blob: 96b0cf728786ea603fec48af71015a6a98a82983 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: mach_override
Short Name: Part of the mach_star project
Version: Unknown
Date: 08/19/2011
Revision: 87f491f8acef924d2ba90dd55fc23ad64f9d5bbd
License: MIT
Security Critical: Yes
This is the mach_override part of mach_star, namely:
This package is used to replace framework functions with different
implementations at run time.
Local Modifications:
reentryIsland is allocated in high memory with vm_allocate rather than the
heap with malloc by changing the allocation policy to kAllocateHigh. It
appears probable that putting the reentry island in the heap causes its page
to lose execute permission at some point under some circumstances, which
results in a crash on Lion. This modification is temoprary to simply test
out the theory. If proven, the code will be improved somewhat.