blob: a7ff1fe974d7d8a46ad82c0b77f1f12ca642601b [file] [log] [blame]
#include "khtml_ext.h"
#include "khtmlview.h"
#include "khtml_pagecache.h"
#include "rendering/render_form.h"
#include "dom/html_form.h"
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qmetaobject.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <ktoolbarbutton.h>
#include <ktoolbar.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <ksavefile.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <dom/dom_element.h>
#include <misc/htmltags.h>
KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::KHTMLPartBrowserExtension( KHTMLPart *parent, const char *name )
: KParts::BrowserExtension( parent, name )
m_part = parent;
setURLDropHandlingEnabled( true );
enableAction( "cut", false );
enableAction( "copy", false );
enableAction( "paste", false );
m_connectedToClipboard = false;
int KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::xOffset()
return m_part->view()->contentsX();
int KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::yOffset()
return m_part->view()->contentsY();
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::saveState( QDataStream &stream )
kdDebug( 6050 ) << "saveState!" << endl;
m_part->saveState( stream );
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::restoreState( QDataStream &stream )
kdDebug( 6050 ) << "restoreState!" << endl;
m_part->restoreState( stream );
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::editableWidgetFocused( QWidget *widget )
m_editableFormWidget = widget;
if ( !m_connectedToClipboard && m_editableFormWidget )
connect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
this, SLOT( updateEditActions() ) );
if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) )
connect( m_editableFormWidget, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
this, SLOT( updateEditActions() ) );
else if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QMultiLineEdit" ) )
connect( m_editableFormWidget, SIGNAL( textChanged() ),
this, SLOT( updateEditActions() ) );
m_connectedToClipboard = true;
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::editableWidgetBlurred( QWidget *widget )
QWidget *oldWidget = m_editableFormWidget;
m_editableFormWidget = widget;
enableAction( "cut", false );
enableAction( "paste", false );
if ( m_connectedToClipboard )
disconnect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
this, SLOT( updateEditActions() ) );
if ( oldWidget )
if ( oldWidget->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) )
disconnect( oldWidget, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
this, SLOT( updateEditActions() ) );
else if ( oldWidget->inherits( "QMultiLineEdit" ) )
disconnect( oldWidget, SIGNAL( textChanged() ),
this, SLOT( updateEditActions() ) );
m_connectedToClipboard = false;
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::setExtensionProxy( KParts::BrowserExtension *proxy )
if ( m_extensionProxy )
disconnect( m_extensionProxy, SIGNAL( enableAction( const char *, bool ) ),
this, SLOT( extensionProxyActionEnabled( const char *, bool ) ) );
m_extensionProxy = proxy;
if ( m_extensionProxy )
connect( m_extensionProxy, SIGNAL( enableAction( const char *, bool ) ),
this, SLOT( extensionProxyActionEnabled( const char *, bool ) ) );
enableAction( "cut", m_extensionProxy->isActionEnabled( "cut" ) );
enableAction( "copy", m_extensionProxy->isActionEnabled( "copy" ) );
enableAction( "paste", m_extensionProxy->isActionEnabled( "paste" ) );
enableAction( "copy", false ); // ### re-check this
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::cut()
if ( m_extensionProxy )
callExtensionProxyMethod( "cut()" );
ASSERT( m_editableFormWidget );
if ( !m_editableFormWidget )
return; // shouldn't happen
if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) )
static_cast<QLineEdit *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->cut();
else if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QMultiLineEdit" ) )
static_cast<QMultiLineEdit *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->cut();
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::copy()
if ( m_extensionProxy )
callExtensionProxyMethod( "copy()" );
kdDebug( 6050 ) << "************! KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::copy()" << endl;
if ( !m_editableFormWidget )
// get selected text and paste to the clipboard
QString text = m_part->selectedText();
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) )
static_cast<QLineEdit *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->copy();
else if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QMultiLineEdit" ) )
static_cast<QMultiLineEdit *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->copy();
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::paste()
if ( m_extensionProxy )
callExtensionProxyMethod( "paste()" );
ASSERT( m_editableFormWidget );
if ( !m_editableFormWidget )
return; // shouldn't happen
if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) )
static_cast<QLineEdit *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->paste();
else if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QMultiLineEdit" ) )
static_cast<QMultiLineEdit *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->paste();
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::callExtensionProxyMethod( const char *method )
if ( !m_extensionProxy )
QMetaData *metaData = m_extensionProxy->metaObject()->slot( method );
if ( !metaData )
KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = static_cast<KParts::BrowserExtension *>( m_extensionProxy );
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::updateEditActions()
if ( !m_editableFormWidget )
enableAction( "cut", false );
enableAction( "paste", false );
// ### duplicated from KonqMainWindow::slotClipboardDataChanged
QMimeSource *data = QApplication::clipboard()->data();
enableAction( "paste", data->provides( "text/plain" ) );
bool hasSelection = false;
if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "QLineEdit" ) )
hasSelection = static_cast<QLineEdit *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->hasMarkedText();
else if ( m_editableFormWidget->inherits( "khtml::TextAreaWidget" ) )
hasSelection = static_cast<khtml::TextAreaWidget *>( &(*m_editableFormWidget) )->hasMarkedText();
enableAction( "copy", hasSelection );
enableAction( "cut", hasSelection );
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::extensionProxyActionEnabled( const char *action, bool enable )
// only forward enableAction calls for actions we actually do foward
if ( strcmp( action, "cut" ) == 0 ||
strcmp( action, "copy" ) == 0 ||
strcmp( action, "paste" ) == 0 )
enableAction( action, enable );
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::reparseConfiguration()
void KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::print()
class KHTMLPopupGUIClient::KHTMLPopupGUIClientPrivate
KHTMLPart *m_khtml;
KURL m_url;
KURL m_imageURL;
KAction *m_paPrintFrame;
KAction *m_paSaveLinkAs;
KAction *m_paSaveImageAs;
KAction *m_paCopyLinkLocation;
KAction *m_paStopAnimations;
KAction *m_paCopyImageLocation;
KAction *m_paViewImage;
KAction *m_paReloadFrame;
KAction *m_paViewFrameSource;
KHTMLPopupGUIClient::KHTMLPopupGUIClient( KHTMLPart *khtml, const QString &doc, const KURL &url )
d = new KHTMLPopupGUIClientPrivate;
d->m_khtml = khtml;
d->m_url = url;
setInstance( khtml->instance() );
actionCollection()->insert( khtml->actionCollection()->action( "selectAll" ) );
actionCollection()->insert( khtml->actionCollection()->action( "viewDocumentSource" ) );
// frameset? -> add "Reload Frame" etc.
if ( khtml->parentPart() )
d->m_paReloadFrame = new KAction( i18n( "Reload Frame" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotReloadFrame() ),
actionCollection(), "reloadframe" );
d->m_paViewFrameSource = new KAction( i18n( "View Frame Source" ), 0, d->m_khtml, SLOT( slotViewDocumentSource() ),
actionCollection(), "viewFrameSource" );
// This one isn't in khtml_popupmenu.rc anymore, because Print isn't either,
// and because print frame is already in the toolbar and the menu.
// But leave this here, so that it's easy to readd it.
d->m_paPrintFrame = new KAction( i18n( "Print Frame..." ), "fileprint", 0, d->m_khtml->browserExtension(), SLOT( print() ), actionCollection(), "printFrame" );
actionCollection()->insert( khtml->actionCollection()->action( "setEncoding" ) );
if ( !url.isEmpty() )
d->m_paSaveLinkAs = new KAction( i18n( "&Save Link As..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSaveLinkAs() ),
actionCollection(), "savelinkas" );
d->m_paCopyLinkLocation = new KAction( i18n( "Copy Link Location" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotCopyLinkLocation() ),
actionCollection(), "copylinklocation" );
d->m_paStopAnimations = new KAction( i18n( "Stop Animations" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotStopAnimations() ),
actionCollection(), "stopanimations" );
DOM::Element e;
e = khtml->nodeUnderMouse();
if ( !e.isNull() && (e.elementId() == ID_IMG ||
(e.elementId() == ID_INPUT && !static_cast<DOM::HTMLInputElement>(e).src().isEmpty())))
d->m_imageURL = KURL( d->m_khtml->url(), e.getAttribute( "src" ).string() );
d->m_paSaveImageAs = new KAction( i18n( "Save Image As..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSaveImageAs() ),
actionCollection(), "saveimageas" );
d->m_paCopyImageLocation = new KAction( i18n( "Copy Image Location" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotCopyImageLocation() ),
actionCollection(), "copyimagelocation" );
QString name = KStringHandler::csqueeze(d->m_imageURL.fileName()+d->m_imageURL.query(), 25);
d->m_paViewImage = new KAction( i18n( "View Image (%1)" ).arg(name), 0, this, SLOT( slotViewImage() ),
actionCollection(), "viewimage" );
setXML( doc );
setDOMDocument( QDomDocument(), true ); // ### HACK
QDomElement menu = domDocument().documentElement().namedItem( "Menu" ).toElement();
if ( actionCollection()->count() > 0 )
menu.insertBefore( domDocument().createElement( "separator" ), menu.firstChild() );
delete d;
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::slotSaveLinkAs()
saveURL( d->m_khtml->widget(), i18n( "Save Link As" ), d->m_url );
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::slotSaveImageAs()
saveURL( d->m_khtml->widget(), i18n( "Save Image As" ), d->m_imageURL );
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::slotCopyLinkLocation()
KURL::List lst;
lst.append( d->m_url );
QApplication::clipboard()->setData( KURLDrag::newDrag( lst ) );
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::slotStopAnimations()
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::slotCopyImageLocation()
KURL::List lst;
lst.append( d->m_imageURL );
QApplication::clipboard()->setData( KURLDrag::newDrag( lst ) );
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::slotViewImage()
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::slotReloadFrame()
KParts::URLArgs args( d->m_khtml->browserExtension()->urlArgs() );
args.reload = true;
// reload document
d->m_khtml->browserExtension()->setURLArgs( args );
d->m_khtml->openURL( d->m_khtml->url() );
void KHTMLPopupGUIClient::saveURL( QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const KURL &url, const QString &filter, long cacheId, const QString & suggestedFilename )
KFileDialog *dlg = new KFileDialog( QString::null, filter, parent, "filedia", true );
dlg->setKeepLocation( true );
dlg->setCaption( caption );
if (!suggestedFilename.isEmpty())
dlg->setSelection( suggestedFilename );
else if (!url.fileName().isEmpty())
dlg->setSelection( url.fileName() );
dlg->setSelection( QString::fromLatin1("index.html") );
if ( dlg->exec() )
KURL destURL( dlg->selectedURL() );
if ( !destURL.isMalformed() )
bool saved = false;
if (KHTMLPageCache::self()->isValid(cacheId))
if (destURL.isLocalFile())
KSaveFile destFile(destURL.path());
if (destFile.status() == 0)
KHTMLPageCache::self()->saveData(cacheId, destFile.dataStream());
saved = true;
// save to temp file, then move to final destination.
KTempFile destFile;
if (destFile.status() == 0)
KHTMLPageCache::self()->saveData(cacheId, destFile.dataStream());
KURL url2 = KURL();
KIO::move(url2, destURL);
saved = true;
/*KIO::Job *job = */ KIO::copy( url, destURL );
// TODO connect job result, to display errors
delete dlg;
KHTMLPartBrowserHostExtension::KHTMLPartBrowserHostExtension( KHTMLPart *part )
: KParts::BrowserHostExtension( part )
m_part = part;
QStringList KHTMLPartBrowserHostExtension::frameNames() const
return m_part->frameNames();
const QList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> KHTMLPartBrowserHostExtension::frames() const
return m_part->frames();
bool KHTMLPartBrowserHostExtension::openURLInFrame( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &urlArgs )
return m_part->openURLInFrame( url, urlArgs );
KHTMLFontSizeAction::KHTMLFontSizeAction( KHTMLPart *part, bool direction, const QString &text, const QString &icon, const QObject *receiver, const char *slot, QObject *parent, const char *name )
: KAction( text, icon, 0, receiver, slot, parent, name )
m_direction = direction;
m_part = part;
m_popup = new QPopupMenu;
m_popup->insertItem( i18n( "Default font size" ) );
int m = m_direction ? 1 : -1;
for ( int i = 1; i < 5; ++i )
int num = i * m;
QString numStr = QString::number( num );
if ( num > 0 ) numStr.prepend( '+' );
m_popup->insertItem( i18n( "Font Size %1" ).arg( numStr ) );
connect( m_popup, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotActivated( int ) ) );
delete m_popup;
int KHTMLFontSizeAction::plug( QWidget *w, int index )
int containerId = KAction::plug( w, index );
if ( containerId == -1 || !w->inherits( "KToolBar" ) )
return containerId;
KToolBarButton *button = static_cast<KToolBar *>( w )->getButton( menuId( containerId ) );
if ( !button )
return containerId;
button->setDelayedPopup( m_popup );
return containerId;
void KHTMLFontSizeAction::slotActivated( int id )
int idx = m_popup->indexOf( id );
if ( idx == 0 )
m_part->setFontBaseInternal( 0, true );
m_part->setFontBaseInternal( idx * ( m_direction ? 1 : -1 ), false );
using namespace KParts;
#include "khtml_ext.moc"