blob: c13288b45b40e0b48558ee1988dd2e6498b83623 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef HeapAllocator_h
#define HeapAllocator_h
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "platform/heap/Heap.h"
#include "platform/heap/IncrementalMarkingFlag.h"
#include "platform/heap/Persistent.h"
#include "platform/heap/TraceTraits.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Allocator.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Assertions.h"
#include "platform/wtf/ConstructTraits.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Deque.h"
#include "platform/wtf/DoublyLinkedList.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashCountedSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashMap.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashTable.h"
#include "platform/wtf/LinkedHashSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/ListHashSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/TypeTraits.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename T, typename Traits = WTF::VectorTraits<T>>
class HeapVectorBacking {
static void Finalize(void* pointer);
void FinalizeGarbageCollectedObject() { Finalize(this); }
template <typename Table>
class HeapHashTableBacking {
static void Finalize(void* pointer);
void FinalizeGarbageCollectedObject() { Finalize(this); }
// This is a static-only class used as a trait on collections to make them heap
// allocated. However see also HeapListHashSetAllocator.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT HeapAllocator {
using Visitor = blink::Visitor;
static const bool kIsGarbageCollected = true;
template <typename T>
static size_t MaxElementCountInBackingStore() {
return kMaxHeapObjectSize / sizeof(T);
template <typename T>
static size_t QuantizedSize(size_t count) {
CHECK(count <= MaxElementCountInBackingStore<T>());
return ThreadHeap::AllocationSizeFromSize(count * sizeof(T)) -
template <typename T>
static T* AllocateVectorBacking(size_t size) {
ThreadState* state =
size_t gc_info_index = GCInfoTrait<HeapVectorBacking<T>>::Index();
NormalPageArena* arena = static_cast<NormalPageArena*>(
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(arena->AllocateObject(
ThreadHeap::AllocationSizeFromSize(size), gc_info_index));
template <typename T>
static T* AllocateExpandedVectorBacking(size_t size) {
ThreadState* state =
size_t gc_info_index = GCInfoTrait<HeapVectorBacking<T>>::Index();
NormalPageArena* arena = static_cast<NormalPageArena*>(
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(arena->AllocateObject(
ThreadHeap::AllocationSizeFromSize(size), gc_info_index));
static void FreeVectorBacking(void*);
static bool ExpandVectorBacking(void*, size_t);
static bool ShrinkVectorBacking(void* address,
size_t quantized_current_size,
size_t quantized_shrunk_size);
template <typename T>
static T* AllocateInlineVectorBacking(size_t size) {
size_t gc_info_index = GCInfoTrait<HeapVectorBacking<T>>::Index();
ThreadState* state =
const char* type_name = WTF_HEAP_PROFILER_TYPE_NAME(HeapVectorBacking<T>);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(state->Heap().AllocateOnArenaIndex(
state, size, BlinkGC::kInlineVectorArenaIndex, gc_info_index,
static void FreeInlineVectorBacking(void*);
static bool ExpandInlineVectorBacking(void*, size_t);
static bool ShrinkInlineVectorBacking(void* address,
size_t quantized_current_size,
size_t quantized_shrunk_size);
template <typename T, typename HashTable>
static T* AllocateHashTableBacking(size_t size) {
size_t gc_info_index =
ThreadState* state =
const char* type_name =
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(state->Heap().AllocateOnArenaIndex(
state, size, BlinkGC::kHashTableArenaIndex, gc_info_index, type_name));
template <typename T, typename HashTable>
static T* AllocateZeroedHashTableBacking(size_t size) {
return AllocateHashTableBacking<T, HashTable>(size);
static void FreeHashTableBacking(void* address);
static bool ExpandHashTableBacking(void*, size_t);
template <typename Return, typename Metadata>
static Return Malloc(size_t size, const char* type_name) {
return reinterpret_cast<Return>(ThreadHeap::Allocate<Metadata>(
size, IsEagerlyFinalizedType<Metadata>::value));
#if defined(OS_WIN) && defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
// MSVC eagerly instantiates the unused 'operator delete',
// provide a version that asserts and fails at run-time if
// used.
// Elsewhere we expect compilation to fail if 'delete' is
// attempted used and instantiated with a HeapAllocator-based
// object, as HeapAllocator::free is not provided.
static void Free(void*) { NOTREACHED(); }
template <typename T>
static void* NewArray(size_t bytes) {
return nullptr;
static void DeleteArray(void* ptr) { NOTREACHED(); }
static bool IsAllocationAllowed() {
return ThreadState::Current()->IsAllocationAllowed();
static bool IsObjectResurrectionForbidden() {
return ThreadState::Current()->IsObjectResurrectionForbidden();
template <typename T>
static bool IsHeapObjectAlive(T* object) {
return ThreadHeap::IsHeapObjectAlive(object);
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
static void MarkNoTracing(VisitorDispatcher visitor, const void* t) {
template <typename VisitorDispatcher, typename T, typename Traits>
static void Trace(VisitorDispatcher visitor, T& t) {
WTF::kWeakPointersActWeak, T,
Traits>::Trace(visitor, t);
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
static void RegisterDelayedMarkNoTracing(VisitorDispatcher visitor,
const void* object) {
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
static void RegisterWeakMembers(VisitorDispatcher visitor,
const void* closure,
WeakCallback callback) {
visitor->RegisterWeakCallback(const_cast<void*>(closure), callback);
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
static void RegisterWeakTable(VisitorDispatcher visitor,
const void* closure,
EphemeronCallback iteration_callback,
EphemeronCallback iteration_done_callback) {
visitor->RegisterWeakTable(closure, iteration_callback,
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
static bool WeakTableRegistered(VisitorDispatcher visitor,
const void* closure) {
return visitor->WeakTableRegistered(closure);
template <typename T, typename VisitorDispatcher>
static void RegisterBackingStoreReference(VisitorDispatcher visitor,
T** slot) {
template <typename T, typename VisitorDispatcher>
static void RegisterBackingStoreCallback(VisitorDispatcher visitor,
T* backing_store,
MovingObjectCallback callback,
void* callback_data) {
visitor->RegisterBackingStoreCallback(backing_store, callback,
static void EnterGCForbiddenScope() {
static void LeaveGCForbiddenScope() {
template <typename T, typename Traits>
static void NotifyNewObject(T* object) {
// The object may have been in-place constructed as part of a large object.
// It is not safe to retrieve the page from the object here.
ThreadState* const thread_state = ThreadState::Current();
if (thread_state->IsIncrementalMarking()) {
// Eagerly trace the object ensuring that the object and all its children
// are discovered by the marker.
ThreadState::NoAllocationScope no_allocation_scope(thread_state);
// This check ensures that the visitor will not eagerly recurse into
// children but rather push all blink::GarbageCollected objects and only
// eagerly trace non-managed objects.
HeapAllocator::template Trace<Visitor*, T, Traits>(
thread_state->CurrentVisitor(), *object);
template <typename T, typename Traits>
static void NotifyNewObjects(T* array, size_t len) {
// The object may have been in-place constructed as part of a large object.
// It is not safe to retrieve the page from the object here.
ThreadState* const thread_state = ThreadState::Current();
if (thread_state->IsIncrementalMarking()) {
// See |NotifyNewObject| for details.
ThreadState::NoAllocationScope no_allocation_scope(thread_state);
while (len-- > 0) {
HeapAllocator::template Trace<Visitor*, T, Traits>(
thread_state->CurrentVisitor(), *array);
static void BackingFree(void*);
static bool BackingExpand(void*, size_t);
static bool BackingShrink(void*,
size_t quantized_current_size,
size_t quantized_shrunk_size);
template <typename T, size_t u, typename V>
friend class WTF::Vector;
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
friend class WTF::HashSet;
template <typename T,
typename U,
typename V,
typename W,
typename X,
typename Y>
friend class WTF::HashMap;
template <typename VisitorDispatcher, typename Value>
static void TraceListHashSetValue(VisitorDispatcher visitor, Value& value) {
// We use the default hash traits for the value in the node, because
// ListHashSet does not let you specify any specific ones.
// We don't allow ListHashSet of WeakMember, so we set that one false
// (there's an assert elsewhere), but we have to specify some value for the
// strongify template argument, so we specify WTF::WeakPointersActWeak,
// arbitrarily.
WTF::kNoWeakHandlingInCollections, WTF::kWeakPointersActWeak, Value,
WTF::HashTraits<Value>>::Trace(visitor, value);
// The inline capacity is just a dummy template argument to match the off-heap
// allocator.
// This inherits from the static-only HeapAllocator trait class, but we do
// declare pointers to instances. These pointers are always null, and no
// objects are instantiated.
template <typename ValueArg, size_t inlineCapacity>
class HeapListHashSetAllocator : public HeapAllocator {
using TableAllocator = HeapAllocator;
using Node = WTF::ListHashSetNode<ValueArg, HeapListHashSetAllocator>;
class AllocatorProvider {
// For the heap allocation we don't need an actual allocator object, so
// we just return null.
HeapListHashSetAllocator* Get() const { return nullptr; }
// No allocator object is needed.
void CreateAllocatorIfNeeded() {}
void ReleaseAllocator() {}
// There is no allocator object in the HeapListHashSet (unlike in the
// regular ListHashSet) so there is nothing to swap.
void Swap(AllocatorProvider& other) {}
void Deallocate(void* dummy) {}
// This is not a static method even though it could be, because it needs to
// match the one that the (off-heap) ListHashSetAllocator has. The 'this'
// pointer will always be null.
void* AllocateNode() {
// Consider using a LinkedHashSet instead if this compile-time assert fails:
"weak pointers in a ListHashSet will result in null entries "
"in the set");
return Malloc<void*, Node>(
nullptr /* Oilpan does not use the heap profiler at the moment. */);
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
static void TraceValue(VisitorDispatcher visitor, Node* node) {
TraceListHashSetValue(visitor, node->value_);
template <typename T, typename Traits>
void HeapVectorBacking<T, Traits>::Finalize(void* pointer) {
"Only vector buffers with items requiring destruction should "
"be finalized");
// See the comment in HeapVectorBacking::trace.
Traits::kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset || std::is_polymorphic<T>::value,
"HeapVectorBacking doesn't support objects that cannot be cleared as "
"unused with memset or don't have a vtable");
HeapObjectHeader* header = HeapObjectHeader::FromPayload(pointer);
// Use the payload size as recorded by the heap to determine how many
// elements to finalize.
size_t length = header->PayloadSize() / sizeof(T);
char* payload = static_cast<char*>(pointer);
ANNOTATE_CHANGE_SIZE(payload, length * sizeof(T), 0, length * sizeof(T));
// As commented above, HeapVectorBacking calls finalizers for unused slots
// (which are already zeroed out).
if (std::is_polymorphic<T>::value) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
char* element = payload + i * sizeof(T);
if (blink::VTableInitialized(element))
} else {
T* buffer = reinterpret_cast<T*>(payload);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
template <typename Table>
void HeapHashTableBacking<Table>::Finalize(void* pointer) {
using Value = typename Table::ValueType;
HeapObjectHeader* header = HeapObjectHeader::FromPayload(pointer);
// Use the payload size as recorded by the heap to determine how many
// elements to finalize.
size_t length = header->PayloadSize() / sizeof(Value);
Value* table = reinterpret_cast<Value*>(pointer);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!Table::IsEmptyOrDeletedBucket(table[i]))
template <typename KeyArg,
typename MappedArg,
typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<KeyArg>::Hash,
typename KeyTraitsArg = HashTraits<KeyArg>,
typename MappedTraitsArg = HashTraits<MappedArg>>
class HeapHashMap : public HashMap<KeyArg,
HeapAllocator> {
static_assert(WTF::IsTraceable<KeyArg>::value ||
"For hash maps without traceable elements, use HashMap<> "
"instead of HeapHashMap<>");
template <typename ValueArg,
typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash,
typename TraitsArg = HashTraits<ValueArg>>
class HeapHashSet
: public HashSet<ValueArg, HashArg, TraitsArg, HeapAllocator> {
"For hash sets without traceable elements, use HashSet<> "
"instead of HeapHashSet<>");
template <typename ValueArg,
typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash,
typename TraitsArg = HashTraits<ValueArg>>
class HeapLinkedHashSet
: public LinkedHashSet<ValueArg, HashArg, TraitsArg, HeapAllocator> {
"For sets without traceable elements, use LinkedHashSet<> "
"instead of HeapLinkedHashSet<>");
template <typename ValueArg,
size_t inlineCapacity = 0, // The inlineCapacity is just a dummy to
// match ListHashSet (off-heap).
typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash>
class HeapListHashSet
: public ListHashSet<ValueArg,
HeapListHashSetAllocator<ValueArg, inlineCapacity>> {
"For sets without traceable elements, use ListHashSet<> "
"instead of HeapListHashSet<>");
template <typename Value,
typename HashFunctions = typename DefaultHash<Value>::Hash,
typename Traits = HashTraits<Value>>
class HeapHashCountedSet
: public HashCountedSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, HeapAllocator> {
"For counted sets without traceable elements, use "
"HashCountedSet<> instead of HeapHashCountedSet<>");
template <typename T, size_t inlineCapacity = 0>
class HeapVector : public Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> {
HeapVector() {
"For vectors without traceable elements, use Vector<> "
"instead of HeapVector<>");
explicit HeapVector(size_t size)
: Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size) {}
HeapVector(size_t size, const T& val)
: Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size, val) {}
template <size_t otherCapacity>
HeapVector(const HeapVector<T, otherCapacity>& other)
: Vector<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(other) {}
template <typename T, size_t inlineCapacity = 0>
class HeapDeque : public Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator> {
HeapDeque() {
"For vectors without traceable elements, use Deque<> instead "
"of HeapDeque<>");
explicit HeapDeque(size_t size)
: Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size) {}
HeapDeque(size_t size, const T& val)
: Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(size, val) {}
HeapDeque& operator=(const HeapDeque& other) {
HeapDeque<T> copy(other);
Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>::Swap(copy);
return *this;
template <size_t otherCapacity>
HeapDeque(const HeapDeque<T, otherCapacity>& other)
: Deque<T, inlineCapacity, HeapAllocator>(other) {}
template <typename T>
class HeapDoublyLinkedList : public DoublyLinkedList<T, Member<T>> {
HeapDoublyLinkedList() {
"This should only be used for garbage collected types.");
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) {
} // namespace blink
namespace WTF {
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits<blink::Member<T>> : VectorTraitsBase<blink::Member<T>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits<blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
static const bool kCanSwapUsingCopyOrMove = false;
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits<blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
static const bool kCanSwapUsingCopyOrMove = false;
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits<blink::WeakMember<T>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::WeakMember<T>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits<blink::UntracedMember<T>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::UntracedMember<T>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
template <
typename T,
blink::WeaknessPersistentConfiguration weaknessConfiguration,
blink::CrossThreadnessPersistentConfiguration crossThreadnessConfiguration>
struct VectorTraits<blink::PersistentBase<T,
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::PersistentBase<T,
crossThreadnessConfiguration>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = true;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = false;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits<blink::HeapVector<T, 0>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::HeapVector<T, 0>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits<blink::HeapDeque<T, 0>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::HeapDeque<T, 0>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
template <typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
struct VectorTraits<blink::HeapVector<T, inlineCapacity>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::HeapVector<T, inlineCapacity>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = VectorTraits<T>::kNeedsDestruction;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset =
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset =
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = VectorTraits<T>::kCanMoveWithMemcpy;
template <typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
struct VectorTraits<blink::HeapDeque<T, inlineCapacity>>
: VectorTraitsBase<blink::HeapDeque<T, inlineCapacity>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = VectorTraits<T>::kNeedsDestruction;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset =
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset =
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = VectorTraits<T>::kCanMoveWithMemcpy;
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<blink::Member<T>> : SimpleClassHashTraits<blink::Member<T>> {
// FIXME: Implement proper const'ness for iterator types. Requires support
// in the marking Visitor.
using PeekInType = T*;
using IteratorGetType = blink::Member<T>*;
using IteratorConstGetType = const blink::Member<T>*;
using IteratorReferenceType = blink::Member<T>&;
using IteratorConstReferenceType = const blink::Member<T>&;
static IteratorReferenceType GetToReferenceConversion(IteratorGetType x) {
return *x;
static IteratorConstReferenceType GetToReferenceConstConversion(
IteratorConstGetType x) {
return *x;
using PeekOutType = T*;
template <typename U>
static void Store(const U& value, blink::Member<T>& storage) {
storage = value;
static PeekOutType Peek(const blink::Member<T>& value) { return value; }
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>>
: SimpleClassHashTraits<blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>> {
// FIXME: Implement proper const'ness for iterator types. Requires support
// in the marking Visitor.
using PeekInType = T*;
using IteratorGetType = blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>*;
using IteratorConstGetType = const blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>*;
using IteratorReferenceType = blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>&;
using IteratorConstReferenceType = const blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>&;
static IteratorReferenceType GetToReferenceConversion(IteratorGetType x) {
return *x;
static IteratorConstReferenceType GetToReferenceConstConversion(
IteratorConstGetType x) {
return *x;
using PeekOutType = T*;
template <typename U>
static void Store(const U& value,
blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>& storage) {
storage = value;
static PeekOutType Peek(const blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>& value) {
return value;
static blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T> EmptyValue() {
return blink::SameThreadCheckedMember<T>(nullptr, nullptr);
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>>
: SimpleClassHashTraits<blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>> {
// FIXME: Implement proper const'ness for iterator types. Requires support
// in the marking Visitor.
using PeekInType = T*;
using IteratorGetType = blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>*;
using IteratorConstGetType = const blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>*;
using IteratorReferenceType = blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>&;
using IteratorConstReferenceType = const blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>&;
static IteratorReferenceType GetToReferenceConversion(IteratorGetType x) {
return *x;
static IteratorConstReferenceType GetToReferenceConstConversion(
IteratorConstGetType x) {
return *x;
using PeekOutType = T*;
template <typename U>
static void Store(const U& value, blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>& storage) {
storage = value;
static PeekOutType Peek(const blink::TraceWrapperMember<T>& value) {
return value;
static blink::TraceWrapperMember<T> EmptyValue() { return nullptr; }
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<blink::WeakMember<T>>
: SimpleClassHashTraits<blink::WeakMember<T>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
// FIXME: Implement proper const'ness for iterator types. Requires support
// in the marking Visitor.
using PeekInType = T*;
using IteratorGetType = blink::WeakMember<T>*;
using IteratorConstGetType = const blink::WeakMember<T>*;
using IteratorReferenceType = blink::WeakMember<T>&;
using IteratorConstReferenceType = const blink::WeakMember<T>&;
static IteratorReferenceType GetToReferenceConversion(IteratorGetType x) {
return *x;
static IteratorConstReferenceType GetToReferenceConstConversion(
IteratorConstGetType x) {
return *x;
using PeekOutType = T*;
template <typename U>
static void Store(const U& value, blink::WeakMember<T>& storage) {
storage = value;
static PeekOutType Peek(const blink::WeakMember<T>& value) { return value; }
template <typename VisitorDispatcher>
static bool TraceInCollection(VisitorDispatcher visitor,
blink::WeakMember<T>& weak_member,
ShouldWeakPointersBeMarkedStrongly strongify) {
if (strongify == kWeakPointersActStrong) {
visitor->Trace(weak_member.Get()); // Strongified visit.
return false;
return !blink::ThreadHeap::IsHeapObjectAlive(weak_member);
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<blink::UntracedMember<T>>
: SimpleClassHashTraits<blink::UntracedMember<T>> {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction = false;
// FIXME: Implement proper const'ness for iterator types.
using PeekInType = T*;
using IteratorGetType = blink::UntracedMember<T>*;
using IteratorConstGetType = const blink::UntracedMember<T>*;
using IteratorReferenceType = blink::UntracedMember<T>&;
using IteratorConstReferenceType = const blink::UntracedMember<T>&;
static IteratorReferenceType GetToReferenceConversion(IteratorGetType x) {
return *x;
static IteratorConstReferenceType GetToReferenceConstConversion(
IteratorConstGetType x) {
return *x;
using PeekOutType = T*;
template <typename U>
static void Store(const U& value, blink::UntracedMember<T>& storage) {
storage = value;
static PeekOutType Peek(const blink::UntracedMember<T>& value) {
return value;
template <typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
struct IsTraceable<
ListHashSetNode<T, blink::HeapListHashSetAllocator<T, inlineCapacity>>*> {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
// All heap allocated node pointers need visiting to keep the nodes alive,
// regardless of whether they contain pointers to other heap allocated
// objects.
static const bool value = true;
template <typename T, size_t inlineCapacity>
struct IsGarbageCollectedType<
ListHashSetNode<T, blink::HeapListHashSetAllocator<T, inlineCapacity>>> {
static const bool value = true;
template <typename Set>
struct IsGarbageCollectedType<ListHashSetIterator<Set>> {
static const bool value = IsGarbageCollectedType<Set>::value;
template <typename Set>
struct IsGarbageCollectedType<ListHashSetConstIterator<Set>> {
static const bool value = IsGarbageCollectedType<Set>::value;
template <typename Set>
struct IsGarbageCollectedType<ListHashSetReverseIterator<Set>> {
static const bool value = IsGarbageCollectedType<Set>::value;
template <typename Set>
struct IsGarbageCollectedType<ListHashSetConstReverseIterator<Set>> {
static const bool value = IsGarbageCollectedType<Set>::value;
template <typename T, typename H>
struct HandleHashTraits : SimpleClassHashTraits<H> {
// TODO: Implement proper const'ness for iterator types. Requires support
// in the marking Visitor.
using PeekInType = T*;
using IteratorGetType = H*;
using IteratorConstGetType = const H*;
using IteratorReferenceType = H&;
using IteratorConstReferenceType = const H&;
static IteratorReferenceType GetToReferenceConversion(IteratorGetType x) {
return *x;
static IteratorConstReferenceType GetToReferenceConstConversion(
IteratorConstGetType x) {
return *x;
using PeekOutType = T*;
template <typename U>
static void Store(const U& value, H& storage) {
storage = value;
static PeekOutType Peek(const H& value) { return value; }
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<blink::Persistent<T>>
: HandleHashTraits<T, blink::Persistent<T>> {};
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<blink::CrossThreadPersistent<T>>
: HandleHashTraits<T, blink::CrossThreadPersistent<T>> {};
template <typename Value,
typename HashFunctions,
typename Traits,
typename VectorType>
inline void CopyToVector(
const blink::HeapHashCountedSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits>& set,
VectorType& vector) {
CopyToVector(static_cast<const HashCountedSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits,
} // namespace WTF