blob: f831c084e1d3702e46b6d65470d46887f5db698b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
* in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/manifest/web_display_mode.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_drag_operation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_focus_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_string.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
namespace cc {
class PaintCanvas;
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Rect;
namespace blink {
class PageScheduler;
class WebFrame;
class WebHitTestResult;
class WebLocalFrame;
class WebPageImportanceSignals;
class WebPagePopup;
class WebPrerendererClient;
class WebRemoteFrame;
class WebSettings;
class WebString;
class WebViewClient;
class WebWidget;
class WebWidgetClient;
struct WebDeviceEmulationParams;
struct WebFloatPoint;
struct WebFloatSize;
struct WebPluginAction;
struct WebRect;
struct WebSize;
struct WebWindowFeatures;
class WebView {
BLINK_EXPORT static const double kTextSizeMultiplierRatio;
BLINK_EXPORT static const double kMinTextSizeMultiplier;
BLINK_EXPORT static const double kMaxTextSizeMultiplier;
enum StyleInjectionTarget {
// Initialization ------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a WebView that is NOT yet initialized. To complete initialization,
// call WebLocalFrame::CreateMainFrame() or WebRemoteFrame::CreateMainFrame()
// as appropriate. It is legal to modify settings before completing
// initialization.
// clients may be null, but should both be null or not together.
// |is_hidden| defines the initial visibility of the page.
// |compositing_enabled| dictates whether accelerated compositing should be
// enabled for the page. It must be false if no clients are provided, or if a
// LayerTreeView will not be set for the WebWidget.
// TODO(danakj): This field should go away as WebWidgets always composite
// their output.
BLINK_EXPORT static WebView* Create(WebViewClient*,
bool is_hidden,
bool compositing_enabled,
WebView* opener);
// Called to inform WebViewImpl that a local main frame has been attached.
// After this call MainFrameImpl() will return a valid frame until it is
// detached. It receives the WebWidgetClient* that provides input/compositing
// services for the attached main frame.
// This must be called for composited WebViews. Non-composited WebViews do not
// require a WebWidgetClient, but must call this in order to establish one.
virtual void DidAttachLocalMainFrame(WebWidgetClient*) = 0;
// Called to inform WebViewImpl that it has an initial remote main frame. This
// is a hack to just get a WebWidgetClient to WebViewImpl since it expects to
// always have one at this time.
// This does *NOT* need to be called every time a remote main frame exists,
// but is meant to be called when WebViewImpl is initialized with a remote
// main frame, since it will not receive a WebWidgetClient otherwise.
// TODO(danakj): Remove this method when WebViewImpl does not need a
// WebWidgetClient without a local main frame. At that point it should
// also drop the WebWidgetClient when a local main frame is detached.
// This must only be called for composited WebViews. Non-composited WebViews
// do not require a WebWidgetClient.
virtual void DidAttachRemoteMainFrame(WebWidgetClient*) = 0;
// Initializes the various client interfaces.
virtual void SetPrerendererClient(WebPrerendererClient*) = 0;
// Options -------------------------------------------------------------
// The returned pointer is valid for the lifetime of the WebView.
virtual WebSettings* GetSettings() = 0;
// Corresponds to the encoding of the main frame. Setting the page
// encoding may cause the main frame to reload.
virtual WebString PageEncoding() const = 0;
// Controls whether pressing Tab key advances focus to links.
virtual bool TabsToLinks() const = 0;
virtual void SetTabsToLinks(bool) = 0;
// Method that controls whether pressing Tab key cycles through page
// elements or inserts a '\t' char in the focused text area.
virtual bool TabKeyCyclesThroughElements() const = 0;
virtual void SetTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(bool) = 0;
// Controls the WebView's active state, which may affect the rendering
// of elements on the page (i.e., tinting of input elements).
virtual bool IsActive() const = 0;
virtual void SetIsActive(bool) = 0;
// Allows disabling domain relaxation.
virtual void SetDomainRelaxationForbidden(bool, const WebString& scheme) = 0;
// Allows setting the state of the various bars exposed via BarProp
// properties on the window object. The size related fields of
// WebWindowFeatures are ignored.
virtual void SetWindowFeatures(const WebWindowFeatures&) = 0;
// Marks the WebView as being opened by a DOM call. This is relevant
// for whether window.close() may be called.
virtual void SetOpenedByDOM() = 0;
// Frames --------------------------------------------------------------
virtual WebFrame* MainFrame() = 0;
// Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------
virtual WebLocalFrame* FocusedFrame() = 0;
virtual void SetFocusedFrame(WebFrame*) = 0;
// Sets the provided frame as focused and fires blur/focus events on any
// currently focused elements in old/new focused documents. Note that this
// is different from setFocusedFrame, which does not fire events on focused
// elements.
virtual void FocusDocumentView(WebFrame*) = 0;
// Focus the first (last if reverse is true) focusable node.
virtual void SetInitialFocus(bool reverse) = 0;
// Clears the focused element (and selection if a text field is focused)
// to ensure that a text field on the page is not eating keystrokes we
// send it.
virtual void ClearFocusedElement() = 0;
// Smooth scroll the root layer to |targetX|, |targetY| in |durationMs|.
virtual void SmoothScroll(int target_x, int target_y, uint64_t duration_ms) {}
// Advance the focus of the WebView forward to the next element or to the
// previous element in the tab sequence (if reverse is true).
virtual void AdvanceFocus(bool reverse) {}
// Advance the focus from the frame |from| to the next in sequence
// (determined by WebFocusType) focusable element in frame |to|. Used when
// focus needs to advance to/from a cross-process frame.
virtual void AdvanceFocusAcrossFrames(WebFocusType,
WebRemoteFrame* from,
WebLocalFrame* to) {}
// Zoom ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the current zoom level. 0 is "original size", and each increment
// above or below represents zooming 20% larger or smaller to default limits
// of 300% and 50% of original size, respectively. Only plugins use
// non whole-numbers, since they might choose to have specific zoom level so
// that fixed-width content is fit-to-page-width, for example.
virtual double ZoomLevel() = 0;
// Changes the zoom level to the specified level, clamping at the limits
// noted above, and returns the current zoom level after applying the
// change.
virtual double SetZoomLevel(double) = 0;
// Updates the zoom limits for this view.
virtual void ZoomLimitsChanged(double minimum_zoom_level,
double maximum_zoom_level) = 0;
// Helper functions to convert between zoom level and zoom factor. zoom
// factor is zoom percent / 100, so 300% = 3.0.
BLINK_EXPORT static double ZoomLevelToZoomFactor(double zoom_level);
BLINK_EXPORT static double ZoomFactorToZoomLevel(double factor);
// Returns the current text zoom factor, where 1.0 is the normal size, > 1.0
// is scaled up and < 1.0 is scaled down.
virtual float TextZoomFactor() = 0;
// Scales the text in the page by a factor of textZoomFactor.
// Note: this has no effect on plugins.
virtual float SetTextZoomFactor(float) = 0;
// Gets the scale factor of the page, where 1.0 is the normal size, > 1.0
// is scaled up, < 1.0 is scaled down.
virtual float PageScaleFactor() const = 0;
// Scales the page without affecting layout by using the visual viewport.
virtual void SetPageScaleFactor(float) = 0;
// Minimum and Maximum as computed as a combination of default, page defined,
// UA, etc. constraints.
virtual float MinimumPageScaleFactor() const = 0;
virtual float MaximumPageScaleFactor() const = 0;
// Sets the offset of the visual viewport within the main frame, in
// partial CSS pixels. The offset will be clamped so the visual viewport
// stays within the frame's bounds.
virtual void SetVisualViewportOffset(const WebFloatPoint&) = 0;
// Gets the visual viewport's current offset within the page's main frame,
// in partial CSS pixels.
virtual WebFloatPoint VisualViewportOffset() const = 0;
// Get the visual viewport's size in CSS pixels.
virtual WebFloatSize VisualViewportSize() const = 0;
// Sets the default minimum, and maximum page scale. These will be overridden
// by the page or by the overrides below if they are set.
virtual void SetDefaultPageScaleLimits(float min_scale, float max_scale) = 0;
// Sets the initial page scale to the given factor. This scale setting
// overrides
// page scale set in the page's viewport meta tag.
virtual void SetInitialPageScaleOverride(float) = 0;
// Sets the maximum page scale considered to be legible. Automatic zooms (e.g,
// double-tap or find in page) will have the page scale limited to this value
// times the font scale factor. Manual pinch zoom will not be affected by this
// limit.
virtual void SetMaximumLegibleScale(float) = 0;
// Reset any saved values for the scroll and scale state.
virtual void ResetScrollAndScaleState() = 0;
// Prevent the web page from setting min/max scale via the viewport meta
// tag. This is an accessibility feature that lets folks zoom in to web
// pages even if the web page tries to block scaling.
virtual void SetIgnoreViewportTagScaleLimits(bool) = 0;
// Returns the "preferred" contents size, defined as the preferred minimum
// width of the main document's contents and the minimum height required to
// display the main document without scrollbars. If the document is in quirks
// mode (does not have <!doctype html>), the height will stretch to fill the
// viewport. The returned size has the page zoom factor applied. The lifecycle
// must be updated to at least layout before calling (see: |UpdateLifecycle|).
virtual WebSize ContentsPreferredMinimumSize() = 0;
// Requests a page-scale animation based on the specified point/rect.
virtual void AnimateDoubleTapZoom(const gfx::Point&, const WebRect&) = 0;
// Requests a page-scale animation based on the specified rect.
virtual void ZoomToFindInPageRect(const WebRect&) = 0;
// Sets the display mode of the web app.
virtual void SetDisplayMode(WebDisplayMode) = 0;
// Sets the ratio as computed by computePageScaleConstraints.
// TODO(oshima): Remove this once the device scale factor implementation is
// fully migrated to use zooming mechanism.
virtual void SetDeviceScaleFactor(float) = 0;
// Sets the additional zoom factor used for device scale factor. This is used
// to scale the content by the device scale factor, without affecting zoom
// level.
virtual void SetZoomFactorForDeviceScaleFactor(float) = 0;
virtual float ZoomFactorForDeviceScaleFactor() = 0;
// Resize the view at the same time as changing the state of the top
// controls. If |browser_controls_shrink_layout| is true, the embedder shrunk
// the WebView size by the browser controls height.
virtual void ResizeWithBrowserControls(
const WebSize&,
float top_controls_height,
float bottom_controls_height,
bool browser_controls_shrink_layout) = 0;
// Auto-Resize -----------------------------------------------------------
// In auto-resize mode, the view is automatically adjusted to fit the html
// content within the given bounds.
virtual void EnableAutoResizeMode(const WebSize& min_size,
const WebSize& max_size) = 0;
// Turn off auto-resize.
virtual void DisableAutoResizeMode() = 0;
// Media ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs the specified plugin action on the node at the given location.
virtual void PerformPluginAction(const WebPluginAction&,
const gfx::Point& location) = 0;
// Notifies WebView when audio is started or stopped.
virtual void AudioStateChanged(bool is_audio_playing) = 0;
// Data exchange -------------------------------------------------------
// Do a hit test equivalent to what would be done for a GestureTap event
// that has width/height corresponding to the supplied |tapArea|.
virtual WebHitTestResult HitTestResultForTap(const gfx::Point& tap_point,
const WebSize& tap_area) = 0;
// Support for resource loading initiated by plugins -------------------
// Returns next unused request identifier which is unique within the
// parent Page.
virtual uint64_t CreateUniqueIdentifierForRequest() = 0;
// Developer tools -----------------------------------------------------
// Enables device emulation as specified in params.
virtual void EnableDeviceEmulation(const WebDeviceEmulationParams&) = 0;
// Cancel emulation started via |enableDeviceEmulation| call.
virtual void DisableDeviceEmulation() = 0;
// Context menu --------------------------------------------------------
virtual void PerformCustomContextMenuAction(unsigned action) = 0;
// Notify that context menu has been closed.
virtual void DidCloseContextMenu() = 0;
// Popup menu ----------------------------------------------------------
// Sets whether select popup menus should be rendered by the browser.
BLINK_EXPORT static void SetUseExternalPopupMenus(bool);
// Cancels and hides the current popup (datetime, select...) if any.
virtual void CancelPagePopup() = 0;
// Returns the current popup if any.
virtual WebPagePopup* GetPagePopup() const = 0;
// Visited link state --------------------------------------------------
// Tells all WebView instances to update the visited link state for the
// specified hash.
BLINK_EXPORT static void UpdateVisitedLinkState(uint64_t hash);
// Tells all WebView instances to update the visited state for all
// their links. Use invalidateVisitedLinkHashes to inform that the visitedlink
// table was changed and the salt was changed too. And all cached visitedlink
// hashes need to be recalculated.
BLINK_EXPORT static void ResetVisitedLinkState(
bool invalidate_visited_link_hashes);
// Custom colors -------------------------------------------------------
virtual void SetSelectionColors(unsigned active_background_color,
unsigned active_foreground_color,
unsigned inactive_background_color,
unsigned inactive_foreground_color) = 0;
// Sets the default background color when the page has not loaded enough to
// know a background colour. This can be overridden by the methods below as
// well.
virtual void SetBaseBackgroundColor(SkColor) {}
// Overrides the page's background and base background color. You
// can use this to enforce a transparent background, which is useful if you
// want to have some custom background rendered behind the widget.
// These may are only called for composited WebViews.
virtual void SetBackgroundColorOverride(SkColor) {}
virtual void ClearBackgroundColorOverride() {}
virtual void SetBaseBackgroundColorOverride(SkColor) {}
virtual void ClearBaseBackgroundColorOverride() {}
// Modal dialog support ------------------------------------------------
// Call these methods before and after running a nested, modal event loop
// to suspend script callbacks and resource loads.
BLINK_EXPORT static void WillEnterModalLoop();
BLINK_EXPORT static void DidExitModalLoop();
// Scheduling -----------------------------------------------------------
virtual PageScheduler* Scheduler() const = 0;
// Visibility -----------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the visibility of the WebView.
virtual void SetIsHidden(bool hidden, bool is_initial_state) = 0;
virtual bool IsHidden() = 0;
// FrameOverlay ----------------------------------------------------------
// Overlay this WebView with a solid color.
virtual void SetMainFrameOverlayColor(SkColor) = 0;
// Page Importance Signals ----------------------------------------------
virtual WebPageImportanceSignals* PageImportanceSignals() { return nullptr; }
// i18n -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Inform the WebView that the accept languages have changed.
// If the WebView wants to get the accept languages value, it will have
// to call the WebViewClient::acceptLanguages().
virtual void AcceptLanguagesChanged() = 0;
// Lifecycle state ------------------------------------------------------
// Freezes or unfreezes the page and all the local frames.
virtual void SetPageFrozen(bool frozen) = 0;
// Testing functionality for TestRunner ---------------------------------
// Force the webgl context to fail so that webglcontextcreationerror
// event gets generated/tested.
virtual void ForceNextWebGLContextCreationToFail() = 0;
// Force the drawing buffer used by webgl contexts to fail so that the webgl
// context's ability to deal with that failure gracefully can be tested.
virtual void ForceNextDrawingBufferCreationToFail() = 0;
// Autoplay configuration -----------------------------------------------
// Sets the autoplay flags for this webview's page.
// The valid flags are defined in
// third_party/blink/public/platform/autoplay.mojom
virtual void AddAutoplayFlags(int32_t flags) = 0;
virtual void ClearAutoplayFlags() = 0;
virtual int32_t AutoplayFlagsForTest() = 0;
// Non-composited support -----------------------------------------------
// Called to paint the rectangular region within the WebView's main frame
// onto the specified canvas at (viewport.x, viewport.y). This is to provide
// support for non-composited WebViews, and is used to paint into a
// PaintCanvas being supplied by another (composited) WebView.
// Before calling PaintContent(), the caller must ensure the lifecycle of the
// widget's frame is clean by calling UpdateLifecycle(LifecycleUpdate::All).
// It is okay to call paint multiple times once the lifecycle is clean,
// assuming no other changes are made to the WebWidget (e.g., once
// events are processed, it should be assumed that another call to
// UpdateLifecycle is warranted before painting again). Paints starting from
// the main LayoutView's property tree state, thus ignoring any transient
// transormations (e.g. pinch-zoom, dev tools emulation, etc.).
// The painting will be performed without applying the DevicePixelRatio as
// scaling is expected to already be applied to the PaintCanvas by the
// composited WebView which supplied the PaintCanvas. The canvas state may
// be modified and should be saved before calling this method and restored
// after.
virtual void PaintContent(cc::PaintCanvas*, const gfx::Rect& viewport) = 0;
// Suspend and resume ---------------------------------------------------
// TODO(lfg): Remove this once the refactor of WebView/WebWidget is
// completed.
virtual WebWidget* MainFrameWidget() = 0;
// Portals --------------------------------------------------------------
// Informs the page that it is inside a portal.
virtual void SetInsidePortal(bool inside_portal) = 0;
~WebView() = default;
} // namespace blink