blob: 0bda0f2b2460eab3c2fbeeba9e6d843b71fb8681 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.Window;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
* Container that holds the {@link UrlBar} and SSL state related with the current {@link Tab}.
public interface LocationBar extends UrlBarDelegate {
* Cleanup resources when this goes out of scope.
void destroy();
* Handle all necessary tasks that can be delayed until initialization completes.
default void onDeferredStartup() {}
* Handles native dependent initialization for this class.
void onNativeLibraryReady();
* Triggered when the current tab has changed to a {@link NewTabPage}.
void onTabLoadingNTP(NewTabPage ntp);
* Called to set the autocomplete profile to a new profile.
void setAutocompleteProfile(Profile profile);
* Specify whether location bar should present icons when focused.
* @param showIcon True if we should show the icons when the url is focused.
void setShowIconsWhenUrlFocused(boolean showIcon);
* Call to force the UI to update the state of various buttons based on whether or not the
* current tab is incognito.
void updateVisualsForState();
* Sets the displayed URL to be the URL of the page currently showing.
* <p>The URL is converted to the most user friendly format (removing HTTP:// for example).
* <p>If the current tab is null, the URL text will be cleared.
void setUrlToPageUrl();
* Sets the displayed title to the page title.
void setTitleToPageTitle();
* Sets whether the location bar should have a layout showing a title.
* @param showTitle Whether the title should be shown.
void setShowTitle(boolean showTitle);
* Update the visuals based on a loading state change.
* @param updateUrl Whether to update the URL as a result of the this call.
void updateLoadingState(boolean updateUrl);
* Sets the {@link ToolbarDataProvider} to be used for accessing {@link Toolbar} state.
void setToolbarDataProvider(ToolbarDataProvider model);
* Gets the {@link ToolbarDataProvider} to be used for accessing {@link Toolbar} state.
ToolbarDataProvider getToolbarDataProvider();
* Initialize controls that will act as hooks to various functions.
* @param windowDelegate {@link WindowDelegate} that will provide {@link Window} related info.
* @param windowAndroid {@link WindowAndroid} that is used by the owning {@link Activity}.
* @param provider An {@link ActivityTabProvider} to access the activity's current tab.
void initializeControls(WindowDelegate windowDelegate, WindowAndroid windowAndroid,
ActivityTabProvider provider);
* Adds a URL focus change listener that will be notified when the URL gains or loses focus.
* @param listener The listener to be registered.
default void addUrlFocusChangeListener(UrlFocusChangeListener listener) {}
* Removes a URL focus change listener that was previously added.
* @param listener The listener to be removed.
default void removeUrlFocusChangeListener(UrlFocusChangeListener listener) {}
* Signal a {@link UrlBar} focus change request.
* @param shouldBeFocused Whether the focus should be requested or cleared. True requests focus
* and False clears focus.
void setUrlBarFocus(boolean shouldBeFocused);
* Triggers the cursor to be visible in the UrlBar without triggering any of the focus animation
* logic.
* <p>
* Only applies to devices with a hardware keyboard attached.
void showUrlBarCursorWithoutFocusAnimations();
* @return Whether the UrlBar currently has focus.
boolean isUrlBarFocused();
* Selects all of the editable text in the UrlBar.
void selectAll();
* Reverts any pending edits of the location bar and reset to the page state. This does not
* change the focus state of the location bar.
void revertChanges();
* Updates the security icon displayed in the LocationBar.
void updateStatusIcon();
* @return The {@link ViewGroup} that this container holds.
View getContainerView();
* TODO(twellington): Try to remove this method. It's only used to return an in-product help
* bubble anchor view... which should be moved out of tab and perhaps into
* the status bar icon component.
* @return The view containing the security icon.
View getSecurityIconView();
* Updates the state of the mic button if there is one.
void updateMicButtonState();
* Sets the callback to be used by default for text editing action bar.
* @param callback The callback to use.
void setDefaultTextEditActionModeCallback(ToolbarActionModeCallback callback);
* @return The margin to be applied to the URL bar based on the buttons currently visible next
* to it, used to avoid text overlapping the buttons and vice versa.
int getUrlContainerMarginEnd();
* Called to set the width of the location bar when the url bar is not focused.
* Immediately after the animation to transition the URL bar from focused to unfocused finishes,
* the layout width returned from #getMeasuredWidth() can differ from the final unfocused width
* (e.g. this value) until the next layout pass is complete.
* This value may be used to determine whether optional child views should be visible in the
* unfocused location bar.
* @param unfocusedWidth The unfocused location bar width.
void setUnfocusedWidth(int unfocusedWidth);
* Called when the default search engine changes.
* @param shouldShowSearchEngineLogo True if the search engine should be shown. Prefer to call
* {@link SearchEngineLogoUtils#shouldShowSearchEngineLogo}.
* @param isSearchEngineGoogle True if the current search engine is Google.
* @param searchEngineUrl The url for the current search engine's logo, usually just a base url
* that we use to fetch the favicon.
void updateSearchEngineStatusIcon(boolean shouldShowSearchEngineLogo,
boolean isSearchEngineGoogle, String searchEngineUrl);