blob: c41838442163ad4f252463302c279bed97e7e636 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from import luci_auth
from import request
def Request(endpoint, **kwargs):
"""Send a request to some pinpoint endpoint."""
kwargs.setdefault('use_auth', True)
kwargs.setdefault('accept', 'json')
return request.Request(SERVICE_URL + endpoint, **kwargs)
def Job(job_id, with_state=False, with_tags=False):
"""Get job information from its id."""
params = []
if with_state:
params.append(('o', 'STATE'))
if with_tags:
params.append(('o', 'TAGS'))
return Request('/job/%s' % job_id, params=params)
def Jobs():
"""List jobs for the authenticated user."""
return Request('/jobs')
def NewJob(**kwargs):
"""Create a new pinpoint job."""
if 'user' not in kwargs:
kwargs['user'] = luci_auth.GetUserEmail()
return Request('/new', method='POST', data=kwargs)