blob: 0bd39a6eeb873f10ae1c64605de85b6d2941c850 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Make requests to the Chrome Perf Dashboard API.
For more details on the API see:
import urllib
from import request
def Request(endpoint, **kwargs):
"""Send a request to some dashboard service endpoint."""
kwargs.setdefault('use_auth', True)
kwargs.setdefault('method', 'POST')
kwargs.setdefault('accept', 'json')
return request.Request(SERVICE_URL + endpoint, **kwargs)
def Describe(test_suite):
"""Obtain information about a given test_suite.
test_suite: A string with the name of the test suite.
A dict with information about: bots, caseTags, cases, and measurements.
return Request('/describe', params={'test_suite': test_suite})
def Timeseries2(**kwargs):
"""Get timeseries data for a particular test path.
test_suite: A string with the test suite or benchmark name.
measurement: A string with the metric name, e.g. timeToFirstContentfulPaint.
bot: A string with the bot name, usually of the form 'master:builder'.
columns: A string with a comma separated list of column names to retrieve;
may contain: revision, avg, std, count, max, min, sum, revisions,
timestamp, alert, histogram, diagnostics.
test_case: An optional string with the name of a test case or story.
**kwargs: For other options and full details see the API docs.
A dict with timeseries data, alerts, Histograms, and SparseDiagnostics.
TypeError if any required arguments are missing.
KeyError if the timeseries is not found.
for col in ('test_suite', 'measurement', 'bot', 'columns'):
if col not in kwargs:
raise TypeError('Missing required argument: %s' % col)
return Request('/timeseries2', params=kwargs)
except request.ClientError as exc:
if exc.response.status == 404:
raise KeyError('Timeseries not found')
raise # Re-raise the original exception.
def Timeseries(test_path, days=30):
"""Get timeseries for the given test path.
TODO( Remove when no longer needed.
test_path: test path to get timeseries for.
days: Number of days to get data points for.
A dict with timeseries data for the given test_path
KeyError if the test_path is not found.
return Request(
'/timeseries/%s' % urllib.quote(test_path), params={'num_days': days})
except request.ClientError as exc:
if 'Invalid test_path' in exc.json['error']:
raise KeyError(test_path)
def ListTestPaths(test_suite, sheriff):
"""Lists test paths for the given test_suite.
TODO( Remove when no longer needed.
test_suite: String with test suite to get paths for.
sheriff: Include only test paths monitored by the given sheriff rotation,
use 'all' to return all test paths regardless of rotation.
A list of test paths. Ex. ['TestPath1', 'TestPath2']
return Request(
'/list_timeseries/%s' % test_suite, params={'sheriff': sheriff})
def Bugs(bug_id):
"""Get all the information about a given bug id."""
return Request('/bugs/%d' % bug_id)
def IterAlerts(**kwargs):
"""Returns alerts matching the supplied query parameters.
The response for the dashboard may be returned in multiple chunks, this
function will take care of following `next_cursor`s in responses and
iterate over all the chunks.
test_suite: Match alerts on a given test suite (benchmark).
sheriff: Match only alerts of a given sheriff rotation.
min_timestamp, max_timestamp: Match only alerts on a given time range.
limit: Max number of responses per chunk (defaults to 1000).
**kwargs: See API docs for other possible query params.
Data for all the matching alerts in chunks.
kwargs.setdefault('limit', 1000)
while True:
response = Request('/alerts', params=kwargs)
yield response
if 'next_cursor' in response:
kwargs['cursor'] = response['next_cursor']