blob: 10fd8189d533dc258c22308e07a7ce8ac52530d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/browser_actions_bar_browsertest.h"
namespace extensions {
class TestExtensionDir;
class ToolbarActionsBarBubbleViews;
class ExtensionMessageBubbleBrowserTest
: public BrowserActionsBarBrowserTest {
enum AnchorPosition {
~ExtensionMessageBubbleBrowserTest() override;
// Returns the toolkit-views bubble that is currently attached to |browser|.
// Returns null if there is no bubble showing. Implemented in platform files.
static ToolbarActionsBarBubbleViews* GetViewsBubbleForBrowser(
Browser* browser);
// Returns the expected test anchor bounds on |browser| which may be a Cocoa
// browser or a Views browser. Implemented in platform files.
static gfx::Rect GetAnchorReferenceBoundsForBrowser(Browser* browser,
AnchorPosition anchor);
// BrowserActionsBarBrowserTest:
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
void TearDownOnMainThread() override;
// Checks the position of the bubble present in the given |browser|, when the
// bubble should be anchored at the given |anchor| and that the toolbar model
// is correctly highlighting.
void CheckBubble(Browser* browser,
AnchorPosition anchor,
bool should_be_highlighting);
// Performs the platform-specific checks.
virtual void CheckBubbleNative(Browser* browser, AnchorPosition anchor) = 0;
// Closes the bubble present in the given |browser|.
virtual void CloseBubble(Browser* browser);
// Performs the platform-specific close.
virtual void CloseBubbleNative(Browser* browser) = 0;
// Checks that there is no active bubble for the given |browser|.
// We specify whether or not the toolbar model should be highlighting or there
// is a bubble active since another browser window may have an active bubble.
void CheckBubbleIsNotPresent(Browser* browser,
bool should_profile_have_bubble,
bool should_be_highlighting);
// Performs the platform-specific checks.
virtual void CheckBubbleIsNotPresentNative(Browser* browser) = 0;
// Clicks on the corresponding button in the bubble.
virtual void ClickLearnMoreButton(Browser* browser) = 0;
virtual void ClickActionButton(Browser* browser) = 0;
virtual void ClickDismissButton(Browser* browser) = 0;
// Adds a new extension that uses the chrome_settings_overrides api to
// override a setting specified in |settings_override_value|.
void AddSettingsOverrideExtension(const std::string& settings_override_value);
// The following are essentially the different tests, but we can't define the
// tests in this file, since it relies on platform-specific implementation
// (the above virtual methods).
// Tests that an extension bubble will be anchored to an extension action when
// there are extensions with actions.
void TestBubbleAnchoredToExtensionAction();
// Tests that an extension bubble will be anchored to the app menu when there
// aren't any extensions with actions.
// This also tests that the crashes in are fixed.
void TestBubbleAnchoredToAppMenu();
// Tests that an extension bubble will be anchored to the app menu if there
// are no highlighted extensions, even if there's a benevolent extension with
// an action.
// Regression test for
void TestBubbleAnchoredToAppMenuWithOtherAction();
// Tests that uninstalling the extension between when the bubble is originally
// slated to show and when it does show is handled gracefully.
// Regression test for
void TestUninstallDangerousExtension();
// Tests that the extension bubble will show on startup.
void PreBubbleShowsOnStartup();
void TestBubbleShowsOnStartup();
// Tests that the developer mode warning bubble is only shown once per
// profile.
// Regression test for
void TestDevModeBubbleIsntShownTwice();
// Tests that the bubble indicating an extension is controlling a user's
// new tab page is shown. When |click_learn_more| is true, the bubble is
// closed by clicking the Learn More link, otherwise CloseBubble() is used.
void TestControlledNewTabPageBubbleShown(bool click_learn_more);
// Tests that the bubble indicating an extension is controlling a user's
// home page is shown.
void TestControlledHomeBubbleShown();
// Tests that the bubble indicating an extension is controlling a user's
// search engine is shown.
void TestControlledSearchBubbleShown();
// Tests that the bubble indicating an extension is controlling a user's
// startup pages is shown.
void PreTestControlledStartupBubbleShown();
void TestControlledStartupBubbleShown();
// Tests that the startup controlled bubble is *not* shown in the case of a
// browser restart, since restarts always result in a session restore rather
// than showing the normal startup pages.
void PreTestControlledStartupNotShownOnRestart();
void TestControlledStartupNotShownOnRestart();
// Tests that having multiple windows, all of which could be vying to show a
// warning bubble, behaves properly.
void TestBubbleWithMultipleWindows();
// Tests clicking on the corresponding button in the bubble view. The logic
// for these is tested more thoroughly in the unit tests, but this ensures
// that nothing goes wrong end-to-end.
void TestClickingLearnMoreButton();
void TestClickingActionButton();
void TestClickingDismissButton();
// The backing directory for a custom extension loaded during a test. Null if
// no custom extension is loaded.
std::unique_ptr<extensions::TestExtensionDir> custom_extension_dir_;