blob: 028e1d3d0352e5efa222445b39dddac0c35ff5d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/files/important_file_writer.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/browsing_topics/common/common_types.h"
#include "components/browsing_topics/epoch_topics.h"
namespace browsing_topics {
// Contains the data needed to calculate the browsing topics when a context
// requests it via document.browsingTopics(). The data is backed by a JSON file:
// when `BrowsingTopicsState` is initialized, the state members will be read
// from the file on a backend thread, and all overwriting methods will schedule
// an update to the file. The `BrowsingTopicsState`'s owner should listen on the
// `loaded_callback` notification. Before the loading finishes, it's disallowed
// to access this `BrowsingTopicsState`.
class BrowsingTopicsState
: public base::ImportantFileWriter::BackgroundDataSerializer {
struct LoadResult {
LoadResult(bool file_exists, std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value);
LoadResult(const LoadResult&) = delete;
LoadResult& operator=(const LoadResult&) = delete;
LoadResult(LoadResult&&) = delete;
LoadResult& operator=(LoadResult&&) = delete;
bool file_exists = false;
// The deserialized value from the content of the json file.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value;
// The result of parsing a `LoadResult::value` to the `BrowsingTopicsState`.
struct ParseResult {
// Whether the parsing was successful. Parsing can fail due to corrupted
// data.
bool success = false;
// Whether `BrowsingTopicsState` should be saved to the file after parsing.
// Saving is needed if the config version has been updated, or if an error
// is encountered (to clean up unneeded data). In the common case where the
// data is loaded from a pre-existing file, the file save isn't necessary.
bool should_save_state_to_file = false;
explicit BrowsingTopicsState(const base::FilePath& profile_path,
base::OnceClosure loaded_callback);
~BrowsingTopicsState() override;
BrowsingTopicsState(const BrowsingTopicsState&) = delete;
BrowsingTopicsState& operator=(const BrowsingTopicsState&) = delete;
BrowsingTopicsState(BrowsingTopicsState&&) = delete;
BrowsingTopicsState& operator=(BrowsingTopicsState&&) = delete;
// Clear `epochs_`.
void ClearAllTopics();
// Clear the topics data at `epochs_[epoch_index]`. Note that this doesn't
// remove the entry from `epochs_`.
void ClearOneEpoch(size_t epoch_index);
// Clear the topic and observing domains data for `topic` and
// `taxonomy_version`.
void ClearTopic(Topic topic, int taxonomy_version);
// Clear the observing domains data in `epochs_` that match
// `hashed_context_domain`.
void ClearContextDomain(const HashedDomain& hashed_context_domain);
// Append `epoch_topics` to `epochs_`. This is invoked at the end of each
// epoch calculation.
void AddEpoch(EpochTopics epoch_topics);
// Set `next_scheduled_calculation_time_` to one epoch later from
// base::Time::Now(). This is invoked at the end of each epoch calculation.
void UpdateNextScheduledCalculationTime();
// Calculate the candidate epochs to derive the topics from on `top_domain`.
// The caller (i.e. BrowsingTopicsServiceImpl, which also holds `this`) is
// responsible for ensuring that the `EpochTopic` objects that the pointers
// refer to remain alive when the caller is accessing them.
std::vector<const EpochTopics*> EpochsForSite(
const std::string& top_domain) const;
const base::circular_deque<EpochTopics>& epochs() const {
return epochs_;
base::Time next_scheduled_calculation_time() const {
return next_scheduled_calculation_time_;
ReadOnlyHmacKey hmac_key() const {
return hmac_key_;
bool HasScheduledSaveForTesting() const;
base::TimeDelta CalculateSiteStickyTimeDelta(
const std::string& top_domain) const;
// ImportantFileWriter::BackgroundDataSerializer implementation.
GetSerializedDataProducerForBackgroundSequence() override;
base::Value::Dict ToDictValue() const;
void ScheduleSave();
void DidLoadFile(base::OnceClosure loaded_callback,
std::unique_ptr<LoadResult> load_result);
// Parse `value` and populate the state member variables.
ParseResult ParseValue(const base::Value& value);
// Sequenced task runner where disk writes will be performed.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> backend_task_runner_;
// Helper to write data safely.
base::ImportantFileWriter writer_;
// Contains the browsing topics of the latest epochs, as well as the topics
// observed by each context domain in each of the epoch. These entries are in
// time ascending order: a new entry will be appended to `epochs_` on every
// browsing topics calculation, regardless of whether it succeeded or not. We
// are only interested in the latest
// `kBrowsingTopicsNumberOfEpochsToExpose + 1` epochs (i.e. the epoch
// switching time will be per-user, per-site, with a full epoch range of
// variance, thus one extra epoch are kept here), so old data will be
// automatically removed, and the size of the queue won't exceed that limit.
base::circular_deque<EpochTopics> epochs_;
// The next time a calculation should occur. This will be updated when a
// calculation is scheduled at the end of a topics calculation and is always
// synchronously updated with `epochs_`.
// next_scheduled_calculation_time_.is_null() indicates this is a new profile
// or there was an update to the configuration version when this
// `BrowsingTopicsState` is initialized. In either case, `epochs_` will be
// empty.
base::Time next_scheduled_calculation_time_;
// The key for calculating the per-user hash numbers. See ./util.h for various
// use cases. This key is generated and synced to storage in the first
// browsing session. It won't be reset/updated in any case.
HmacKey hmac_key_{};
// Whether the state members are loaded from file. Public accessor methods are
// disallowed (except for `HasScheduledSaveForTesting`) before `loaded_`
// becomes true.
bool loaded_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowsingTopicsState> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace browsing_topics