blob: 67c993c6002917571699830290b4400b133b3136 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Views a trace as an annotated request dependency graph."""
import dependency_graph
import request_dependencies_lens
class RequestNode(dependency_graph.RequestNode):
"""Represents a request in the graph.
is_ad and is_tracking are set according to the ContentClassificationLens
passed to LoadingGraphView.
def __init__(self, request):
super(RequestNode, self).__init__(request)
self.is_ad = False
self.is_tracking = False
class Edge(dependency_graph.Edge):
"""Represents a dependency between two nodes.
activity is set according to the ActivityLens passed to LoadingGraphView.
def __init__(self, from_node, to_node, reason):
super(Edge, self).__init__(from_node, to_node, reason)
self.activity = {}
class LoadingGraphView(object):
"""Represents a trace as a dependency graph. The graph is annotated using
optional lenses passed to it.
def __init__(self, trace, dependencies_lens, content_lens=None,
frame_lens=None, activity=None):
"""Initalizes a LoadingGraphView instance.
trace: (LoadingTrace) a loading trace.
dependencies_lens: (RequestDependencyLens)
content_lens: (ContentClassificationLens)
frame_lens: (FrameLoadLens)
activity: (ActivityLens)
self._requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
self._deps_lens = dependencies_lens
self._content_lens = content_lens
self._frame_lens = frame_lens
self._activity_lens = activity
self._graph = None
def FromTrace(cls, trace):
"""Create a graph from a trace with no additional annotation."""
return cls(trace, request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(trace))
def RemoveAds(self):
"""Updates the graph to remove the Ads.
Nodes that are only reachable through ad nodes are excluded as well.
roots = self._graph.graph.RootNodes()
self._requests = [n.request for n in self._graph.graph.ReachableNodes(
roots, should_stop=lambda n: n.is_ad or n.is_tracking)]
def GetInversionsAtTime(self, msec):
"""Return the inversions, if any for an event.
An inversion is when a node is finished before an event, but an ancestor is
not finished. For example, an image is loaded before a first paint, but the
HTML which requested the image has not finished loading at the time of the
paint due to incremental parsing.
msec: the time of the event, from the same base as requests.
The inverted Requests, ordered by start time, or None if there is no
completed_requests = []
for rq in self._requests:
if rq.end_msec <= msec:
inversions = []
for rq in self._graph.AncestorRequests(completed_requests):
if rq.end_msec > msec:
if inversions:
inversions.sort(key=lambda rq: rq.start_msec)
return inversions
return None
def deps_graph(self):
return self._graph
def _BuildGraph(self):
self._graph = dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph(
self._requests, self._deps_lens, RequestNode, Edge)
def _AnnotateNodes(self):
if self._content_lens is None:
for node in self._graph.graph.Nodes():
node.is_ad = self._content_lens.IsAdRequest(node.request)
node.is_tracking = self._content_lens.IsTrackingRequest(node.request)
def _AnnotateEdges(self):
if self._activity_lens is None:
for edge in self._graph.graph.Edges():
dep = (edge.from_node.request, edge.to_node.request, edge.reason)
activity = self._activity_lens.BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(dep)
edge.activity = activity