blob: 74124a7cf53ce37772ad951b12eab729cd0ffa09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.dynamics.DynamicResourceLoader;
* Top control used for ephemeral tab.
public class EphemeralTabBarControl {
/** Full opacity -- fully visible. */
private static final float SOLID_OPAQUE = 1.0f;
/** Transparent opacity -- completely transparent (not visible). */
private static final float SOLID_TRANSPARENT = 0.0f;
private final EphemeralTabTitleControl mTitle;
private final EphemeralTabCaptionControl mCaption;
// Dimensions used for laying out the controls in the bar.
private final float mTextLayerMinHeight;
private final float mTitleCaptionSpacing;
* @param panel The panel.
* @param context The Android Context used to inflate the View.
* @param container The container View used to inflate the View.
* @param loader The resource loader that will handle the snapshot capturing.
public EphemeralTabBarControl(EphemeralTabPanel panel, Context context, ViewGroup container,
DynamicResourceLoader loader) {
mTitle = new EphemeralTabTitleControl(panel, context, container, loader);
mCaption = panel.canPromoteToNewTab()
? new EphemeralTabCaptionControl(panel, context, container, loader)
: null;
mTextLayerMinHeight =
mTitleCaptionSpacing =
* Returns the minimum height that the text layer (containing the title and the caption)
* should be.
public float getTextLayerMinHeight() {
return mTextLayerMinHeight;
* Returns the spacing that should be placed between the title and the caption.
public float getTitleCaptionSpacing() {
return mTitleCaptionSpacing;
* Updates this bar when in transition to closed/peeked states.
* @param percentage The percentage to the more opened state.
public void updateForCloseOrPeek(float percentage) {
if (ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.OVERLAY_NEW_LAYOUT)) return;
if (percentage == SOLID_OPAQUE) updateForMaximize(SOLID_TRANSPARENT);
// When the panel is completely closed the caption should be hidden.
if (percentage == SOLID_TRANSPARENT && mCaption != null) mCaption.hide();
* Updates this bar when in transition to maximized states.
* @param percentage The percentage to the more opened state.
public void updateForMaximize(float percentage) {
if (ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.OVERLAY_NEW_LAYOUT)) return;
if (mCaption != null) mCaption.updatePanelForMaximization(percentage);
* Set the text in the panel.
* @param text The string to set the text to.
public void setBarText(String text) {
* @return {@link EphemeralTabTitleControl} object.
public EphemeralTabTitleControl getTitleControl() {
return mTitle;
* @return {@link EphemeralTabCaptionControl} object.
public EphemeralTabCaptionControl getCaptionControl() {
return mCaption;
* Gets the current animation percentage for the Caption control, which guides the vertical
* position and opacity of the caption.
* @return The animation percentage ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
public float getCaptionAnimationPercentage() {
return mCaption != null ? mCaption.getAnimationPercentage() : 0;
* Removes the bottom bar views from the parent container.
public void destroy() {
if (mCaption != null) mCaption.destroy();