blob: c7c5b1ce1b2a66e07658cd9224b7633270fe040c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "components/download/internal/download_driver.h"
#include "components/download/public/download_params.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_manager.h"
namespace download {
struct DriverEntry;
// Aggregates and handles all interaction between download service and content
// download logic.
class DownloadDriverImpl : public DownloadDriver,
public content::DownloadManager::Observer,
public content::DownloadItem::Observer {
// Creates a driver entry based on a download item.
static DriverEntry CreateDriverEntry(const content::DownloadItem* item);
// Create the driver. All files downloaded will be saved to |dir|.
DownloadDriverImpl(content::DownloadManager* manager,
const base::FilePath& dir);
~DownloadDriverImpl() override;
// DownloadDriver implementation.
void Initialize(DownloadDriver::Client* client) override;
bool IsReady() const override;
void Start(const DownloadParams& params) override;
void Cancel(const std::string& guid) override;
void Pause(const std::string& guid) override;
void Resume(const std::string& guid) override;
base::Optional<DriverEntry> Find(const std::string& guid) override;
// content::DownloadItem::Observer implementation.
void OnDownloadUpdated(content::DownloadItem* item) override;
// content::DownloadManager::Observer implementation.
void OnDownloadCreated(content::DownloadManager* manager,
content::DownloadItem* item) override;
void OnManagerInitialized() override;
void ManagerGoingDown(content::DownloadManager* manager) override;
// Low level download handle.
content::DownloadManager* download_manager_;
// Target directory of download files.
base::FilePath file_dir_;
// The client that receives updates from low level download logic.
DownloadDriver::Client* client_;
} // namespace download