blob: 1e2d3b0201e9011cf75fb78b7f8d7f23eed8b3d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/decision_details.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/lifecycle_unit_state.mojom-forward.h"
#include "content/public/browser/visibility.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
namespace resource_coordinator {
using ::mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason;
using ::mojom::LifecycleUnitLoadingState;
using ::mojom::LifecycleUnitState;
class DecisionDetails;
class LifecycleUnitObserver;
class LifecycleUnitSource;
class TabLifecycleUnitExternal;
// A LifecycleUnit represents a unit that can switch between the "loaded" and
// "discarded" states. When it is loaded, the unit uses system resources and
// provides functionality to the user. When it is discarded, the unit doesn't
// use any system resource.
class LifecycleUnit {
// Used to sort LifecycleUnit by importance using the last focused time.
// The most important LifecycleUnit has the greatest SortKey.
struct SortKey {
// Creates a SortKey based on the LifecycleUnit's last focused time.
explicit SortKey(base::TimeTicks last_focused_time);
SortKey(const SortKey& other);
bool operator<(const SortKey& other) const;
bool operator>(const SortKey& other) const;
// Last time at which the LifecycleUnit was focused. base::TimeTicks::Max()
// if the LifecycleUnit is currently focused.
base::TimeTicks last_focused_time;
virtual ~LifecycleUnit();
// Returns the LifecycleUnitSource associated with this unit.
virtual LifecycleUnitSource* GetSource() const = 0;
// Returns the TabLifecycleUnitExternal associated with this LifecycleUnit, if
// any.
virtual TabLifecycleUnitExternal* AsTabLifecycleUnitExternal() = 0;
// Returns a unique id representing this LifecycleUnit.
virtual int32_t GetID() const = 0;
// Returns a title describing this LifecycleUnit, or an empty string if no
// title is available.
virtual base::string16 GetTitle() const = 0;
// Returns the last time at which the LifecycleUnit was focused, or
// base::TimeTicks::Max() if the LifecycleUnit is currently focused.
virtual base::TimeTicks GetLastFocusedTime() const = 0;
// Returns the current visibility of this LifecycleUnit.
virtual content::Visibility GetVisibility() const = 0;
// Returns the TimeTicks from when the LifecycleUnit was hidden, or
// TimeTicks::Max() if it is currently visible.
virtual base::TimeTicks GetWallTimeWhenHidden() const = 0;
// Returns the Chrome usage time from when the LifecycleUnit was hidden, or
// TimeDelta::Max() if it is currently visible.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetChromeUsageTimeWhenHidden() const = 0;
// Returns the loading state associated with a LifecycleUnit.
virtual LifecycleUnitLoadingState GetLoadingState() const = 0;
// Returns the process hosting this LifecycleUnit. Used to distribute OOM
// scores.
// TODO(fdoray): Change this to take into account the fact that a
// LifecycleUnit can be hosted in multiple processes.
virtual base::ProcessHandle GetProcessHandle() const = 0;
// Returns a key that can be used to evaluate the relative importance of this
// LifecycleUnit. This key may not be trivial to calculate, so this should not
// be called repeatedly if the value will be reused, e.g. during a sort.
// TODO(fdoray): Figure out if GetSortKey() and CanDiscard() should be
// replaced with a method that returns a numeric value representing the
// expected user pain caused by a discard. A values above a given threshold
// would be equivalent to CanDiscard() returning false for a given
// mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason.
virtual SortKey GetSortKey() const = 0;
// Returns the current state of this LifecycleUnit.
virtual LifecycleUnitState GetState() const = 0;
// Returns the last time at which the state of this LifecycleUnit changed.
virtual base::TimeTicks GetStateChangeTime() const = 0;
// Request that the LifecycleUnit be loaded, return true if the request is
// successful.
virtual bool Load() = 0;
// Returns the estimated number of kilobytes that would be freed if this
// LifecycleUnit was discarded.
// TODO(fdoray): Consider exposing this only on a new class that represents a
// group of LifecycleUnits. It is easier to compute memory consumption
// accurately for a group of LifecycleUnits that live in the same process(es)
// than for individual LifecycleUnits.
virtual int GetEstimatedMemoryFreedOnDiscardKB() const = 0;
// Returns true if this LifecycleUnit can be frozen. Full details regarding
// the policy decision are recorded in |decision_details|, for logging.
// Returning false but with an empty |decision_details| means the transition
// is not possible for a trivial reason that doesn't need to be reported (ie,
// the page is already frozen).
virtual bool CanFreeze(DecisionDetails* decision_details) const = 0;
// Returns true if this LifecycleUnit can be discarded. Full details regarding
// the policy decision are recorded in the |decision_details|, for logging.
// Returning false but with an empty |decision_details| means the transition
// is not possible for a trivial reason that doesn't need to be reported
// (ie, the page is already discarded).
virtual bool CanDiscard(LifecycleUnitDiscardReason reason,
DecisionDetails* decision_details) const = 0;
// Request that the LifecycleUnit be frozen, return true if the request is
// successfully sent.
virtual bool Freeze() = 0;
// Unfreezes this LifecycleUnit. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Unfreeze() = 0;
// Discards this LifecycleUnit.
// TODO(fdoray): Consider handling urgent discard with groups of
// LifecycleUnits. On urgent discard, we want to minimize memory accesses. It
// is easier to achieve that if we discard a group of LifecycleUnits that live
// in the same process(es) than if we discard individual LifecycleUnits.
virtual bool Discard(LifecycleUnitDiscardReason discard_reason) = 0;
// Returns the number of times this lifecycle unit has been discarded.
virtual size_t GetDiscardCount() const = 0;
// Returns the most recent discard reason that was applied to this lifecycle
// unit. This only makes sense if the lifecycle unit has ever been discarded.
virtual LifecycleUnitDiscardReason GetDiscardReason() const = 0;
// Adds/removes an observer to this LifecycleUnit.
virtual void AddObserver(LifecycleUnitObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(LifecycleUnitObserver* observer) = 0;
// Returns the UKM source ID associated with this LifecycleUnit, if it has
// one.
virtual ukm::SourceId GetUkmSourceId() const = 0;
using LifecycleUnitSet = base::flat_set<LifecycleUnit*>;
using LifecycleUnitVector = std::vector<LifecycleUnit*>;
} // namespace resource_coordinator