blob: fa242553395b73dff8f2a23e4c1b8724988c2cd7 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src='../../resources/gesture-util.js'></script>
::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
body {
margin: 0px;
height: 1000px;
width: 1000px;
#scrollable {
background-color: #FF7F7F;
height: 600px;
width: 600px;
overflow: scroll;
#content {
height: 900px;
width: 900px;
<div id="scrollable">
<div id="content"></div>
// from enum WebFeature in web_feature.mojom-shared.h
var scrollable = document.getElementById('scrollable');
var rect = scrollable.getBoundingClientRect();
var start_x = (rect.left + rect.right) / 2;
var start_y = ( + rect.bottom) / 2;
async function middleClickAutoscroll() {
const middle_button = 1;
await waitForCompositorCommit();
await mouseMoveTo(start_x, start_y);
await mouseClickOn(start_x, start_y, middle_button);
await mouseMoveTo(start_x, start_y + 100);
await waitFor(() => {
return scrollable.scrollTop > 0;
await waitFor(() => {
return internals.isUseCounted(document, MIDDLE_CLICK_AUTOSCROLL);
}, "Didn't record middle click autoscroll");
await mouseClickOn(start_x, start_y + 100, middle_button);
async function wheelScrollDown() {
const precise_deltas = true;
await waitForCompositorCommit();
var previous_scroll_offset = scrollable.scrollTop;
await smoothScroll(50, start_x, start_y,
GestureSourceType.MOUSE_INPUT,'down', SPEED_INSTANT, precise_deltas);
await waitFor(() => {
return scrollable.scrollTop - previous_scroll_offset > 0;
}, "Didn't scroll by wheel");
await waitForCompositorCommit();
promise_test(async () => {
// Autoscroll and check that middle click autoscroll use is counted.
await middleClickAutoscroll();
// Scroll by wheel and wait for wheel scrolling use count to increase.
await wheelScrollDown();
await waitFor(() => {
return internals.isUseCounted(document, SCROLL_BY_WHEEL_COUNTER);
}, "Didn't record wheel use count");
// Now check that autoscrolling has not increased the touch scrolling use
// count. We do this checking after wheel count increment to make sure that
// we have waited long enough before verifying that the touch scrolling use
// count is not incremented due to autoscrolling.
assert_false(internals.isUseCounted(document, SCROLL_BY_TOUCH_COUNTER))
}, "Autoscrolling should not update touch scrolling usecounter.");