blob: 71772edf92068eaee9a50eeb5be281df9d25cb63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/account_info.h"
namespace network {
class TestURLLoaderFactory;
class GoogleServiceAuthError;
// Test-related utilities that don't fit in either IdentityTestEnvironment or
// IdentityManager itself. NOTE: Using these utilities directly is discouraged,
// but sometimes necessary during conversion. Use IdentityTestEnvironment if
// possible. These utilities should be used directly only if the production code
// is using IdentityManager, but it is not yet feasible to convert the test code
// to use IdentityTestEnvironment. Any such usage should only be temporary,
// i.e., should be followed as quickly as possible by conversion of the test
// code to use IdentityTestEnvironment.
namespace identity {
// Controls whether to keep or remove accounts when clearing the primary
// account.
enum class ClearPrimaryAccountPolicy {
// Use the default internal policy.
// Explicitly keep all accounts.
// Explicitly remove all accounts.
struct CookieParams {
std::string email;
std::string gaia_id;
class IdentityManager;
// Sets the primary account (which must not already be set) to the given email
// address, generating a GAIA ID that corresponds uniquely to that email
// address. On non-ChromeOS, results in the firing of the IdentityManager and
// SigninManager callbacks for signin success. Blocks until the primary account
// is set. Returns the CoreAccountInfo of the newly-set account.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
CoreAccountInfo SetPrimaryAccount(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& email);
// Sets a refresh token for the primary account (which must already be set).
// Blocks until the refresh token is set. If |token_value| is empty a default
// value will be used instead.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void SetRefreshTokenForPrimaryAccount(
IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& token_value = std::string());
// Sets a special invalid refresh token for the primary account (which must
// already be set). Blocks until the refresh token is set.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void SetInvalidRefreshTokenForPrimaryAccount(IdentityManager* identity_manager);
// Removes any refresh token for the primary account, if present. Blocks until
// the refresh token is removed.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void RemoveRefreshTokenForPrimaryAccount(IdentityManager* identity_manager);
// Makes the primary account (which must not already be set) available for the
// given email address, generating a GAIA ID and refresh token that correspond
// uniquely to that email address. On non-ChromeOS, results in the firing of the
// IdentityManager and SigninManager callbacks for signin success. Blocks until
// the primary account is available. Returns the AccountInfo of the
// newly-available account.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
AccountInfo MakePrimaryAccountAvailable(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& email);
// Clears the primary account if present, with |policy| used to determine
// whether to keep or remove all accounts. On non-ChromeOS, results in the
// firing of the IdentityManager and SigninManager callbacks for signout. Blocks
// until the primary account is cleared.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void ClearPrimaryAccount(
IdentityManager* identity_manager,
ClearPrimaryAccountPolicy policy = ClearPrimaryAccountPolicy::DEFAULT);
// Makes an account available for the given email address, generating a GAIA ID
// and refresh token that correspond uniquely to that email address. Blocks
// until the account is available. Returns the AccountInfo of the
// newly-available account.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
AccountInfo MakeAccountAvailable(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& email);
// Sets a refresh token for the given account (which must already be available).
// Blocks until the refresh token is set. If |token_value| is empty a default
// value will be used instead.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void SetRefreshTokenForAccount(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& account_id,
const std::string& token_value = std::string());
// Sets a special invalid refresh token for the given account (which must
// already be available). Blocks until the refresh token is set.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void SetInvalidRefreshTokenForAccount(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& account_id);
// Removes any refresh token that is present for the given account. Blocks until
// the refresh token is removed. Is a no-op if no refresh token is present for
// the given account.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void RemoveRefreshTokenForAccount(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& account_id);
// Puts the given accounts into the Gaia cookie, replacing any previous
// accounts. Blocks until the accounts have been set.
// |test_url_loader_factory| is used to set a fake ListAccounts response
// containing the provided |cookie_accounts|, which are then put into
// the Gaia cookie.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void SetCookieAccounts(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
network::TestURLLoaderFactory* test_url_loader_factory,
const std::vector<CookieParams>& cookie_accounts);
// Updates the info for |account_info.account_id|, which must be a known
// account.
void UpdateAccountInfoForAccount(IdentityManager* identity_manager,
AccountInfo account_info);
std::string GetTestGaiaIdForEmail(const std::string& email);
// Updates the persistent auth error set on |account_id| which must be a known
// account, i.e., an account with a refresh token.
void UpdatePersistentErrorOfRefreshTokenForAccount(
IdentityManager* identity_manager,
const std::string& account_id,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& auth_error);
// Disables internal retries of failed access token fetches.
void DisableAccessTokenFetchRetries(IdentityManager* identity_manager);
// Cancels all ongoing operations related to the accounts in the Gaia cookie.
void CancelAllOngoingGaiaCookieOperations(IdentityManager* identity_manager);
} // namespace identity