blob: 9aa4ddeff3f68fd2347faa4daf64f13c997f08b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.view.View;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OfflineItem;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
/** An abstract class that represents a variety of possible list items to show in downloads home. */
public abstract class ListItem {
private static final long DATE_SEPARATOR_HASH_CODE_OFFSET = 10;
private static final long SECTION_SEPARATOR_HASH_CODE_OFFSET = 100;
private static final long SECTION_HEADER_HASH_CODE_OFFSET = 1000;
public final long stableId;
/** Indicates that we are in multi-select mode and the item is currently selected. */
public boolean selected;
/** Whether animation should be shown for the recent change in selection state for this item. */
public boolean showSelectedAnimation;
/** Creates a {@link ListItem} instance. */
ListItem(long stableId) {
this.stableId = stableId;
/** A {@link ListItem} that exposes a custom {@link View} to show. */
public static class ViewListItem extends ListItem {
public final View customView;
/** Creates a {@link ViewListItem} instance. */
public ViewListItem(long stableId, View customView) {
this.customView = customView;
/** A {@link ListItem} that involves a {@link Date}. */
private abstract static class DateListItem extends ListItem {
public final Date date;
* Creates a {@link DateListItem} instance. with a predefined {@code stableId} and
* {@code date}.
public DateListItem(long stableId, Date date) {
super(stableId); = date;
* Creates a {@link DateListItem} instance around a particular calendar day. This will
* automatically generate the {@link ListItem#stableId} from {@code calendar}.
* @param calendar
public DateListItem(Calendar calendar) {
this(generateStableIdForDayOfYear(calendar), calendar.getTime());
static long generateStableIdForDayOfYear(Calendar calendar) {
return (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) << 16) + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
/** A {@link ListItem} representing a section header. */
public static class SectionHeaderListItem extends DateListItem {
public final int filter;
public boolean showDate;
public boolean showTitle;
public boolean showMenu;
public boolean isJustNow;
public boolean showDivider;
public List<OfflineItem> items;
* Creates a {@link SectionHeaderListItem} instance for a given {@code filter} and
* {@code timestamp}.
public SectionHeaderListItem(int filter, long timestamp, boolean showDate,
boolean isJustNow, boolean showDivider) {
super(isJustNow && showDate ? StableIds.JUST_NOW_SECTION
: generateStableId(timestamp, filter),
new Date(timestamp));
this.filter = filter;
this.showDate = showDate;
this.isJustNow = isJustNow;
this.showDivider = showDivider;
static long generateStableId(long timestamp, int filter) {
long hash = new Date(timestamp).hashCode();
return hash + filter + SECTION_HEADER_HASH_CODE_OFFSET;
/** A {@link ListItem} that involves a {@link OfflineItem}. */
public static class OfflineItemListItem extends DateListItem {
public OfflineItem item;
public boolean spanFullWidth;
/** Creates an {@link OfflineItemListItem} wrapping {@code item}. */
public OfflineItemListItem(OfflineItem item) {
super(generateStableId(item), new Date(item.creationTimeMs));
this.item = item;
static long generateStableId(OfflineItem item) {
return (((long) << 32) + (item.creationTimeMs & 0x0FFFFFFFF);