blob: b5039a23e83b4835b100fae1ab813792daa4ad83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package browser_watcher;
// The state of the system on which Chrome is running (shutting down, battery
// level, load, etc.).
// Next id: 1
message SystemState {
// TODO(manzagop): flesh out.
// Next id: 10
message CodeModule {
// The base address of this code module as it was loaded by the process.
optional int64 base_address = 1;
// The size of the code module.
optional int64 size = 2;
// The path or file name that the code module was loaded from.
optional string code_file = 3;
// An identifying string used to discriminate between multiple versions and
// builds of the same code module. This may contain a uuid, timestamp,
// version number, or any combination of this or other information, in an
// implementation-defined format.
optional string code_identifier = 4;
// The filename containing debugging information associated with the code
// module. If debugging information is stored in a file separate from the
// code module itself (as is the case when .pdb or .dSYM files are used),
// this will be different from code_file. If debugging information is
// stored in the code module itself (possibly prior to stripping), this
// will be the same as code_file.
optional string debug_file = 5;
// An identifying string similar to code_identifier, but identifies a
// specific version and build of the associated debug file. This may be
// the same as code_identifier when the debug_file and code_file are
// identical or when the same identifier is used to identify distinct
// debug and code files.
optional string debug_identifier = 6;
// A human-readable representation of the code module's version.
optional string version = 7;
optional int64 shrink_down_delta = 8;
// Whether the module was still loaded into memory.
optional bool is_unloaded = 9;
// A typed value holds values of interest or references to such values.
// Next id: 9
message TypedValue {
// A reference to a value of interest.
message Reference {
optional uint64 address = 1;
optional int64 size = 2;
oneof value {
bytes bytes_value = 1;
Reference bytes_reference = 2;
string string_value = 3;
Reference string_reference = 4;
string char_value = 5;
bool bool_value = 6;
int64 signed_value = 7;
uint64 unsigned_value = 8;
// An activity represents information about something of interest on a thread.
// Next id: 11
message Activity {
enum Type {
// Identifies the type of the activity (and specifies which fields are
// relevant).
optional Type type = 1;
// Creation time of the activity.
optional int64 time = 2;
// The address that is the origin of the activity.
// Expected for ACT_TASK_*
optional uint64 origin_address = 3;
// The sequence identifier of the posted task.
// Expected for ACT_TASK_*
optional uint64 task_sequence_id = 4;
// The memory address of the lock object.
optional uint64 lock_address = 5;
// The memory address of the event object.
optional uint64 event_address = 6;
// A unique identifier for a thread within a process.
optional int64 thread_id = 7;
// A unique identifier for a process.
optional int64 process_id = 8;
// Tag id 10 is reserved for server side augmentation.
// A key-value store.
map<string, TypedValue> user_data = 9;
// The state of a thread.
// Next id: 5
message ThreadState {
// The name of the thread, up to a maxiumum length.
optional string thread_name = 1;
// The identifier of the thread.
optional int64 thread_id = 2;
// The activity stack. |activity_count| specifies the number of activities on
// stack and |activities| holds the base of the stack (up to a maximum size).
optional int32 activity_count = 3;
repeated Activity activities = 4;
// The state of a process.
// Next id: 4
message ProcessState {
// The identifier of the process.
optional int64 process_id = 3;
// Note: likely only a subset of modules of interest (e.g. Chromium's own
// modules).
repeated CodeModule modules = 1;
repeated ThreadState threads = 2;
// TODO(manzagop): add experiment state.
// Description of a field trial or experiment that the user is currently
// enrolled in. This message is an analogue of the UMA proto in
// components/metrics/proto/system_profile.proto. For details about generating
// the identifiers from the field trial and group names, see
// variations::MakeActiveGroupId().
// Next id: 3
message FieldTrial {
// A 32-bit identifier for the name of the field trial.
optional fixed32 name_id = 1;
// A 32-bit identifier for the user's group within the field trial.
optional fixed32 group_id = 2;
// A stability report contains information pertaining to the execution of a
// single logical instance of a "chrome browser". It is comprised of information
// about the system state and about the chrome browser's processes.
// Next id: 6
message StabilityReport {
optional SystemState system_state = 1;
// TODO(manzagop): revisit whether a single repeated field should contain all
// processes, or whether it's preferable to have separate fields per type.
// TODO(manzagop): add information about the type of process, pid, process
// times (e.g. start time), hierarchical relationships (e.g. parent pid),
// command line, etc.
repeated ProcessState process_states = 2;
// TODO(manzagop): if/when reports contain multiple processes, attribute and
// relocate these to their process (and perhaps thread).
repeated string log_messages = 3;
map<string, TypedValue> global_data = 4;
// The field trials the user is currently enrolled in.
repeated FieldTrial field_trials = 5;