blob: 35415994b25b14ea0a9e0476f8ea692a6a786d01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
namespace feed {
// One value for each network API method used by the feed.
enum class NetworkRequestType : int {
kFeedQuery = 0,
kUploadActions = 1,
kNextPage = 2,
kListWebFeeds = 3,
kUnfollowWebFeed = 4,
kFollowWebFeed = 5,
kListRecommendedWebFeeds = 6,
kWebFeedListContents = 7,
kQueryInteractiveFeed = 8,
kQueryBackgroundFeed = 9,
kQueryNextPage = 10,
// Denotes how the stream content loading is used for.
enum class LoadType {
// Loads the stream model into memory. If successful, this directly forces a
// model load in |FeedStream()| before completing the task.
kInitialLoad = 0,
// Loads additional content from the network when the model is already loaded.
kLoadMore = 1,
// Refreshes the stored stream data from the network, on the background. This
// will fail if the model is already loaded.
kBackgroundRefresh = 2,
// Refreshes the stored stream data from the network, per the user request.
// The stored stream data and the loaded model will not be affected if the
// network request fails.
kManualRefresh = 3,
// This must be kept in sync with FeedLoadStreamStatus in enums.xml.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class LoadStreamStatus {
// Loading was not attempted.
kNoStatus = 0,
// Final loading statuses where loading succeeds. :
kLoadedFromStore = 1,
kLoadedFromNetwork = 2,
kLoadedStaleDataFromStoreDueToNetworkFailure = 21,
// Statuses where data is loaded from the persistent store, but is stale.
kDataInStoreIsStale = 8,
// The timestamp for stored data is in the future, so we're treating stored
// data as it it is stale.
kDataInStoreIsStaleTimestampInFuture = 9,
kDataInStoreStaleMissedLastRefresh = 20,
// Failure statuses where content is not loaded.
kFailedWithStoreError = 3,
kNoStreamDataInStore = 4,
kModelAlreadyLoaded = 5,
kNoResponseBody = 6,
kProtoTranslationFailed = 7,
kCannotLoadFromNetworkSupressedForHistoryDelete_DEPRECATED = 10,
kCannotLoadFromNetworkOffline = 11,
kCannotLoadFromNetworkThrottled = 12,
kLoadNotAllowedEulaNotAccepted = 13,
kLoadNotAllowedArticlesListHidden = 14,
kCannotParseNetworkResponseBody = 15,
kLoadMoreModelIsNotLoaded = 16,
kLoadNotAllowedDisabledByEnterprisePolicy = 17,
kNetworkFetchFailed = 18,
kCannotLoadMoreNoNextPageToken = 19,
kDataInStoreIsExpired = 22,
kDataInStoreIsForAnotherUser = 23,
kAbortWithPendingClearAll = 24,
kAlreadyHaveUnreadContent = 25,
kNotAWebFeedSubscriber = 26,
kMaxValue = kNotAWebFeedSubscriber,
// Were we able to load fresh Feed data. This should be 'true' unless some kind
// of error occurred.
bool IsLoadingSuccessfulAndFresh(LoadStreamStatus status);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, LoadStreamStatus value);
// Keep this in sync with FeedUploadActionsStatus in enums.xml.
enum class UploadActionsStatus {
kNoStatus = 0,
kNoPendingActions = 1,
kFailedToStorePendingAction = 2,
kStoredPendingAction = 3,
kUpdatedConsistencyToken = 4,
kFinishedWithoutUpdatingConsistencyToken = 5,
kAbortUploadForSignedOutUser = 6,
kAbortUploadBecauseDisabled = 7,
kAbortUploadForWrongUser = 8,
kAbortUploadActionsWithPendingClearAll = 9,
kMaxValue = kAbortUploadActionsWithPendingClearAll,
// Keep this in sync with FeedUploadActionsBatchStatus in enums.xml.
enum class UploadActionsBatchStatus {
kNoStatus = 0,
kFailedToUpdateStore = 1,
kFailedToUpload = 2,
kFailedToRemoveUploadedActions = 3,
kExhaustedUploadQuota = 4,
kAllActionsWereStale = 5,
kSuccessfullyUploadedBatch = 6,
kMaxValue = kSuccessfullyUploadedBatch,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, UploadActionsStatus value);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, UploadActionsBatchStatus value);
// This must be kept in sync with WebFeedRefreshStatus in enums.xml.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// Status of updating recommended or subscribed web feeds.
enum class WebFeedRefreshStatus {
kNoStatus = 0,
kSuccess = 1,
kNetworkFailure = 2,
kNetworkRequestThrottled = 3,
kAbortFetchWebFeedPendingClearAll = 4,
kMaxValue = kAbortFetchWebFeedPendingClearAll,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, WebFeedRefreshStatus value);
} // namespace feed