blob: 06980c05893c10ebc60c567d9d2a33db7412c998 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.chromium.weblayer;
import org.chromium.weblayer_private.aidl.IProfile;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
/* package */ class ProfileManager {
private final Map<IProfile, Profile> mProfiles = new HashMap<>();
/** Returns existing or new Profile associated with the given implementation on WebLayer side */
Profile getProfileFor(IProfile impl) {
Profile profile = mProfiles.get(impl);
if (profile != null) {
return profile;
profile = new Profile(impl, () -> mProfiles.remove(impl));
mProfiles.put(impl, profile);
return profile;
/** Destroys all the Profiles. */
void destroy() {
for (Profile profile : mProfiles.values()) {