blob: 37c727abf3bb70829285219b03cc7994a0131dda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/browsing_topics/common/common_types.h"
namespace browsing_topics {
// Contains a topic, the associated attributes, and flags that determine how
// the topic should be handled. This is used as the intermediate result type
// when calculating the topics for a site.
class CandidateTopic {
static CandidateTopic Create(Topic topic,
bool is_true_topic,
bool should_be_filtered,
int taxonomy_version,
int64_t model_version);
static CandidateTopic CreateInvalid();
CandidateTopic(const CandidateTopic&) = delete;
CandidateTopic& operator=(const CandidateTopic&) = delete;
CandidateTopic(CandidateTopic&&) = default;
CandidateTopic& operator=(CandidateTopic&&) = default;
bool IsValid() const { return topic_ != Topic(0); }
const Topic& topic() const { return topic_; }
bool is_true_topic() const { return is_true_topic_; }
bool should_be_filtered() const { return should_be_filtered_; }
int taxonomy_version() const { return taxonomy_version_; }
int64_t model_version() const { return model_version_; }
CandidateTopic(Topic topic,
bool is_true_topic,
bool should_be_filtered,
int taxonomy_version,
int64_t model_version);
Topic topic_;
bool is_true_topic_;
bool should_be_filtered_;
int taxonomy_version_;
int64_t model_version_;
} // namespace browsing_topics