blob: 7d1e563343ab8553c26930ae690a8b18de929787 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
namespace cc {
// This class is the basic primitive used for impl-thread scrolling. Its job is
// to sanely resolve the case where both the main and impl thread are
// concurrently updating the same value (for example, when Javascript sets the
// scroll offset during an ongoing impl-side scroll).
// There are three trees (main, pending, and active) and therefore also three
// places with their own idea of the scroll offsets (and analogous properties
// like page scale). Objects of this class are meant to be held on the Impl
// side, and contain the canonical reference for the pending and active trees,
// as well as keeping track of the latest delta sent to the main thread (which
// is necessary for conflict resolution).
template <typename T>
class SyncedProperty : public base::RefCounted<SyncedProperty<T>> {
SyncedProperty() : clobber_active_value_(false) {}
// Returns the canonical value for the specified tree, including the sum of
// all deltas. The pending tree should use this for activation purposes and
// the active tree should use this for drawing.
typename T::ValueType Current(bool is_active_tree) const {
if (is_active_tree)
return active_base_.Combine(active_delta_).get();
return pending_base_.Combine(PendingDelta()).get();
// Sets the value on the impl thread, due to an impl-thread-originating
// action. Returns true if this had any effect. This will remain
// impl-thread-only information at first, and will get pulled back to the main
// thread on the next call of PullDeltaToMainThread (which happens right
// before the commit).
bool SetCurrent(typename T::ValueType current) {
T delta = T(current).InverseCombine(active_base_);
if (active_delta_.get() == delta.get())
return false;
active_delta_ = delta;
return true;
// Returns the difference between the last value that was committed and
// activated from the main thread, and the current total value.
typename T::ValueType Delta() const { return active_delta_.get(); }
// Returns the latest active tree delta and also makes a note that this value
// was sent to the main thread.
typename T::ValueType PullDeltaForMainThread() {
sent_delta_ = active_delta_;
return active_delta_.get();
// Push the latest value from the main thread onto pending tree-associated
// state. Returns true if this had any effect.
bool PushFromMainThread(typename T::ValueType main_thread_value) {
if (pending_base_.get() == main_thread_value)
return false;
pending_base_ = T(main_thread_value);
return true;
// Push the value associated with the pending tree to be the active base
// value. As part of this, subtract the last sent value from the active tree
// delta (which will make the delta zero at steady state, or make it contain
// only the difference since the last send).
bool PushPendingToActive() {
if (active_base_.get() == pending_base_.get() &&
sent_delta_.get() == T::Identity().get())
return false;
active_base_ = pending_base_;
active_delta_ = PendingDelta();
sent_delta_ = T::Identity();
clobber_active_value_ = false;
return true;
// This simulates the consequences of the sent value getting committed and
// activated. The value sent to the main thread ends up combined with the
// active value, and the sent_delta is subtracted from the delta.
void AbortCommit() {
active_base_ = active_base_.Combine(sent_delta_);
active_delta_ = PendingDelta();
sent_delta_ = T::Identity();
// Values as last pushed to the pending or active tree respectively, with no
// impl-thread delta applied.
typename T::ValueType PendingBase() const { return pending_base_.get(); }
typename T::ValueType ActiveBase() const { return active_base_.get(); }
// The new delta we would use if we decide to activate now. This delta
// excludes the amount that we expect the main thread to reflect back at the
// impl thread during the commit.
T PendingDelta() const {
if (clobber_active_value_)
return T::Identity();
return active_delta_.InverseCombine(sent_delta_);
void set_clobber_active_value() { clobber_active_value_ = true; }
bool clobber_active_value() const { return clobber_active_value_; }
// Value last committed to the pending tree.
T pending_base_;
// Value last committed to the active tree (on the last activation).
T active_base_;
// The difference between the active_base_ and the user-perceived value.
T active_delta_;
// The value sent to the main thread (on the last BeginFrame); this is always
// identity outside of the BeginFrame-to-activation interval.
T sent_delta_;
// When true the pending delta is always identity so that it does not change
// and will clobber the active value on push.
bool clobber_active_value_;
friend class base::RefCounted<SyncedProperty<T>>;
~SyncedProperty() {}
// SyncedProperty's delta-based conflict resolution logic makes sense for any
// mathematical group. In practice, there are two that are useful:
// 1. Numbers/vectors with addition and identity = 0 (like scroll offsets)
// 2. Real numbers with multiplication and identity = 1 (like page scale)
template <class V>
class AdditionGroup {
typedef V ValueType;
AdditionGroup() : value_(Identity().get()) {}
explicit AdditionGroup(V value) : value_(value) {}
V& get() { return value_; }
const V& get() const { return value_; }
static AdditionGroup<V> Identity() { return AdditionGroup(V()); } // zero
AdditionGroup<V> Combine(AdditionGroup<V> p) const {
return AdditionGroup<V>(value_ + p.value_);
AdditionGroup<V> InverseCombine(AdditionGroup<V> p) const {
return AdditionGroup<V>(value_ - p.value_);
V value_;
class ScaleGroup {
typedef float ValueType;
ScaleGroup() : value_(Identity().get()) {}
explicit ScaleGroup(float value) : value_(value) {}
float& get() { return value_; }
const float& get() const { return value_; }
static ScaleGroup Identity() { return ScaleGroup(1.f); }
ScaleGroup Combine(ScaleGroup p) const {
return ScaleGroup(value_ * p.value_);
ScaleGroup InverseCombine(ScaleGroup p) const {
return ScaleGroup(value_ / p.value_);
float value_;
} // namespace cc