blob: a39f95133c8549ac4d1d6d52e7d6c39e9675e6d4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Creates several files used by the size trybot to monitor size regressions."""
import argparse
import collections
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'libsupersize'))
import archive
import diagnose_bloat
import diff
import describe
import html_report
import models
_NDJSON_FILENAME = 'supersize_diff.ndjson'
_TEXT_FILENAME = 'supersize_diff.txt'
Please look at size breakdowns, try to understand the growth, and see if it can
be mitigated.
There is guidance at:
If the growth is expected / justified, then you can bypass this bot failure by
adding "Binary-Size: $JUSTIFICATION" footer to your commit message (must go at
the bottom of the message, similar to "Bug:").
Here are some examples:
Binary-Size: Increase is due to translations and so cannot be avoided.
Binary-Size: Increase is due to new images, which are already optimally encoded.
Binary-Size: Increase is temporary due to a "new way" / "old way" refactoring. \
It should go away once the "old way" is removed.
Binary-Size: Increase is temporary and will be reverted before next branch cut.
Binary-Size: Increase needed to reduce RAM of a common user flow.
Binary-Size: Increase needed to reduce runtime of a common user flow.
Binary-Size: Increase needed to implement a feature, and I've already spent a \
non-trivial amount of time trying to reduce its size.
class _SizeDelta(collections.namedtuple(
'SizeDelta', ['name', 'units', 'expected', 'actual', 'details'])):
def explanation(self):
ret = '{}: {} {} (max is {} {})'.format(, self.actual, self.units, self.expected, self.units)
if self.details and not self.IsAllowable():
ret += '\n' + self.details
return ret
def IsAllowable(self):
return self.actual <= self.expected
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(,
def _SymbolDiffHelper(symbols):
added = symbols.WhereDiffStatusIs(models.DIFF_STATUS_ADDED)
removed = symbols.WhereDiffStatusIs(models.DIFF_STATUS_REMOVED)
both = (added + removed).SortedByName()
lines = None
if len(both) > 0:
lines = [
'Added: {}'.format(len(added)),
'Removed: {}'.format(len(removed)),
lines.extend(describe.GenerateLines(both, summarize=False))
return lines, len(added) - len(removed)
def _CreateMutableConstantsDelta(symbols):
symbols = symbols.WhereInSection('d').WhereNameMatches(r'\bk[A-Z]|\b[A-Z_]+$')
lines, net_added = _SymbolDiffHelper(symbols)
if net_added <= 0:
details = """\
Symbols within .data that are named like constants (
details = """\
Detected new symbols within .data that are named like constants.
* Mark the symbols as const, or
* Rename them.
For more context:
if net_added:
details += """
Refer to Mutable Constants Diff for list of symbols.
return lines, _SizeDelta('Mutable Constants', 'symbols', 0, net_added,
def _CreateMethodCountDelta(symbols):
symbols = symbols.WhereInSection(models.SECTION_DEX_METHOD)
lines, net_added = _SymbolDiffHelper(symbols)
details = 'Refer to Dex Method Diff for list of added/removed methods.'
return lines, _SizeDelta('Dex Methods Count', 'methods',
_MAX_DEX_METHOD_COUNT_INCREASE, net_added, details)
def _CreateResourceSizesDelta(apk_name, before_dir, after_dir):
sizes_diff = diagnose_bloat.ResourceSizesDiff(apk_name)
sizes_diff.ProduceDiff(before_dir, after_dir)
details = (
'binary_size/ '
'for an explanation of Normalized APK Size')
return sizes_diff.Summary(), _SizeDelta(
'Normalized APK Size', 'bytes', _MAX_NORMALIZED_INCREASE,
sizes_diff.summary_stat.value, details)
def _CreateSupersizeDiff(apk_name, before_dir, after_dir):
before_size_path = os.path.join(before_dir, apk_name + '.size')
after_size_path = os.path.join(after_dir, apk_name + '.size')
before = archive.LoadAndPostProcessSizeInfo(before_size_path)
after = archive.LoadAndPostProcessSizeInfo(after_size_path)
size_info_delta = diff.Diff(before, after, sort=True)
lines = list(describe.GenerateLines(size_info_delta))
return lines, size_info_delta
def _CreateUncompressedPakSizeDeltas(symbols):
pak_symbols = symbols.Filter(lambda s:
s.size > 0 and
bool(s.flags & models.FLAG_UNCOMPRESSED) and
s.section_name == models.SECTION_PAK_NONTRANSLATED)
return [
_SizeDelta('Uncompressed Pak Entry "{}"'.format(pak.full_name), 'bytes',
_MAX_PAK_INCREASE, pak.after_symbol.size, None)
for pak in pak_symbols
def _FormatSign(number):
if number > 0:
return '+{}'.format(number)
return '{}'.format(number)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--author', required=True, help='CL author')
'--apk-name', required=True, help='Name of the apk (ex. Name.apk)')
help='Directory containing the APK from reference build.')
help='Directory containing APK for the new build.')
help='Output path for the trybot result .json file.')
help='Directory to write summary files to.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)'Creating Supersize diff')
supersize_diff_lines, delta_size_info = _CreateSupersizeDiff(
args.apk_name, args.before_dir, args.after_dir)
supersize_text_path = os.path.join(args.staging_dir, _TEXT_FILENAME)
with open(supersize_text_path, 'w') as f:
describe.WriteLines(supersize_diff_lines, f.write)
changed_symbols = delta_size_info.raw_symbols.WhereDiffStatusIs(
# Monitor dex method count since the "multidex limit" is a thing.'Checking dex symbols')
dex_delta_lines, dex_delta = _CreateMethodCountDelta(changed_symbols)
size_deltas = {dex_delta}
# Look for native symbols called "kConstant" that are not actually constants.
# C++ syntax makes this an easy mistake, and having symbols in .data uses more
# RAM than symbols in .rodata (at least for multi-process apps).'Checking for mutable constants in native symbols')
mutable_constants_lines, mutable_constants_delta = (
# Check for uncompressed .pak file entries being added to avoid unnecessary
# bloat.'Checking pak symbols')
# Normalized APK Size is the main metric we use to monitor binary size.'Creating sizes diff')
resource_sizes_lines, resource_sizes_delta = (
_CreateResourceSizesDelta(args.apk_name, args.before_dir, args.after_dir))
# .ndjson can be consumed by the html viewer.'Creating HTML Report')
ndjson_path = os.path.join(args.staging_dir, _NDJSON_FILENAME)
html_report.BuildReportFromSizeInfo(ndjson_path, delta_size_info)
passing_deltas = set(m for m in size_deltas if m.IsAllowable())
failing_deltas = size_deltas - passing_deltas
is_roller = '-autoroll' in
failing_checks_text = '\n'.join(d.explanation for d in sorted(failing_deltas))
passing_checks_text = '\n'.join(d.explanation for d in sorted(passing_deltas))
checks_text = """\
""".format(failing_checks_text, passing_checks_text)
if failing_deltas:
checks_text += _FAILURE_GUIDANCE
status_code = int(bool(failing_deltas))
# Give rollers a free pass, except for mutable constants.
# Mutable constants are rare, and other regressions are generally noticed in
# size graphs and can be investigated after-the-fact.
if is_roller and mutable_constants_delta not in failing_deltas:
status_code = 0
summary = '<br>' + '<br>'.join(resource_sizes_lines)
if 'Empty Resource Sizes Diff' in summary:
summary = '<br>No size metrics were affected.'
if failing_deltas:
summary += '<br><br>Failed Size Checks:<br>'
summary += failing_checks_text.replace('\n', '<br>')
summary += '<br>Look at "Size Assertion Results" for guidance.'
links_json = [
'name': '>>> Size Assertion Results <<<',
'lines': checks_text.splitlines(),
'name': '>>> Mutable Constants Diff <<<',
'lines': mutable_constants_lines,
'name': '>>> Dex Method Diff <<<',
'lines': dex_delta_lines,
'name': '>>> SuperSize Text Diff <<<',
'url': '{{' + _TEXT_FILENAME + '}}',
'name': '>>> SuperSize HTML Diff <<<',
'url': _HTML_REPORT_BASE_URL + '{{' + _NDJSON_FILENAME + '}}',
# Remove empty diffs (Mutable Constants or Dex Method).
links_json = [o for o in links_json if o.get('lines') or o.get('url')]
binary_size_listings = []
for delta in size_deltas:
if delta.actual == 0:
listing = {
'delta': '{} {}'.format(_FormatSign(delta.actual), delta.units),
'limit': '{} {}'.format(_FormatSign(delta.expected), delta.units),
'allowed': delta.IsAllowable(),
binary_size_extras = [
'text': 'SuperSize HTML Diff',
'url': _HTML_REPORT_BASE_URL + '{{' + _NDJSON_FILENAME + '}}',
'text': 'SuperSize Text Diff',
'url': '{{' + _TEXT_FILENAME + '}}',
binary_size_plugin_json = {
'listings': binary_size_listings,
'extras': binary_size_extras,
results_json = {
'status_code': status_code,
'summary': summary,
'archive_filenames': [_NDJSON_FILENAME, _TEXT_FILENAME],
'links': links_json,
'gerrit_plugin_details': binary_size_plugin_json,
with open(args.results_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(results_json, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':