blob: f30b18a3a28b48d69758aad3676963719d80e51b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/batch_element_checker.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/details.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/selector.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/ui_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/payments/payment_request.mojom.h"
class GURL;
namespace autofill {
class AutofillProfile;
class CreditCard;
class PersonalDataManager;
} // namespace autofill
namespace content {
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace autofill_assistant {
class ClientMemory;
// Action delegate called when processing actions.
class ActionDelegate {
virtual ~ActionDelegate() = default;
// Show status message on the bottom bar.
virtual void SetStatusMessage(const std::string& message) = 0;
// Returns the current status message. Usually used to restore a message after
// the action.
virtual std::string GetStatusMessage() = 0;
// Create a helper for checking for multiple element existence or field
// values.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BatchElementChecker> CreateBatchElementChecker() = 0;
// Wait for a short time for a given selector to appear.
// Most actions should call this before issuing a command on an element, to
// account for timing issues with needed elements not showing up right away.
// Longer-time waiting should still be controlled explicitly, using
// WaitForDom.
// TODO( Consider embedding that wait right into
// WebController and eliminate double-lookup.
virtual void ShortWaitForElementExist(
const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Wait for up to |max_wait_time| for the element |selectors| to be visible on
// the page, then call |callback| with true if the element was visible, false
// otherwise.
// If |allow_interrupt| interrupts can run while waiting.
virtual void WaitForElementVisible(
base::TimeDelta max_wait_time,
bool allow_interrupt,
const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(ProcessedActionStatusProto)> callback) = 0;
// Click or tap the element given by |selector| on the web page.
virtual void ClickOrTapElement(const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Ask user to select one of the given suggestions.
// While a prompt is in progress, the UI looks the same as it does between
// scripts, even though we're in the middle of a script. This includes
// allowing access to the touchable elements set previously, in the same
// script.
virtual void Prompt(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Chip>> chips) = 0;
// Remove all chips from the UI.
virtual void CancelPrompt() = 0;
// Asks the user to provide the data used by UseAddressAction and
// UseCreditCardAction.
virtual void GetPaymentInformation(
std::unique_ptr<PaymentRequestOptions> options) = 0;
using GetFullCardCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<autofill::CreditCard> card,
const base::string16& cvc)>;
// Asks for the full card information for the selected card. Might require the
// user entering CVC.
virtual void GetFullCard(GetFullCardCallback callback) = 0;
// Fill the address form given by |selector| with the given address
// |profile|. |profile| cannot be nullptr.
virtual void FillAddressForm(const autofill::AutofillProfile* profile,
const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Fill the card form given by |selector| with the given |card| and its
// |cvc|. Return result asynchronously through |callback|.
virtual void FillCardForm(std::unique_ptr<autofill::CreditCard> card,
const base::string16& cvc,
const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Select the option given by |selector| and the value of the option to be
// picked.
virtual void SelectOption(const Selector& selector,
const std::string& selected_option,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Focus on the element given by |selector|.
virtual void FocusElement(const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Sets selector of areas that can be manipulated:
// - after the end of the script and before the beginning of the next script.
// - during the next call to SetChips()
// whichever comes first.
virtual void SetTouchableElementArea(
const ElementAreaProto& touchable_element_area) = 0;
// Highlight the element given by |selector|.
virtual void HighlightElement(const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Set the |value| of field |selector| and return the result through
// |callback|. If |simulate_key_presses| is true, the value will be set by
// clicking the field and then simulating key presses, otherwise the `value`
// attribute will be set directly.
virtual void SetFieldValue(const Selector& selector,
const std::string& value,
bool simulate_key_presses,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Set the |value| of the |attribute| of the element given by |selector|.
virtual void SetAttribute(const Selector& selector,
const std::vector<std::string>& attribute,
const std::string& value,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Sets the keyboard focus to |selector| and inputs the specified text parts.
// Returns the result through |callback|.
virtual void SendKeyboardInput(const Selector& selector,
const std::vector<std::string>& text_parts,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
// Return the outerHTML of an element given by |selector|.
virtual void GetOuterHtml(
const Selector& selector,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, const std::string&)> callback) = 0;
// Load |url| in the current tab. Returns immediately, before the new page has
// been loaded.
virtual void LoadURL(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Shut down Autofill Assistant at the end of the current script.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Shut down Autofill Assistant and closes Chrome.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Restart Autofill Assistant at the end of the current script with a cleared
// state.
virtual void Restart() = 0;
// Stop the current script, shutdown autofill assistant and show |message| if
// it is not empty or a default message otherwise.
virtual void StopCurrentScriptAndShutdown(const std::string& message) = 0;
// Return the current ClientMemory.
virtual ClientMemory* GetClientMemory() = 0;
// Get current personal data manager.
virtual autofill::PersonalDataManager* GetPersonalDataManager() = 0;
// Get associated web contents.
virtual content::WebContents* GetWebContents() = 0;
// Clears contextual information.
virtual void ClearDetails() = 0;
// Sets or updates contextual information.
virtual void SetDetails(const Details& details) = 0;
// Show the progress bar and set it at |progress|%.
virtual void SetProgress(int progress) = 0;
ActionDelegate() = default;
} // namespace autofill_assistant