blob: 39ef59cf325009cc0783f03c165db67c41110009 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.android_webview.nonembedded.WebViewApkApplication;
import org.chromium.base.ActivityState;
import org.chromium.base.ApplicationStatus;
* This is Application class for Monochrome.
* You shouldn't add anything else in this file, this class is split off from
* normal chrome in order to access Android system API through Android WebView
* glue layer and have monochrome specific code.
* This class is NOT used by Trichrome. Do not add anything here which is only
* related to Monochrome's minimum SDK level or APK packaging decisions, because
* those are likely to apply to Trichrome as well - this must only be used for
* things specific to functioning as a WebView implementation.
public class MonochromeApplicationImpl extends ChromeApplicationImpl {
public MonochromeApplicationImpl() {}
public void onCreate() {
if (!ChromeVersionInfo.isStableBuild()) {
// Performing Monochrome WebView DevTools Launcher icon showing/hiding logic in
// onCreate rather than in attachBaseContext() because it depends on application
// context being initiatied.
if (getApplication().isWebViewProcess()) {
// Whenever a monochrome webview process is launched (WebView service or
// developer UI), post a background task to show/hide the DevTools icon.
} else if (SplitCompatApplication.isBrowserProcess()) {
// Frequently check current system webview provider and show/hide the icon
// accordingly by listening to Monochrome browser Activities status (whenever a
// browser activity comes to the foreground).
ApplicationStatus.registerStateListenerForAllActivities((activity, state) -> {
if (state == ActivityState.STARTED) {