blob: ee5a652d278fd704c69ee7280420eb56eff223e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/renderer/one_time_message_handler.h"
#include <map>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/messaging/message.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/messaging/port_id.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/api_binding_util.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/api_bindings_system.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/api_event_handler.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/api_request_handler.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/bindings/get_per_context_data.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/gc_callback.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/ipc_message_sender.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/message_target.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/messaging_util.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/native_extension_bindings_system.h"
#include "extensions/renderer/script_context.h"
#include "gin/arguments.h"
#include "gin/dictionary.h"
#include "gin/handle.h"
#include "gin/per_context_data.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace {
// An opener port in the context; i.e., the caller of runtime.sendMessage.
struct OneTimeOpener {
int request_id = -1;
int routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
// A receiver port in the context; i.e., a listener to runtime.onMessage.
struct OneTimeReceiver {
int routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
std::string event_name;
v8::Global<v8::Object> sender;
using OneTimeMessageCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(gin::Arguments* arguments)>;
struct OneTimeMessageContextData : public base::SupportsUserData::Data {
static constexpr char kPerContextDataKey[] =
std::map<PortId, OneTimeOpener> openers;
std::map<PortId, OneTimeReceiver> receivers;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OneTimeMessageCallback>> pending_callbacks;
constexpr char OneTimeMessageContextData::kPerContextDataKey[];
int RoutingIdForScriptContext(ScriptContext* script_context) {
content::RenderFrame* render_frame = script_context->GetRenderFrame();
return render_frame ? render_frame->GetRoutingID() : MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
void OneTimeMessageResponseHelper(
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
gin::Arguments arguments(info);
v8::Isolate* isolate = arguments.isolate();
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
v8::Local<v8::External> external = info.Data().As<v8::External>();
auto* raw_callback = static_cast<OneTimeMessageCallback*>(external->Value());
auto iter = std::find_if(
data->pending_callbacks.begin(), data->pending_callbacks.end(),
[raw_callback](const std::unique_ptr<OneTimeMessageCallback>& callback) {
return callback.get() == raw_callback;
if (iter == data->pending_callbacks.end())
std::unique_ptr<OneTimeMessageCallback> callback = std::move(*iter);
// Called with the results of dispatching an onMessage event to listeners.
// Returns true if any of the listeners responded with `true`, indicating they
// will respond to the call asynchronously.
bool WillListenerReplyAsync(v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> maybe_results) {
v8::Local<v8::Value> results;
// |maybe_results| can be empty if the context was destroyed before the
// listeners were ran (or while they were running).
if (!maybe_results.ToLocal(&results))
return false;
if (!results->IsObject())
return false;
// Suppress any script errors, but bail out if they happen (in theory, we
// shouldn't have any).
v8::Isolate* isolate = context->GetIsolate();
v8::TryCatch try_catch(isolate);
// We expect results in the form of an object with an array of results as
// a `results` property.
v8::Local<v8::Value> results_property;
if (!results.As<v8::Object>()
->Get(context, gin::StringToSymbol(isolate, "results"))
.ToLocal(&results_property) ||
!results_property->IsArray()) {
return false;
// Check if any of the results is `true`.
v8::Local<v8::Array> array = results_property.As<v8::Array>();
uint32_t length = array->Length();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
v8::Local<v8::Value> val;
if (!array->Get(context, i).ToLocal(&val))
return false;
if (val->IsTrue())
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
NativeExtensionBindingsSystem* bindings_system)
: bindings_system_(bindings_system), weak_factory_(this) {}
OneTimeMessageHandler::~OneTimeMessageHandler() {}
bool OneTimeMessageHandler::HasPort(ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& port_id) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = script_context->isolate();
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
return false;
return port_id.is_opener ? base::Contains(data->openers, port_id)
: base::Contains(data->receivers, port_id);
void OneTimeMessageHandler::SendMessage(
ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& new_port_id,
const MessageTarget& target,
const std::string& method_name,
bool include_tls_channel_id,
const Message& message,
v8::Local<v8::Function> response_callback) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = script_context->isolate();
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
DCHECK_EQ(script_context->context_id(), new_port_id.context_id);
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
bool wants_response = !response_callback.IsEmpty();
int routing_id = RoutingIdForScriptContext(script_context);
if (wants_response) {
int request_id =
script_context->v8_context(), response_callback);
OneTimeOpener& port = data->openers[new_port_id];
port.request_id = request_id;
port.routing_id = routing_id;
IPCMessageSender* ipc_sender = bindings_system_->GetIPCMessageSender();
ipc_sender->SendOpenMessageChannel(script_context, new_port_id, target,
method_name, include_tls_channel_id);
ipc_sender->SendPostMessageToPort(new_port_id, message);
// If the sender doesn't provide a response callback, we can immediately
// close the channel. Note: we only do this for extension messages, not
// native apps.
// TODO(devlin): This is because of some subtle ordering in the browser side,
// where closing the channel after sending the message causes things to be
// destroyed in the wrong order. That would be nice to fix.
if (!wants_response && target.type != MessageTarget::NATIVE_APP) {
bool close_channel = true;
ipc_sender->SendCloseMessagePort(routing_id, new_port_id, close_channel);
void OneTimeMessageHandler::AddReceiver(ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& target_port_id,
v8::Local<v8::Object> sender,
const std::string& event_name) {
DCHECK_NE(script_context->context_id(), target_port_id.context_id);
v8::Isolate* isolate = script_context->isolate();
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = script_context->v8_context();
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
GetPerContextData<OneTimeMessageContextData>(context, kCreateIfMissing);
DCHECK(!base::Contains(data->receivers, target_port_id));
OneTimeReceiver& receiver = data->receivers[target_port_id];
receiver.sender.Reset(isolate, sender);
receiver.routing_id = RoutingIdForScriptContext(script_context);
receiver.event_name = event_name;
bool OneTimeMessageHandler::DeliverMessage(ScriptContext* script_context,
const Message& message,
const PortId& target_port_id) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = script_context->isolate();
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
return target_port_id.is_opener
? DeliverReplyToOpener(script_context, message, target_port_id)
: DeliverMessageToReceiver(script_context, message,
bool OneTimeMessageHandler::Disconnect(ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& port_id,
const std::string& error_message) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = script_context->isolate();
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
return port_id.is_opener
? DisconnectOpener(script_context, port_id, error_message)
: DisconnectReceiver(script_context, port_id);
bool OneTimeMessageHandler::DeliverMessageToReceiver(
ScriptContext* script_context,
const Message& message,
const PortId& target_port_id) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = script_context->isolate();
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = script_context->v8_context();
bool handled = false;
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
return handled;
auto iter = data->receivers.find(target_port_id);
if (iter == data->receivers.end())
return handled;
handled = true;
OneTimeReceiver& port = iter->second;
// This port is a receiver, so we invoke the onMessage event and provide a
// callback through which the port can respond. The port stays open until
// we receive a response.
// TODO(devlin): With chrome.runtime.sendMessage, we actually require that a
// listener return `true` if they intend to respond asynchronously; otherwise
// we close the port.
auto callback = std::make_unique<OneTimeMessageCallback>(
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), target_port_id));
v8::Local<v8::External> external = v8::External::New(isolate, callback.get());
v8::Local<v8::Function> response_function;
if (!v8::Function::New(context, &OneTimeMessageResponseHelper, external)
.ToLocal(&response_function)) {
return handled;
// We shouldn't need to monitor context invalidation here. We store the ports
// for the context in PerContextData (cleaned up on context destruction), and
// the browser watches for frame navigation or destruction, and cleans up
// orphaned channels.
base::Closure on_context_invalidated;
new GCCallback(
script_context, response_function,
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), script_context, target_port_id),
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_message =
messaging_util::MessageToV8(context, message);
v8::Local<v8::Object> v8_sender = port.sender.Get(isolate);
std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>> args = {v8_message, v8_sender,
JSRunner::ResultCallback dispatch_callback;
// For runtime.onMessage, we require that the listener return `true` if they
// intend to respond asynchronously. Check the results of the listeners.
if (port.event_name == messaging_util::kOnMessageEvent) {
dispatch_callback =
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), target_port_id);
port.event_name, context, &args, nullptr, std::move(dispatch_callback));
// Note: The context could be invalidated at this point!
return handled;
bool OneTimeMessageHandler::DeliverReplyToOpener(ScriptContext* script_context,
const Message& message,
const PortId& target_port_id) {
v8::Local<v8::Context> v8_context = script_context->v8_context();
bool handled = false;
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
return handled;
auto iter = data->openers.find(target_port_id);
if (iter == data->openers.end())
return handled;
handled = true;
// Note: make a copy of port, since we're about to free it.
const OneTimeOpener port = iter->second;
DCHECK_NE(-1, port.request_id);
// We erase the opener now, since delivering the reply can cause JS to run,
// which could either invalidate the context or modify the |openers|
// collection (e.g., by sending another message).
// This port was the opener, so the message is the response from the
// receiver. Invoke the callback and close the message port.
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_message =
messaging_util::MessageToV8(v8_context, message);
std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>> args = {v8_message};
port.request_id, args, std::string());
bool close_channel = true;
port.routing_id, target_port_id, close_channel);
// Note: The context could be invalidated at this point!
return handled;
bool OneTimeMessageHandler::DisconnectReceiver(ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& port_id) {
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = script_context->v8_context();
bool handled = false;
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
return handled;
auto iter = data->receivers.find(port_id);
if (iter == data->receivers.end())
return handled;
handled = true;
return handled;
bool OneTimeMessageHandler::DisconnectOpener(ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& port_id,
const std::string& error_message) {
bool handled = false;
v8::Local<v8::Context> v8_context = script_context->v8_context();
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
return handled;
auto iter = data->openers.find(port_id);
if (iter == data->openers.end())
return handled;
handled = true;
// Note: make a copy of port, since we're about to free it.
const OneTimeOpener port = iter->second;
DCHECK_NE(-1, port.request_id);
// We erase the opener now, since delivering the reply can cause JS to run,
// which could either invalidate the context or modify the |openers|
// collection (e.g., by sending another message).
port.request_id, std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>(),
// If the browser doesn't supply an error message, we supply a generic
// one.
? "The message port closed before a response was received."
: error_message);
// Note: The context could be invalidated at this point!
return handled;
void OneTimeMessageHandler::OnOneTimeMessageResponse(
const PortId& port_id,
gin::Arguments* arguments) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = arguments->isolate();
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
// The listener may try replying after the context or the channel has been
// closed. Fail gracefully.
// TODO(devlin): At least in the case of the channel being closed (e.g.
// because the listener did not return `true`), it might be good to surface an
// error.
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
auto iter = data->receivers.find(port_id);
if (iter == data->receivers.end())
int routing_id = iter->second.routing_id;
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
// We allow omitting the message argument (e.g., sendMessage()). Default the
// value to undefined.
if (arguments->Length() > 0)
value = v8::Undefined(isolate);
std::string error;
std::unique_ptr<Message> message =
messaging_util::MessageFromV8(context, value, &error);
if (!message) {
IPCMessageSender* ipc_sender = bindings_system_->GetIPCMessageSender();
ipc_sender->SendPostMessageToPort(port_id, *message);
bool close_channel = true;
ipc_sender->SendCloseMessagePort(routing_id, port_id, close_channel);
void OneTimeMessageHandler::OnResponseCallbackCollected(
ScriptContext* script_context,
const PortId& port_id) {
// Note: we know |script_context| is still valid because the GC callback won't
// be called after context invalidation.
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(script_context->isolate());
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
// ScriptContext invalidation and PerContextData cleanup happen "around" the
// same time, but there aren't strict guarantees about ordering. It's possible
// the data was collected.
if (!data)
auto iter = data->receivers.find(port_id);
// The channel may already be closed (if the receiver replied before the reply
// callback was collected).
if (iter == data->receivers.end())
int routing_id = iter->second.routing_id;
// Close the message port. There's no way to send a reply anymore. Don't
// close the channel because another listener may reply.
IPCMessageSender* ipc_sender = bindings_system_->GetIPCMessageSender();
bool close_channel = false;
ipc_sender->SendCloseMessagePort(routing_id, port_id, close_channel);
void OneTimeMessageHandler::OnEventFired(const PortId& port_id,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> result) {
// The context could be tearing down by the time the event is fully
// dispatched.
OneTimeMessageContextData* data =
if (!data)
if (WillListenerReplyAsync(context, result))
return; // The listener will reply later; leave the channel open.
auto iter = data->receivers.find(port_id);
// The channel may already be closed (if the listener replied).
if (iter == data->receivers.end())
int routing_id = iter->second.routing_id;
// The listener did not reply and did not return `true` from any of its
// listeners. Close the message port. Don't close the channel because another
// listener (in a separate context) may reply.
IPCMessageSender* ipc_sender = bindings_system_->GetIPCMessageSender();
bool close_channel = false;
ipc_sender->SendCloseMessagePort(routing_id, port_id, close_channel);
} // namespace extensions