(innerLTR.clientWidth, innerRTL.clientWidth);
assert_equals(innerLTR.scrollWidth, innerRTL.scrollWidth);