blob: 09848a7e97ca6c94dbef7a8053be89592b260ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_print.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "pdf/pdf_transform.h"
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_engine.h"
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_read.h"
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h"
#include "ppapi/c/dev/ppp_printing_dev.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppp_pdf.h"
#include "printing/nup_parameters.h"
#include "printing/units.h"
#include "third_party/pdfium/public/cpp/fpdf_scopers.h"
#include "third_party/pdfium/public/fpdf_flatten.h"
#include "third_party/pdfium/public/fpdf_ppo.h"
#include "third_party/pdfium/public/fpdf_transformpage.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/jpeg_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
using printing::ConvertUnit;
using printing::ConvertUnitDouble;
using printing::kPointsPerInch;
namespace chrome_pdf {
namespace {
// UI should have done parameter sanity check, when execution
// reaches here, |num_pages_per_sheet| should be a positive integer.
bool ShouldDoNup(int num_pages_per_sheet) {
return num_pages_per_sheet > 1;
// Check the source doc orientation. Returns true if the doc is landscape.
// For now the orientation of the doc is determined by its first page's
// orientation. Improvement can be added in the future to better determine the
// orientation of the source docs that have mixed orientation.
// TODO(xlou): rotate pages if the source doc has mixed orientation. So that
// the orientation of all pages of the doc are uniform. Pages of square size
// will not be rotated.
bool IsSourcePdfLandscape(FPDF_DOCUMENT doc) {
ScopedFPDFPage pdf_page(FPDF_LoadPage(doc, 0));
bool is_source_landscape =
FPDF_GetPageWidth(pdf_page.get()) > FPDF_GetPageHeight(pdf_page.get());
return is_source_landscape;
// Set the destination page size and content area in points based on source
// page rotation and orientation.
// |rotated| True if source page is rotated 90 degree or 270 degree.
// |is_src_page_landscape| is true if the source page orientation is landscape.
// |page_size| has the actual destination page size in points.
// |content_rect| has the actual destination page printable area values in
// points.
void SetPageSizeAndContentRect(bool rotated,
bool is_src_page_landscape,
pp::Size* page_size,
pp::Rect* content_rect) {
bool is_dst_page_landscape = page_size->width() > page_size->height();
bool page_orientation_mismatched =
is_src_page_landscape != is_dst_page_landscape;
bool rotate_dst_page = rotated ^ page_orientation_mismatched;
if (rotate_dst_page) {
page_size->SetSize(page_size->height(), page_size->width());
content_rect->SetRect(content_rect->y(), content_rect->x(),
content_rect->height(), content_rect->width());
// Transform |page| contents to fit in the selected printer paper size.
void TransformPDFPageForPrinting(FPDF_PAGE page,
double scale_factor,
const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings) {
// Get the source page width and height in points.
const double src_page_width = FPDF_GetPageWidth(page);
const double src_page_height = FPDF_GetPageHeight(page);
const int src_page_rotation = FPDFPage_GetRotation(page);
const bool fit_to_page = print_settings.print_scaling_option ==
pp::Size page_size(print_settings.paper_size);
pp::Rect content_rect(print_settings.printable_area);
const bool rotated = (src_page_rotation % 2 == 1);
SetPageSizeAndContentRect(rotated, src_page_width > src_page_height,
&page_size, &content_rect);
// Compute the screen page width and height in points.
const int actual_page_width =
rotated ? page_size.height() : page_size.width();
const int actual_page_height =
rotated ? page_size.width() : page_size.height();
const gfx::Rect gfx_content_rect(content_rect.x(), content_rect.y(),
content_rect.width(), content_rect.height());
if (fit_to_page) {
scale_factor = CalculateScaleFactor(gfx_content_rect, src_page_width,
src_page_height, rotated);
// Calculate positions for the clip box.
PdfRectangle media_box;
PdfRectangle crop_box;
bool has_media_box =
!!FPDFPage_GetMediaBox(page, &media_box.left, &media_box.bottom,
&media_box.right, &;
bool has_crop_box = !!FPDFPage_GetCropBox(
page, &crop_box.left, &crop_box.bottom, &crop_box.right, &;
CalculateMediaBoxAndCropBox(rotated, has_media_box, has_crop_box, &media_box,
PdfRectangle source_clip_box = CalculateClipBoxBoundary(media_box, crop_box);
ScalePdfRectangle(scale_factor, &source_clip_box);
// Calculate the translation offset values.
double offset_x = 0;
double offset_y = 0;
if (fit_to_page) {
CalculateScaledClipBoxOffset(gfx_content_rect, source_clip_box, &offset_x,
} else {
CalculateNonScaledClipBoxOffset(gfx_content_rect, src_page_rotation,
actual_page_width, actual_page_height,
source_clip_box, &offset_x, &offset_y);
// Reset the media box and crop box. When the page has crop box and media box,
// the plugin will display the crop box contents and not the entire media box.
// If the pages have different crop box values, the plugin will display a
// document of multiple page sizes. To give better user experience, we
// decided to have same crop box and media box values. Hence, the user will
// see a list of uniform pages.
FPDFPage_SetMediaBox(page, 0, 0, page_size.width(), page_size.height());
FPDFPage_SetCropBox(page, 0, 0, page_size.width(), page_size.height());
// Transformation is not required, return. Do this check only after updating
// the media box and crop box. For more detailed information, please refer to
// the comment block right before FPDF_SetMediaBox and FPDF_GetMediaBox calls.
if (scale_factor == 1.0 && offset_x == 0 && offset_y == 0)
// All the positions have been calculated, now manipulate the PDF.
FS_MATRIX matrix = {static_cast<float>(scale_factor),
FS_RECTF cliprect = {static_cast<float>(source_clip_box.left + offset_x),
static_cast<float>( + offset_y),
static_cast<float>(source_clip_box.right + offset_x),
static_cast<float>(source_clip_box.bottom + offset_y)};
FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip(page, &matrix, &cliprect);
FPDFPage_TransformAnnots(page, scale_factor, 0, 0, scale_factor, offset_x,
void FitContentsToPrintableAreaIfRequired(
double scale_factor,
const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings) {
// Check to see if we need to fit pdf contents to printer paper size.
if (print_settings.print_scaling_option == PP_PRINTSCALINGOPTION_SOURCE_SIZE)
int num_pages = FPDF_GetPageCount(doc);
// In-place transformation is more efficient than creating a new
// transformed document from the source document. Therefore, transform
// every page to fit the contents in the selected printer paper.
for (int i = 0; i < num_pages; ++i) {
ScopedFPDFPage page(FPDF_LoadPage(doc, i));
TransformPDFPageForPrinting(page.get(), scale_factor, print_settings);
int GetBlockForJpeg(void* param,
unsigned long pos,
unsigned char* buf,
unsigned long size) {
std::vector<uint8_t>* data_vector = static_cast<std::vector<uint8_t>*>(param);
if (pos + size < pos || pos + size > data_vector->size())
return 0;
memcpy(buf, data_vector->data() + pos, size);
return 1;
std::string GetPageRangeStringFromRange(
const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev* page_ranges,
uint32_t page_range_count) {
std::string page_number_str;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < page_range_count; ++i) {
if (!page_number_str.empty())
const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev& range = page_ranges[i];
page_number_str.append(base::UintToString(range.first_page_number + 1));
if (range.first_page_number != range.last_page_number) {
page_number_str.append(base::UintToString(range.last_page_number + 1));
return page_number_str;
} // namespace
PDFiumPrint::PDFiumPrint(PDFiumEngine* engine) : engine_(engine) {}
PDFiumPrint::~PDFiumPrint() = default;
// static
std::vector<uint32_t> PDFiumPrint::GetPageNumbersFromPrintPageNumberRange(
const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev* page_ranges,
uint32_t page_range_count) {
std::vector<uint32_t> page_numbers;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < page_range_count; ++i) {
for (uint32_t page_number = page_ranges[i].first_page_number;
page_number <= page_ranges[i].last_page_number; ++page_number) {
return page_numbers;
pp::Buffer_Dev PDFiumPrint::PrintPagesAsRasterPDF(
const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev* page_ranges,
uint32_t page_range_count,
const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings,
const PP_PdfPrintSettings_Dev& pdf_print_settings) {
std::vector<PDFiumPage> pages_to_print;
// width and height of source PDF pages.
std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> source_page_sizes;
// Collect pages to print and sizes of source pages.
std::vector<uint32_t> page_numbers =
for (uint32_t page_number : page_numbers) {
ScopedFPDFPage pdf_page(FPDF_LoadPage(engine_->doc(), page_number));
double source_page_width = FPDF_GetPageWidth(pdf_page.get());
double source_page_height = FPDF_GetPageHeight(pdf_page.get());
std::make_pair(source_page_width, source_page_height));
// For computing size in pixels, use a square dpi since the source PDF page
// has square DPI.
int width_in_pixels =
ConvertUnit(source_page_width, kPointsPerInch, print_settings.dpi);
int height_in_pixels =
ConvertUnit(source_page_height, kPointsPerInch, print_settings.dpi);
pp::Rect rect(width_in_pixels, height_in_pixels);
pages_to_print.push_back(PDFiumPage(engine_, page_number, rect, true));
ScopedFPDFDocument output_doc(FPDF_CreateNewDocument());
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < pages_to_print.size(); ++i) {
double source_page_width = source_page_sizes[i].first;
double source_page_height = source_page_sizes[i].second;
// Use |temp_doc| to compress image by saving PDF to |buffer|.
pp::Buffer_Dev buffer;
ScopedFPDFDocument temp_doc(
CreateSinglePageRasterPdf(source_page_width, source_page_height,
print_settings, &pages_to_print[i]));
if (!temp_doc)
buffer = GetFlattenedPrintData(temp_doc.get());
PDFiumMemBufferFileRead file_read(, buffer.size());
ScopedFPDFDocument temp_doc(FPDF_LoadCustomDocument(&file_read, nullptr));
if (!FPDF_ImportPages(output_doc.get(), temp_doc.get(), "1", i))
pp::Buffer_Dev buffer;
if (i == pages_to_print.size()) {
FPDF_CopyViewerPreferences(output_doc.get(), engine_->doc());
uint32_t num_pages_per_sheet = pdf_print_settings.num_pages_per_sheet;
uint32_t scale_factor = pdf_print_settings.scale_factor;
if (ShouldDoNup(num_pages_per_sheet)) {
buffer =
NupPdfToPdf(output_doc.get(), num_pages_per_sheet, print_settings);
} else {
output_doc.get(), scale_factor / 100.0f, print_settings);
buffer = GetPrintData(output_doc.get());
return buffer;
pp::Buffer_Dev PDFiumPrint::PrintPagesAsPDF(
const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev* page_ranges,
uint32_t page_range_count,
const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings,
const PP_PdfPrintSettings_Dev& pdf_print_settings) {
ScopedFPDFDocument output_doc(FPDF_CreateNewDocument());
FPDF_CopyViewerPreferences(output_doc.get(), engine_->doc());
std::string page_number_str =
GetPageRangeStringFromRange(page_ranges, page_range_count);
if (!FPDF_ImportPages(output_doc.get(), engine_->doc(),
page_number_str.c_str(), 0)) {
return pp::Buffer_Dev();
// Now flatten all the output pages.
if (!FlattenPrintData(output_doc.get()))
return pp::Buffer_Dev();
pp::Buffer_Dev buffer;
uint32_t num_pages_per_sheet = pdf_print_settings.num_pages_per_sheet;
uint32_t scale_factor = pdf_print_settings.scale_factor;
if (ShouldDoNup(num_pages_per_sheet)) {
buffer = NupPdfToPdf(output_doc.get(), num_pages_per_sheet, print_settings);
} else {
scale_factor / 100.0f, print_settings);
buffer = GetPrintData(output_doc.get());
return buffer;
FPDF_DOCUMENT PDFiumPrint::CreateSinglePageRasterPdf(
double source_page_width,
double source_page_height,
const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings,
PDFiumPage* page_to_print) {
FPDF_DOCUMENT temp_doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
const pp::Size& bitmap_size(page_to_print->rect().size());
pp::ImageData image =
ScopedFPDFBitmap bitmap(
FPDFBitmap_CreateEx(bitmap_size.width(), bitmap_size.height(),
FPDFBitmap_BGRx,, image.stride()));
// Clear the bitmap
FPDFBitmap_FillRect(bitmap.get(), 0, 0, bitmap_size.width(),
bitmap_size.height(), 0xFFFFFFFF);
pp::Rect page_rect = page_to_print->rect();
FPDF_RenderPageBitmap(bitmap.get(), page_to_print->GetPrintPage(),
page_rect.x(), page_rect.y(), page_rect.width(),
page_rect.height(), print_settings.orientation,
// Draw the forms.
FPDF_FFLDraw(engine_->form(), bitmap.get(), page_to_print->GetPrintPage(),
page_rect.x(), page_rect.y(), page_rect.width(),
page_rect.height(), print_settings.orientation,
unsigned char* bitmap_data =
static_cast<unsigned char*>(FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer(bitmap.get()));
double ratio_x = ConvertUnitDouble(bitmap_size.width(), print_settings.dpi,
double ratio_y = ConvertUnitDouble(bitmap_size.height(), print_settings.dpi,
// Add the bitmap to an image object and add the image object to the output
// page.
FPDF_PAGEOBJECT temp_img = FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj(temp_doc);
bool encoded = false;
std::vector<uint8_t> compressed_bitmap_data;
if (!(print_settings.format & PP_PRINTOUTPUTFORMAT_PDF)) {
// Use quality = 40 as this does not significantly degrade the printed
// document relative to a normal bitmap and provides better compression than
// a higher quality setting.
const int kQuality = 40;
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(
FPDFBitmap_GetWidth(bitmap.get()), FPDFBitmap_GetHeight(bitmap.get()),
kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType);
SkPixmap src(info, bitmap_data, FPDFBitmap_GetStride(bitmap.get()));
encoded = gfx::JPEGCodec::Encode(src, kQuality, &compressed_bitmap_data);
ScopedFPDFPage temp_page_holder(
FPDFPage_New(temp_doc, 0, source_page_width, source_page_height));
FPDF_PAGE temp_page = temp_page_holder.get();
if (encoded) {
FPDF_FILEACCESS file_access = {};
file_access.m_FileLen =
static_cast<unsigned long>(compressed_bitmap_data.size());
file_access.m_GetBlock = &GetBlockForJpeg;
file_access.m_Param = &compressed_bitmap_data;
FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFileInline(&temp_page, 1, temp_img, &file_access);
} else {
FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap(&temp_page, 1, temp_img, bitmap.get());
FPDFImageObj_SetMatrix(temp_img, ratio_x, 0, 0, ratio_y, 0, 0);
FPDFPage_InsertObject(temp_page, temp_img);
return temp_doc;
pp::Buffer_Dev PDFiumPrint::NupPdfToPdf(
uint32_t num_pages_per_sheet,
const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings) {
PP_Size page_size = print_settings.paper_size;
printing::NupParameters nup_params;
bool is_landscape = IsSourcePdfLandscape(doc);
nup_params.SetParameters(num_pages_per_sheet, is_landscape);
// Import n pages to one.
bool paper_is_landscape = page_size.width > page_size.height;
if (nup_params.landscape() != paper_is_landscape)
std::swap(page_size.width, page_size.height);
ScopedFPDFDocument output_doc_nup(FPDF_ImportNPagesToOne(
doc, page_size.width, page_size.height, nup_params.num_pages_on_x_axis(),
if (!output_doc_nup)
return pp::Buffer_Dev();
FitContentsToPrintableAreaIfRequired(output_doc_nup.get(), 1.0f,
return GetPrintData(output_doc_nup.get());
bool PDFiumPrint::FlattenPrintData(FPDF_DOCUMENT doc) {
ScopedSubstFont scoped_subst_font(engine_);
int page_count = FPDF_GetPageCount(doc);
for (int i = 0; i < page_count; ++i) {
ScopedFPDFPage page(FPDF_LoadPage(doc, i));
if (FPDFPage_Flatten(page.get(), FLAT_PRINT) == FLATTEN_FAIL)
return false;
return true;
pp::Buffer_Dev PDFiumPrint::GetPrintData(FPDF_DOCUMENT doc) {
pp::Buffer_Dev buffer;
PDFiumMemBufferFileWrite output_file_write;
if (FPDF_SaveAsCopy(doc, &output_file_write, 0)) {
size_t size = output_file_write.size();
buffer = pp::Buffer_Dev(engine_->GetPluginInstance(), size);
if (!buffer.is_null())
memcpy(, output_file_write.buffer().c_str(), size);
return buffer;
pp::Buffer_Dev PDFiumPrint::GetFlattenedPrintData(FPDF_DOCUMENT doc) {
pp::Buffer_Dev buffer;
if (FlattenPrintData(doc))
buffer = GetPrintData(doc);
return buffer;
} // namespace chrome_pdf