blob: 9e5f5b15870208deafcf89aae1dea7cb0838655b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from cli_tools.soundwave import pandas_sqlite
from core.external_modules import pandas
TABLE_NAME = 'bugs'
('id', 'int64'), # crbug number identifying this issue
('summary', unicode), # issue title ('1%-5% regression in loading ...')
('published', 'datetime64[ns]'), # when the issue got created
('updated', 'datetime64[ns]'), # when the issue got last updated
('state', str), # usually either 'open' or 'closed'
('status', str), # current state of the bug ('Assigned', 'Fixed', etc.)
('author', str), # email of user who created the issue
('owner', str), # email of user who currently owns the issue
('cc', str), # comma-separated list of users cc'ed into the issue
('components', str), # comma-separated list of components ('Blink>Loader')
('labels', str), # comma-separated list of labels ('Type-Bug-Regression')
COLUMNS = tuple(c for c, _ in COLUMN_TYPES)
DATE_COLUMNS = tuple(c for c, t in COLUMN_TYPES if t == 'datetime64[ns]')
def DataFrame(rows=None):
return pandas_sqlite.DataFrame(COLUMN_TYPES, index=INDEX, rows=rows)
def _CommaSeparate(values):
assert isinstance(values, list)
if values:
return ','.join(values)
return None
def DataFrameFromJson(data):
rows = []
for row in data:
row = row['bug'].copy()
for key in ('cc', 'components', 'labels'):
row[key] = _CommaSeparate(row[key])
rows.append(tuple(row[k] for k in COLUMNS))
return DataFrame(rows)
def Get(con, bug_id):
"""Find the record for a bug_id in the given database connection.
A pandas.Series with the record if found, or None otherwise.
df = pandas.read_sql(
'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=?' % TABLE_NAME, con, params=(bug_id,),
index_col=INDEX, parse_dates=DATE_COLUMNS)
return df.loc[bug_id] if len(df) else None