blob: 6c3ef009565769d7ad3de40040c4d2c16be523d1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is a .pyl, or "Python Literal", file. You can treat it just like a
# .json file, with the following exceptions:
# * all keys must be quoted (use single quotes, please);
# * comments are allowed, using '#' syntax; and
# * trailing commas are allowed.
# List of files that are known to be _not_ deterministic. This is a "temporary"
# workaround to find regression on the deterministic builders.
# TODO(sebmarchand): Remove this once all the files are deterministic.
'android': [
'linux': [
# nacl stuff,
'linux_component': [
'mac': [
# ld64 in current Xcode versions is not deterministic. Most smaller binaries
# are fine, but larger binaries often get different outputs.
# To reduce flakiness, list most binaries here.
# TODO(erikchen): Once our fix for this has made it into Xcode and that
# is on all the bots, remove most binaries.
'App Shell',
'win': [
# TODO(thakis): Figure out what's up with these three (and their isolate).
# These probably have mtimes in the zip headers and the scripts creating
# them probably should use build_utils.ZipDir() instead.
# These two started being non-deterministic days 2 out of 3 builds days
# after we switched to using two distinct build dirs, for no apparent
# reason.